I thought of another video that might helpful. When I ordered my Garmin GTX 327 transponder, I also had the vendor create a labeled wiring harness to make things a little easier for my installation. When I started working on installing the harness, I found that there were a lot wires that I didn't need for the installation, since I'm only going to connect my transponder to my Dynon D-100. The one wire I did need wasn't there, in pin #19, which hooks to the Dynon 100. Then I watched the following video:


This video taught how to install male pins into a round connector. It also showed how to remove the pins, once installed, using a small tool that when inserted into a pin hole would release any pin already installed. I used my version of the tool to remove the wires that I didn't need and transferred one of the wires to pin hole #19, to use to connect to my Dynon D-100.

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Since many of the current avionics use 25 pin connectors, I think it would make a great video to show not only the installation and removal of the male pins in these type connectors, but the female pins as well.