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Thread: Add File Type to Allowed Attachment

  1. #1
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Add File Type to Allowed Attachment

    I tried to post a useful Excel spreadsheet here, only to discover that .xlsx files are not approved attachments. Yet Word files are allowable.

    Tried it as a ZIP file (an approved attachment type) and found that they are limited in size to 93K (mine is 556K in Excel form, but only drops to 514K).

    So...can we get .xls and .xlsx files added as an approved attachment type? Seems ironic that I can post nekkid pictures of Amelia Earhart but not spreadsheets with technical information....

    Ron Wanttaja

  2. #2
    Hi Ron,

    Thanks for the suggestion! We turned on the file types and it appears to be working on our end so feel free to test it out and let us know if you experience any issues.

    Elayna Hall
    EAA #1229926
    Social Media Coordinator
    Experimental Aircraft Association

  3. #3
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Success! Thanks for the quick turn-around.

    Ron Wanttaja

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