I have a 4S and was able to go all day last year without trouble. I took about 150-175 pictures each day and would regularly check weather and social media throughout the day and then make about a 10 minute phone call each night to my wife. By the end of the day I would be close to needing a charge, but I didn't have any trouble not making through the day. I would use RunKeeper sparingly. Anything that uses GPS will drain your battery faster, especially on a clogged network like you'll see around Oshkosh during AirVenture.

As for closing apps, I've read conflicting opinions on the benefit of that. Personally, I've only ever closed apps this way if they aren't responding. In my normal day-to-day life I consistently get about 2 days per charge so I guess I don't see much value in closing apps as a way to preserve battery.

Here is a good list of simple setting adjustments you can make to maximize life. Have fun!