Howdy guys and gals,
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I have been A&P mechanic on the Treasure Coast of Florida. I have completed my Rotax Aircraft engine training in October 2023 and am interested in offering (extending) my services to the experimental and LSA community.
I am quite impressed with these modern Rotax aircraft engines. They prefer Automotive fuel yet run fine on 100LL. They are one of the higher power to weight ratio engines and highly efficient with several models going to 2000 TBO, 100 hour oil changes, and regular compressions of 87/87 (we use 6 BAR = 87psig) and great fuel efficiency/range... I could easily continue to go on.
The fuel injected 9 series engines require a BUDS set for maintenance (also known as a 'dongle') to download the engine computer information (annual archive and reset) and to read the diagnostic fault codes when we get a warning light.
I am looking to purchase a BUDS Set from someone who no longer needs it and has it is just sitting on a shelf (or drawer) collecting dust.
For you ole timers' BUDS is like the new fangled scanner they use at the auto repair shop when your check engine light comes on in your car.
If you, or someone you know. has one and no longer uses it, I am ready to take it off of your hand$ and it would be greatly appreciated and helpful to everyone not only at my local chapter 692, Stuart, Florida but adjacent airports on the Treasure Coast region of the Southeast.
Kurt S
The BRPUtility and Diagnostic Software (B.U.D.S.) for Rotax aircraft engines is your window into the engine management system. B.U.D.S. gives technicians and engineers the engine diagnostics they need to keep AOG grounding short, preventive maintenance efficient, and aircraft availability high.