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Thread: No more Chad?

  1. #21
    Mike Switzer's Avatar
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    Ron, I'm thinking more of how the recent history of personnel changes looks to someone who might have been considering applying for one of the open positions they have been advertising.

    Speaking from my personal experience, there are a couple manufacturing businesses near me that are always running ads for engineers. I did some checking & found out the average time someone stays there is less than 18 months. I decided I wasn't interested.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Mike that is why they are always looking. Its places like this that must look outside their area for employee's, for everyone whom lives close by know how they treat people. They will be the ones to say..No good workers around. When its really, no one wants to work for them, that matter that is.

  3. #23
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Switzer View Post
    Ron, I'm thinking more of how the recent history of personnel changes looks to someone who might have been considering applying for one of the open positions they have been advertising.
    True, but while I think that makes potential applicants cautious, I don't know if that'll make them shy away. If they ask about it during the application, it's easy for the interviewer to brush off ("Oh, we've got a new CEO, new broom, and all that..."). I don't believe EAA has a long-term history of hire-and-fire; most of of the personnel actions started with the economic turndown of several years back...which, again, makes it easier to explain away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Switzer View Post
    Speaking from my personal experience, there are a couple manufacturing businesses near me that are always running ads for engineers. I did some checking & found out the average time someone stays there is less than 18 months. I decided I wasn't interested.
    Yes, but me and you ain't one of them gol-darn kids (Get off my lawn!). Youngsters today aren't really interested in long-term employment; some of them view quitting a job when they get tired of it or when they feel like a long break as just a normal practice. No family, sharing an apartment with a kindred soul, maybe a beat-up old car. Not a major issue to up and quit, as long as there are other jobs.

    I'm a member of the Engineer's union at Boeing Seattle. We just nearly had a strike over pension plans...the company offer was identical to our last contract, except it eliminated pension plans for new-hires in favor of a 401K plan. There was a lot of agonizing over this... we didn't like the new hires NOT having the same opportunity for a comfortable retirement after a long career as we did. But, almost universally, the younger engineers didn't see it as that big of a thing. They didn't plan on staying with a single employer all that long (I hit 30 years with Boeing this week...sigh), and didn't see any benefits from a strike over a system they didn't want.

    Ron Wanttaja

  4. #24
    Flyfalcons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Bryan View Post
    Guys, I can't, and, more importantly, won't say much, but any action along these lines would be strictly a personnel decision, and has absolutely no reflection on Chad's performance in his multiple areas of responsibility. In addition, this in absolutely no way indicates any change in direction on the part of EAA with respect to what I hope all of you are seeing as our renewed "balance" in terms of focus on homebuilding, the relaunch of Experimenter, our reinforced commitment to SportAir workshops, etc.

    On a personal note, Chad is a great friend, and a highly competent and respected colleague, and none of us wish him anything but the best regardless of his future direction.
    Odd, I thought this was an organization by the membership and for the membership. I'm struggling to find a reason to renew anymore.
    Ryan Winslow
    EAA 525529
    Stinson 108-1 "Big Red", RV-7 under construction

  5. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyfalcons View Post
    Odd, I thought this was an organization by the membership and for the membership. I'm struggling to find a reason to renew anymore.
    After reading the magazine lately I'm finding it difficult tp renew as well. It seems the "EAA" is fast becoming "GAA". Lots of stories on factory built planes and kits but very light on true building info. The tips articles are great but there's not enough in my opinion. Maybe if Chad starts writing articles on biz jets and glass cockpits he can get his job back?

  6. #26
    dewi8095's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Knapinski View Post
    Any other speculative conclusions without knowledge of the situation are both incorrect and a disservice to Chad.
    Well, I don't understand this position. This appears to be a dismissal, not a voluntary departure. If we don't get creditable information about the dismissal of a staffer that the membership respected highly, what are we to conclude? Seems to me that if Chad's welfare were forefront, it would have been noted that he left for a better position or something similar. We need some information or speculation will be rampant. Sounds like a "trust us, we did the right thing scenario."


  7. #27
    Bob Collins's Avatar
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    I'm not engaging in speculation. The personnel matters are the EAA matters. However, I'd be very careful, EAA, in any suggestion that the members don't have some skin in the game here and the cone of silence just isn't going to work here. Chad was brought in to further establish the homebuilder community, he did that and from what everyone says, he did it well. It is, however, another amplification of an ongoing question: What...the...hell... is going....on...over... there? I mean, seriously, we finally got rid of Hightower, Jack Pelton seems like an affable chap, Chad's doing a good job... he just bought a house in Oshkosh and --wham.

    When Chad was hired, EAA pointed out -- correctly -- that this was a statement to the entire homebuilding community. So, perhaps you can understand why his dismissal is a statement, too. When Hightower gassed so many people a couple of years ago, Chad was the good soldier for the organization, pointing out that the homebuilder representative had been elevated to senior management and "had a place at the adult table."

    So when that place setting is removed, it carries a significant message. You get that, right? Just tell me you get that and I'll feel better.
    Last edited by Bob Collins; 03-17-2013 at 06:10 PM.

  8. #28
    Sonex1517's Avatar
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    Well said Bob, well said.

    Robbie Culver
    Robbie Culver
    Sonex #1517
    Currently working on the wings

  9. #29

    Join Date
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    Bob Collins hit the nail on the head .That was my thoughts exactly , just couldn't word it better than that. They had better not sweep this under the rug.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RV8505 View Post
    Taken from the Van's Airforce Web Site. In Chad's own words.
    It's true folks. I'm hoping this can be reversed, but I was released on Friday. Didn't want to leave in the least and my hope is that I gt it back...soon.
    Chad Jensen
    2013 dues paid
    EAA Homebuilders Community Manager
    I believe we should give Chad's own words the creedance due rather than speculative stuff going on here. His words suggest that he believes he was wrongfully dismissed and that this event is far from being a fait a complis. In reading between the lines as well there is more here than work related.

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