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Thread: Chapter needs machining and welding help in Northern California

  1. #1

    Chapter needs machining and welding help in Northern California

    Chapter 1432 in Stockton has two Thorp T-211s donated by Indusav for assembly by our students at Stockton Airport (KSCK). Unfortunately, some of the landing gear parts were unavailable. Dr. Ram Pattisapu, CEO of Indusav, sent us the necessary drawings to make them or have them made, though. We need pistons, piston bearings, and axle assemblies made. The pistons are thick-walled 4130 tubes that require turning on a lathe, hard chroming, and welding. We have a set for one airplane, so we need two main and one nose landing gear piston. The bearings are turned from 2024-T3. The axle assemblies are 4130 tubes welded together. We need four main and two nose gear bearings and four axle assemblies.

    If someone is interested in helping us get these projects moving, it would be greatly appreciated. Our chapter is a 501 (c)(3) organization, and we're working with another local 501(c)(3) organization that's dedicated to getting young people into aviation. We have some money to get this done, but it's limited.

    Send me a PM if you can help. I'll reply with contact information

    Gary Prost
    Chapter 1432

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Justin, Texas
    Gary: I sent a query to an acquaintance that's on the field to see if he knows of anyone that could be of assistance. May take a few days to a couple of weeks to hear back from him.

  3. #3
    Thank you! I think we met while I was visiting down there.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Justin, Texas
    Hey Gary, Finally heard by from my buddy. He says they use DKW over in Manteka for their work. Could be we met. I hang out at Chapter 661, and 670 these days and at a friend's place over on Propwash, when I'm able to get away from the house and work.

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