Good luck Jo - but you bring up another somewhat potentially scary point. Is it really a good idea for a freshly-minted barely-minimum-hours-for-the-license (read more or less completely inexperienced) pilot to be doing the first flights and phase I flight testing on a brand new, never-been-tested airplane? Let's say Buzz Air's place is somewhere else, you're going to go to some other part of the country, probably learn at a pilot-controlled (uncontrolled / non-towered) field, slam through a quick course, then return to your home area.
Inevitably, a few months pass, then things get to the point where you are going to make a first flight in a brand new, just built airplane. Not only "just" learning a new airport, a new pattern, where traffic comes from and goes to getting in and out of there, maybe working with a different kind of traffic - more jets, more instrument training, hotrod Bonanza pilots calling multi-mile straight-ins and expecting you to compensate (my "problem" last weekend), remembering what you learned, remembering what switches to throw in what order, remembering what radios to tune to what frequencies and when, trying to deciper what's that buzzing in the headset, what's that smell, what's that sound, why's that feel that way, where do I turn to get to the runway?
You're going to find out if:
You built it all right. All the wires are going to hold the smoke in, or better yet, not set something on fire. You're going to monitor engine instruments you've never flown with before that look into an engine that has never flown before - and instantaneously make sense of that data (remember - where's the pattern, where's that traffic, I'm supposed to say what, push what, flip what, pull what, hear what) - is that normal, or does that indicate a leak? Should I just go around the pattern and land? Why's the stick pulling so hard? Why's the ball so far off-center? Does that look right? Why did I invite so many people to watch? Did I put the fire extinguisher on board? Is that overcast high enough? What's the wind doing? What am I doing about the wind? Man, those power lines are close.
And then there's daylight under the tires for the first time...
Good luck with all that.