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View Full Version : Pearl harbour vets

Bill Greenwood
12-14-2011, 02:20 PM
As we all know and should remember last week, Dec. 7 was the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Just this past week a group of vets who survived the attack were at a gathering there in Oahu. One of the events was at a military cemetary. While this vets were having their assembly there was a group of tv or movie crews to film for the tv series Hawaii 5 O. Don't know if you have seen this remake of the old one, if not you haven't missed much. The tv crew several times went over to the vet group and told them to be quiet since the tv crew was "rolling", that is filming.
These combat vets are not only our military people, but the are old men now, average age about 91, not that many left. They are our Grandfathers.
Fortunately for the vets, the story got out. One of the singers who was there to honor the vets wrote about it on the internet and the news picked it up. I saw it on both Fox and CNN last night.
The first response of the tv people was to tell the singer that he should have contacted them first and not the news people.
The TV people got about $5 million of publicity, all bad, for free.

12-14-2011, 06:46 PM
****weeds. That's all I'm going to say. I had the honor and pleasure of calling a Pearl Harbor vet my friend as a result of taking care of him when I was in the service myself. Anyone who would treat him like that would be singing soprano like that for a while.

12-15-2011, 06:27 PM
****weeds. That's all I'm going to say. I had the honor and pleasure of calling a Pearl Harbor vet my friend as a result of taking care of him when I was in the service myself. Anyone who would treat him like that would be singing soprano like that for a while.



12-18-2011, 02:14 AM
The Star Advertiser's columnist David Shapiro reports, "...the survivors mostly in their 90s gave a one-finger salute to a "Hawaii Five-O" film crew that interrupted their memorial observance at Punchbowl. It's good to know we still have one form of communication that can bridge the generations." 12/17/11 Star Advertiser. Reported by Mark from San Diego, Chapter 14 currently on the Island.

12-18-2011, 03:38 AM
the star advertiser's columnist david shapiro reports, "...the survivors mostly in their 90s gave a one-finger salute to a "hawaii five-o" film crew that interrupted their memorial observance at punchbowl. It's good to know we still have one form of communication that can bridge the generations." 12/17/11 star advertiser. Reported by mark from san diego, chapter 14 currently on the island.
