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Thread: has Anyone had success with the 3d experience?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    has Anyone had success with the 3d experience?

    I a have not made rh jump yet using my work license for small stuff. Thinking of going to another vendor.

    I have not heard any good experience with the new offering.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Yes. I have been using it. It works a lot like the non-cloud version. You can not tell any difference except that it takes a couple more steps to get started, and you may have to restart after an extended time - a day or more usually. I can not re-log in with the pop up box and have to stop solidworks with task manager. Then I can restart as usual. If the old way was an A, I would give this a B. I have not yet used motion studies, and I don't think they are included with the cloud version.

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