Hmmm. Interesting case.
Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
RV-10 N728TT - Flying
EAA Lifetime Member
While tragic this will only get worse, the FAA has made everything cost prohibitive by granting a bunch of little mini monopolies and making DIY stuff VERY difficult.
Did this guy sign off his own plane or was he doing this for hire? Big difference, if it was his own plane he would have been better off just not doing an annual as there is no falsification then.
The A&P/IA is particularly problematic as its quite onerous to get and every owner needs one and there are fewer and fewer IA's around to sign off planes which means prices go up, not everyone flying is a multi millionare.
Since much of the audience on this forum deals with Experimental Aircraft, it might be prudent to mention that IA is not required to sign off the Annual Condition Inspection for most Experimental aircraft.
Mel, DAR since the Last Century, Specializing in Light-Sport and Experimental Aircraft. Certificated over 1,200 Light-Sport & Experimental aircraft.
Mel, DAR since the Last Century, Specializing in Light-Sport and Experimental Aircraft. Certificated over 1,200 Light-Sport & Experimental aircraft.
What do you do about engine and prop work, its like pulling teeth to get things like constant speed prop overhaul manuals, if you subscribe then its thousands a year. I think the same goes for lycoming engines, luckily I was able to get ahold of the lycominb direct drive manaul but the parts seem to be problematic to buy (at least affordably)
For those that know, how much more difficult is it to get an A&P vs a repairmans cert? I have heard the IA is not to bad as its just a computer test so if your good at tests it much better
Eric Page
Building: Kitfox 5 Safari | Rotax 912iS | Dynon HDX
Member: EAA Lifetime, AOPA, ALPA
ATP: AMEL | Comm: ASEL, Glider | ATCS: CTO
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