Since someone argued that the Disney comparison is invalid, here's some other non-EAA aviation events by comparison:

European Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition (3 days; Geneva, Switzerland) $260 for non-NBAA/EBAA member (includes a 3 month membership)/$145 for NBAA/EBAA member

AOPA Summit $340 for the full "package" (which includes some off-site activities)

New Jersey Aviation Conference (1 day) $50

Texas Aviation Conference (3 days) $175 or $250 on-site

SAFE Symposium Member $300/$400 at the door Non-member $450/$500 at the door

Montana Aviation Conference $140 per person or $270 for a person and their spouse

Yes, I know a lot of these are not "general aviation" themed by the definition of this forum, but there just aren't that many GA only events. I don't think any of them have half the stuff AirVenture does either....