Hi everyone. Anyone have any tips on swinging a new compass install on an RV6, amateur built? Do I need a compass rose or is there another better way to do it?
Thanks for any suggestions
Hi everyone. Anyone have any tips on swinging a new compass install on an RV6, amateur built? Do I need a compass rose or is there another better way to do it?
Thanks for any suggestions
EAA has a Tony Bingelis article online, on that very subject:
There's a lot of stuff you're SUPPOSED to do on a compass swing...have the plane propped up at flight attitude, pointing North on a compass rose, crank up the engine, fire up the all the avionics and lights, note the compass reading in all these different conditions. THEN shut the engine down, get out, re-orient the plane to East, and repeat. Repeat for South. Repeat for West. Better repeat for North again. Then do it all the way around at 30-degree intervals to generate your correction card.
Me? I did what I call the "Hillbilly Swing." I bought a good-quality prismatic hiking compass and taped it to the aft turtledeck, propped up so it sat level with the plane in three-point attitude.
Rolled the plane outside the hangar, cranked up the full avionics package, and swung the tail around until the hiking compass pointed "North." Noted the compass reading, then turned the plane East (airplane has a full-swivel tailwheel, so I could just spin it). Then South. Then West. Then back to North, re-check, do a bit of computation, adjust the compass, and run through the process again. Then turn the plane to the 30-degree increments, and write down the corrections necessary.
Having a wood airplane helps. :-)
But I think you could do similarly with your RV, just make a light wood frame that fits across your canopy rails and supports the compass in the middle, a couple of feet from any bits of metal.
I've had three A&Ps for Condition inspections since I did that, and none have objected to the process. In the nearly 20 years since I did this, my compass has never led me astray.
(Mind you, I don't actually USE it. I generally fly IFR (I Follow Roads), or follow the Kilowatt Compass, or pick my heading based on the Volcanic Loran....I live in an area with ~4 volcanos visible on a clear day at ~2,000 feet).
Ron Wanttaja
Last edited by rwanttaja; 01-10-2023 at 02:11 AM.
Assuming you have a GPS in your RV, use that as your truth source. Far more accurate. Works well for on the ground and in the air. The GPS won’t be affected by magnetic anomalies like hangars, underground power, EMI, etc. With the proliferation of electronics and software, the mag compass is really becoming an unnecessary antiquity.
Dave Shaw
EAA 67180 Lifetime
Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun
Use caution if you swing your compass using GPS as a reference. GPS may be displaying true not magnetic direction. You should be applying corrections to magnetic not true heading.
You’re not flying a track, you’re flying a heading and determining the compass correction input.
Dave Shaw
EAA 67180 Lifetime
Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun
Hmmm...how shall I respond?? I will behave myself and withhold from a snarky response and simply say:
An Air Swing is one of the five "approved" methods for a compass swing per AC 43-215 and is a viable alternative to the traditional method described above as requested per the OP.
From my experience an air swing is far easier and faster to accomplish. Kinda falls in the work smarter not harder category![]()
Dave Shaw
EAA 67180 Lifetime
Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun