Thanks Malexander.
I've been fortunate to be around people that have shared their experiences with me. I've also had some real fun experiences in aviation. I'll post a picture of one my most fun ones..
The back of the head in the photo is Chuck Yeager. This was taken from the backseat of his P-51 at EAA in '96. In the back of the other Mustang is Rusty Wallace [the NASCAR driver]. They are flying formation with my Cessna Skymaster being flown by a friend of mine [as I mentioned in a previous post, I owned the 337 for business but never checked out in it]. You can see there is a ball on the side of the Skymaster. That's a $400K TV camera I had mounted on it. We were shooting a segment for ESPN. Yeager formed up under our tail right after this shot. We were looking down in his canopy and one could watch him move the stick and watch him actually flying the airplane.
Watching him fly through the TV monitor in our plane was a treat. It was like his P-51 was on a rail off the bottom of the Skymaster. You could see the unbelievable touch he had. There were 3 other P-51s in trail below us at the time all trying to hold position on him and the others were bouncing all over the place in comparison.
I really got a chance to talk with him a lot that year and heard some of his stories. [Miller sponsored the plane and we did a TON of aerial coverage for the 5 networks on NASCAR, Indycar, MLB, NFL, etc. We were talking to Chuck for several months after EAA about flying the plane during coverage of a World Series game and then putting a lipstick camera on the dash and have him chat with the guys doing the game coverage. The network doing the Series that year had already committed the aerial coverage duties to someone else, so it never materialized.]
I love ultralight flying. It's still the best form of aviation out there for the pure experience in my opinion.
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