View Full Version : Help finding an exhibitor that was at 2019 Airventure

09-08-2020, 08:44 AM
When visiting Airventure 2019 I was interested in purchasing a part from an exhibitor at the show. He was a used/salvage parts guy and his display are was just across the road from the Fly Market. I believe he was from Michigan.

I had spoken with him and took pictures of the part with the tag/price on it. I had thought his business and phone number was on the tag. Unfortunately it wasn't and I have been trying to find his business.
I tried searching for a map with a list of exhibitors but for some reason can't find that either. Maybe just too computer illiterate.

Anyone know who this dealer may have been?


09-09-2020, 07:00 AM
When visiting Airventure 2019 I was interested in purchasing a part from an exhibitor at the show. He was a used/salvage parts guy and his display are was just across the road from the Fly Market. I believe he was from Michigan.

I had spoken with him and took pictures of the part with the tag/price on it. I had thought his business and phone number was on the tag. Unfortunately it wasn't and I have been trying to find his business.
I tried searching for a map with a list of exhibitors but for some reason can't find that either. Maybe just too computer illiterate.

Anyone know who this dealer may have been?


I just pulled up the old 2019 Phone App, it has a map that shows exhibitors. I see DFWairparts (dfwairparts.com) across the street that is the NE boundary of the Fly Market. Could that be it or does the DFW perhaps suggest he was from Texas instead of Michigan?


09-09-2020, 11:28 AM
WW, when you say "FlyMarket" do you mean the "AeroMart" consignment tent? The flymarket properly is the labelling given to the large outdoor vendor area.

09-10-2020, 05:43 AM
FlyingRon, Yes, my apologies. Across from the Aeromart tent. He was a fairly big vendor of used parts.

09-10-2020, 06:11 AM
FlyingRon, Yes, my apologies. Across from the Aeromart tent. He was a fairly big vendor of used parts.
Hopefully FlyingCanuck will comeback with his app. I suspected he was looking in the wrong place.

09-10-2020, 06:54 AM
Hopefully FlyingCanuck will comeback with his app. I suspected he was looking in the wrong place.

Thanks for the clarification FlyingRon - I was looking beside the Flymarket as you suggested.

I checked the app map again, I think the vendor you're looking for is Round Engine Aero - 9854 Curtis Rd, Nashville, MI 49073. Michigan as you suggested. I remember that one well, lots of really cool stuff, but nothing that would fit on my RV8.


09-11-2020, 07:46 AM
Thanks Guys!! I'll try to contact them and hopefully they are the one's I am looking for.