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Thread: AirVenture 2012 Webcam Official Thread

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by orvie6 View Post
    Will the webcams be available on the Sporty's App?
    No, the cameras are not on the Sporty's app.

  2. #22
    Eric Page's Avatar
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    Toledo, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by wyoranch View Post
    My open in a new window is grayed out. So for now I just open a new window and paste the links above into each window. Perhaps it is just a windows 7 thing.
    Maximize your browser so it fills the screen.
    While holding down Shift, click on each of these links:

    - This should give you three windows with a camera feed in each.

    If not:

    Hold down Ctrl while clicking each of the three links above.
    - This will open each in a new tab.
    Hover your pointer over each tab, click and hold, and drag the tab downward.
    - This will turn it into a separate window.
    Resize windows as desired.

    Enjoy the show!
    Eric Page
    Building: Kitfox 5 Safari | Rotax 912iS | Dynon HDX
    Member: EAA Lifetime, AOPA, ALPA
    ATP: AMEL | Comm: ASEL, Glider | ATCS: CTO
    Map of Landings

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Bryan View Post
    Yes - they'll be featured on the "AirVenture Live" page ( once it's been fully updated for 2012. It may be done now, I haven't checked in a few hours.
    Great, I figured you folks had something in the works. Thanks for all the work you do, can't wait to get up there!

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Greenville, Ohio
    Is there a problem with the Ultralight Cam or is my timing just off?... I have tried to view it several times today and all I get is the view of the Beach 18 parked in the grass..does not seem to be panning as usual.. Also notice some 'holds' in the warbird cam.. Just wondering..seems the Beta version was always moving..

  5. #25

    Join Date
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    Hartford, WI
    Heavy arrival and departure time we often park the cameras. If the little clock in the bottom left is changing, it's live video.

  6. #26
    Jim Rosenow's Avatar
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    1 vote for 'parking' on the active runway end, Paul...thanks!


  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Greenville, Ohio
    Thanks Paul for the info... my first year viewing the cams and was not familuar with your protocol...but understand and think it is a good idea.. Will continue to watch over the next few days until Wed...driving up then and will be there in person thru Saturday night... be nice to watch the airshow and other cams with the family before I leave so they will know what to look for while I am gone.. Again..nice work guys.

  8. #28
    During the week, we do change the tours of the cameras from time to time. Some times we will park them in one spot, like today when we are more likely to see a fair amount of landing traffic, or we will modify the tour to allow more runway time, but still cover some of the grounds as well.

    The warbird camera was configured to cover more of the runways today, but still move around the grounds.

    While running the beta testing, we had the cameras on a almost continuious roam because of the low traffic and more activity around the grounds.

    I personally like seeing how quickly things get set up as the show nears and explodes into a city.

    Hope you enjoy them.

    Last edited by Todd Ritzman; 07-20-2012 at 08:49 PM.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Greenville, Ohio
    Todd, Yes..I like the layout of the cams and the coverage provided...Im sure that over the next two days the activity will increase even more.. I would think that the air show performers would be in on Sunday and look forward to seeing "Aeroshell Square" (Im a diehard!!) fill up more..

  10. #30
    The first day of the airshow is Monday. I am sure the performers are enroute and some of them are probably there already.

    The Vintage camera does have a good view of the Phillips 66 Plaza (main ramp area), but we cannot see the aerobatic parking area east of the Wittman Rd.

    As some of the aircraft do get parked on the Phillips 66 Plaza, we will add some stops to the camera to highlight them.


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