View Full Version : Ripple Road Camp Scholler access points not secure

08-11-2020, 01:39 PM
I know it is going to be some time before Camp Scholler opens again, but I had a concern last year that doesn't seem to have been addressed this year, yet. Along Ripple road where the new expanded camping areas have been created there are 3 completely unsecured entrances to the campground. And now with the grounds closed and security still active at a couple of entrances and all other entrances blocked, these three are still wide open and would afford anybody free access to Camp Scholler. Attached are photos of the access points on Ripple Road. 860886098610


08-11-2020, 04:14 PM
They were on morning of the 3rd. Guess since EAA has “reopened” they feel they can relax grounds security somewhat.

08-12-2020, 09:40 AM
They were on morning of the 3rd. Guess since EAA has “reopened” they feel they can relax grounds security somewhat.
Every other gate I went by was either gated off, or had security posted. My point was being that even during a normal convention week these entrances were wide open, anybody with or without camping credentials could just drive right in. Just a quarter mile west of these entrances, the Camp Scholler South Gate was still had a manned check point.

Sam Oleson
08-12-2020, 03:06 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We've notified our security manager and barriers have been placed at these spots.

Every other gate I went by was either gated off, or had security posted. My point was being that even during a normal convention week they entrances were wide open, anybody with or without camping credentials could just drive right in. Just a quarter mile west of these entrances, the Camp Scholler South Gate was still had a manned check point.