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Thread: AirVenture 2022

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Airmutt View Post
    Hey it’s a new year and I’m getting excited to make AV2022. Waiting to see if my planned time in Wisconsin and the work weekend dates match up. However, COVID and it’s aftermath is already impacting EAA. If you noticed, EAA cancelled its annual Hops and Props event for this year citing lack of supporting craft breweries and availability of support staff. I find it ironic that a state that is known for cheese, beer, and brats that EAA can’t find enough brewers. Lack of service staff is a real problem everywhere. I don’t know the specifics but heard that even AV 2021 volunteer numbers were down despite the huge turnout. Don’t have any insight how impacted EAA was in hiring it’s work force for AV but wonder if the current manpower issues which seem to mostly impact vendors could carry over into this summer.
    Looks like there were about 500 less volunteers in 2021 compared to 2019.

    2019 Facts and figures:

    2021 Facts and figures:

    Not my video, but a great clip of flying a J-3 to Oshkosh 2021.

    Can't wait for this year!

  2. #12
    steve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auburntsts View Post
    I agree which is why staying off the immediate airport area (like in the dorms) has zero appeal to us. Staying in a rented RV at Sleepy Hollow for us is the best of all worlds — better accommodations, close proximity to our camping friends and non-show social activities like the HBC beer tasting, RV social, SOS bros, and various aircraft camping and Scholler parties, the bus park for rides to Target/Pick-n-Save and we still get to fly in— its just now we in park in HBP vs HBC, although last year, where they grouped the RV-10s it was hard to tell where HBP ended and HBC began. The only downside is cost—significantly more expensive than tent camping (be it aircraft or Scholler) for sure. Oh and we rode that storm you mentioned out in our tent 2 years ago. Bottom line is there’s lodging options for every preference as long as you don’t procrastinate.

    We went from this tent to this trailer:
    I'll buy the first round for us at SOS this year.

  3. #13

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    Marietta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    I'll buy the first round for us at SOS this year.
    A good (at least different) deal is the cafe at the Sleepy Hollow. They have these people called waiters who come and take your order, then, as if by magic, food and beer appear a few minutes later. I love SOS, but avoiding the "loud" is nice occasionally.

  4. #14
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    I'll buy the first round for us at SOS this year.
    Deal! We’ll get the curds and corn!
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
    RV-10 N728TT - Flying
    EAA Lifetime Member

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Have my week of PTO approved. Planning on staying the entire week again if I can pull it off with family obligations.

    My friend is taking his new camper to Scholler so I'll be tent camping next to it.

  6. #16

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    Jul 2012
    This will be consecutive year 23 (minus 2020 cancellation). We bring the camper over from MN in late June to Scholler, then fly 2 planes over (VariEze to HBP and Cherokee to GAC) on the Friday before the event starts. We stay until the end. Brought the VariEze over last year for the first time in 33 years. The original builder last flew it in in 1988. Controller said to land at or beyond the pink dot.

  7. #17
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    This will be our 30th year a the show and our 24th year volunteering. The latter I can remember (make that, I better remember) because our first year volunteering is the year we got married.

  8. #18

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    Aug 2016
    Once again I'll be arriving and tram conducting starting on the Saturday before 'official start' and staying through the last day of AirVenture. I stay at a tiny mom-n-pop motel a goodly distance from the grounds - any closer is WAY beyond my meager budget - but it IS indoors with A/C, TV, a bed and a private bathroom. I do luv my indoor livin'- lol. The last time I outdoor camped it was called Vietnam, and that experience completely satisfied my urge to sleep under the stars or 'rough it'.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  9. #19
    Joda's Avatar
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    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    I was there in 1970 when they moved the fly-in up from Rockford, as a guest of my flying mentor, Jim Miles of Hartford, WI. Joined EAA in '76, and have been to every convention since 1977. Started volunteering in '78. Since then I've been a volunteer, an EAA employee, a vendor, then back to being an EAA employee. These days I'm back to being a volunteer. You'll find me down in the vintage area, as part of the Classic judging team. The event sure has changes over all those years, but I wouldn't miss it for anything!


  10. #20
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    NW. Atlanta GA
    Absolutely agree. This afternoon I signed up for a couple of the Work Weekend sessions. Looking forward to seeing the staff and volunteer friends again. Shopping for a small used camper. Last year it just poured for one of the sessions. Luckily I got put up in the bunk house. Tent camping would have been just miserable.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

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