I saw the same thing. Maybe in AvWeb.
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Regardless of what was said, written, or inferred, I was there and crowds were way bigger than 30000 and mask usage was minimal. The only time I personally wore a mask was when I was volunteering in the kitchen. They sorta tried to enforce mask usage in the vendor hangars but it was a futile attempt. There was never a Florida State mandate on masks usage anyway, just local municipalities and counties, and even then enforcement was haphazard and the rules varied significantly from county to county.
Video interview with John (Lites) Lienhouts before the event. It might have been a self-imposed limit.
Washington is in "fourth" wave now and put three counties back to level one restrictions.
It's looking like Arlington is unlikely at current level three: https://www.arlingtonflyin.org/
Thanks, guys. I was there Monday through Saturday, and have the same observation about masks, social distancing, use of hand sanitizers, etc. FWIW, I haven’t found much credibility in anything that the Sun n Fun leadership has said since Billy retired.
I did have a great time, and am looking forward to Oshkosh. Might even go to airventure while there.
It looks like cases are now slowing in Wisconsin. With no outdoor mandates shouldn't be a problem.
I see Matt Younkin had an incident today with some pretty bad damage to the Twin Beech. (Landed with left gear retracted). I wonder if they will get it back in the air for Airventure, he is involved so much in the daily airshows.
Edit - No injuries from the incident before someone asks.