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Thread: Instrument Training in Tandem Aircraft

  1. #1

    Instrument Training in Tandem Aircraft

    I have an experimental Cub with a glass panel and no instruments in the back seat. I am hoping to get instrument rated but doubted that there are instructors out there who would be willing to train in my plane. I thought about offering to give them opera glasses so they can see the panel from the back seat but I'm guessing this wouldn't "fly" either . Does anyone out there have experience with this? Living in western Washington we often have a marine layer with blue skies less than 1000' fit up and plenty of VFR elsewhere so this is my main motivation.

  2. #2
    Aerowerk's Avatar
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    That seems like a stretch to me. An important part of that rating is the instructor being able to see the panel, what the student is doing, and to help early on. Also an important part of the training is to get real IMC experience. No way would any CFII instruct from the back seat in real IMC with no instruments.

    There is IFR light flying, but no IFR light rating.

  3. #3
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    I agree that getting IR training in your plane is most likely a no-go. It would be better to get your rating in a typical rental trainer then move back to your plane assuming that your OPLIMs are appropriately worded, your plane is equipped IAW 91.205 and it has current 91.411 and 413 inspections.
    Last edited by Auburntsts; 12-16-2024 at 08:58 PM.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
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  4. #4
    gmatejcek's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Years ago I had a friend who got his instrument ticket in a Citabria, so it is certainly possible. However, you have to have an instructor and DPE willing to do that. Another buddy has a DPE lined up that is willing to do his commercial ride in a Skybolt. Finding the right peeps will be the tricky part, but were it me I'd get to know the antique airplane crowd and see it they know any old schoolers who could help you out.

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