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Thread: Thank you

  1. #1

    Thank you

    I just wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to all of EAA and the volunteers. What a great event. Thank you for providing excellent entertainment and education to my wife, two small girls, and I.

    thank you.

  2. #2
    I would like to thank those who set up all the accommodations and airfield access links online. I got all of my stuff on time and with Flt Delta only needed Super Shuttle and Pronto Cab to get from my home to Austin Airfield at one end and Appleton Airport as suggested on this forum as well as the University of Osh Kosh residences. To my great disappointment on 16 June I over ran my intended modest pace on a local downhill and fell which showed me I was hollow from a hemicolectomy in 2016 and radiation in 2020. On June 18 this year I walked my last distance of 2.15 miles and just stood like a pylon. I cancelled my trip after my daughter-in-law insisted I get hypertension treatment and abandon mere fitness. Everything worked out to my satisfaction financially. EAA is a great organization.

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