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Thread: Teen/tween social events?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Baltimore, MD

    Teen/tween social events?

    This is our third time at Oshkosh, but the first time we'll have several kids in the 10-13 age range. Are there any social events at Airventure for teens or preteens? They are at the age where they might like getting together with other kids their age and making some new friends. Does anyone know of any events or socials for older kids? Thanks!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Baltimore, MD
    Well, I haven’t found anything that fits this category. If anyone has kids and would like to meet up at some point, send me a message. We will be bringing 6 kids between ages 5 and 13!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    "We will be bringing 6 kids between ages 5 and 13!"

    You are FAR-FAR braver person than I -lol
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #4
    FlyingRon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    I brought my son when he was 12 or 13. We set him up in his own tent and he was able to find others his age without problem. While he didn't do it, I know of lots of kids in that range who volunteered in the non-movement area of Vintage (various red barn things like selling pop corn, helping with the plaques and stuff, working on the Vintage daily news letter). He just took some cash from us in the morning and we didn't see him again until dinner.

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