Originally Posted by
Cap: There isn't a shop out there that will let outside files of any type be loaded onto their machines. When a file for a job comes in, it's loaded on an isolated machine and a CAD guy runs a variety of cleanup processes on it. Once it's ready, it's then moved to a CAM processor and then ports to a POST processor, which then generates the G code specific to the machine. It's then run in simulation for a period of time to identify tooling path errors, cut or punch errors and any machine operation errors. When I was doing CAD/CAM work, even a simple machining file took several hours to complete the path from computer to actually loading and cycling through the first part.
There are contract shops out there that will do the work, but you will pay for significant shop time for the first pass. For everything laid out on a 4'x12' sheet of AL, you are probably looking well north of 5 grand for the punch work and probably at least that for the laser work. Onsey- twosey type work doesn't really interest the guy with millions of dollars worth of machines on the floor, so they aren't going to be quick and you will pay dearly to have the work done.
I've contacted a few job shops about some small work before and the quotes are crazy high. Last one was some waterjet work.... about 20 minutes of time on the machine, but I would have to buy a complete hour to cover setup time, plus the CAM time of at least another hour. Let's say I could buy all new drills and rotobroaches for every hole on the parts, do it my self and have less money involved.