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View Full Version : Forum header image not loading

Eric Page
06-25-2020, 03:34 PM
The logo that normally appears at the top-left of the forum is no longer loading. The URL for that image...


...returns a 404 error.

Eric Page
07-27-2020, 12:22 AM
A month later, this problem still exists. Does EAA HQ still monitor the Support and Feedback forum?

07-27-2020, 06:27 AM
What page are you looking at where this image is trying to be loaded? All the pages I load use "http://spirit.eaa.org/images/eaaforum_logo.png"

Mike Switzer
07-27-2020, 08:17 AM
Everything is loading properly for me

07-27-2020, 10:42 AM
For me, this problem has existed forever. On my desktop running Firefox or Microsoft Edge, the "EAA Forums - Powered by vBulletin" text link is there, but no image. On my Ipad, I get a broken picture icon and no text. My Kindle Fire gives a broken image icon and the text link, and Firefox on my Samsung phone (Android) gives the text link but no image.

When the link is clicked on either my desktop or phone, it goes to the main page for the forum.

Otherwise, I don't notice the problem...just the broken link symbol. But when I click the png image link Eric posted, I get a warning message that the image cannot be displayed due to errors.

Ron Wanttaja

Eric Page
07-27-2020, 12:03 PM
Yep, I'm seeing it exactly as Ron (Seattle) described. The image doesn't load and the URL for the image returns an error if loaded directly.

If I had to guess, I'd say that the forum is probably hosted in more than one data center, and members on the east coast are being served from a different location than those of us out west. Somehow that file didn't get synced properly between them.

07-27-2020, 01:34 PM
A month later, this problem still exists. Does EAA HQ still monitor the Support and Feedback forum?

Not sure what the staffing level is at EAA headquarters now. The people who might normally fix this might be on furlough...

Ron Wanttaja

07-27-2020, 02:33 PM
Yep, I'm seeing it exactly as Ron (Seattle) described. The image doesn't load and the URL for the image returns an error if loaded directly.

If I had to guess, I'd say that the forum is probably hosted in more than one data center, and members on the east coast are being served from a different location than those of us out west. Somehow that file didn't get synced properly between them.

That would be hard to do with vBulletin. It doesn't allow multiple servers.
Can you PM me the output of "View Page Source" for one of the broken pages.

There's a tapatalk hook just above where that image is displayed. RonW you say you are on a moblie device. Eric, what are you using? I just tried it on my iPhone and it works fine.

I'm still endeavoring to make it fail on one of my devices.

More annoying than the image is that the site hasn't had security certificates (now easily obtained for free).

Sam Oleson
07-27-2020, 02:43 PM
Hello everyone -- on my desktop, using Google Chrome or Firefox, I don't notice any problems at all. When using Microsoft Edge, the logo doesn't show up properly, but it still links to the home page. Eric, are you on mobile or desktop?



07-27-2020, 02:57 PM
It works for me with edge, but I'm using the new (chrome-based) edge. Even with the old big-E internet explorer it works.

Looking at the html output it looks as if it might be a template difference in the template doc_header or the like. Perhaps because Eric or RonW is tripping over a different styling somehow.

07-27-2020, 03:06 PM
I've found it. I was right, one of your styles is different. You appear to have changed the name of the image in the EAA BLUE style, but if you're using the vBulletin default styling, you're still giving the old one.}
To make the problem happen go to SETTINGS...GENERAL SETTINGS and scroll down to the "FORUM SKIN" choice and switch to "Basic vBulletin Gray" style. That give the broken image link.
The "EAA Blue" gives the right one.

Eric Page
07-27-2020, 05:57 PM
Good work, Ron. Using the EAA Blue skin fixes it for me too. Hopefully someone at EAA can correct the Basic vBulletin Gray skin.

Sam Oleson
07-29-2020, 01:02 PM
Hey Eric -- this is corrected for the Gray skin option. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Good work, Ron. Using the EAA Blue skin fixes it for me too. Hopefully someone at EAA can correct the Basic vBulletin Gray skin.

07-29-2020, 01:07 PM
And...I just realized that, on my desktop, the upper left corner has a big EAA logo now rather than just that text link. And on my other devices, too.

Right Coast Ron done good. :-)

Ron Wanttaja

Eric Page
07-30-2020, 12:30 AM
Hey Eric -- this is corrected for the Gray skin option. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
You bet, and thanks for the fix!

Eric Page
11-21-2021, 11:11 PM
I don't know if Sam Oleson is still monitoring the forum, but this problem has returned in the last week or so. The EAA logo at upper-left of each page doesn't load, which causes the browser to spin the progress icon on the forum tab for several minutes. It eventually gives up and displays the broken image icon in place of the EAA logo.

11-26-2021, 08:31 PM
This appears to be a different problem. In all styles, the image is linked to http://spirit.eaa.org/images/eaaforum_logo.png and that server seems to just hang when you try to access it. In general, the EAA hosts have been pretty flakey over the past few days.

11-28-2021, 08:32 PM
This appears to be a different problem. In all styles, the image is linked to http://spirit.eaa.org/images/eaaforum_logo.png and that server seems to just hang when you try to access it. In general, the EAA hosts have been pretty flakey over the past few days.

I'm no longer seeing the EAA logo, either, on my desktop with both Firefox and Edge. Shows up on my android phone, though.

Ron Wanttaja

11-29-2021, 02:02 PM
As I said, the machine spirit.eaa.org seems to be gone. The header shows up blank until it times out after 30 seconds then you get the broken image link icon.

Sam Oleson
11-30-2021, 03:25 PM
Hello all, it was brought to my attention my name was mentioned in this thread. Just for all of your information, I am not the primary moderator on these Forums anymore. That now belongs to Elayna Hall, and she is looking into this situation. Thanks.

12-01-2021, 09:47 AM
You probably need to move the image to the server that is hosting eaaforums. spirit.eaa.org whatever it is seems to have been dead for a while.

Elayna Hall
12-02-2021, 09:06 AM
Hey everyone! Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention and for your patience as I figured things out on the backend. It's looking to me like the issue is fixed so let me know if you see it break again! :)

12-02-2021, 10:32 AM
Hey Elayna, not sure if this falls into your wheelhouse but there a couple of IT issues on the homepage. Such as a number of the archived enewsletters won’t open( see the last posted Volunteers for example). Also the Store Cart also has issues. I’ve experienced items not loading into the cart correctly and the cart not clearing after a purchase being processed.

12-02-2021, 05:02 PM
Hey everyone! Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention and for your patience as I figured things out on the backend. It's looking to me like the issue is fixed so let me know if you see it break again! :)

Yep, the logo is now hosted on this site.

Elayna Hall
12-03-2021, 10:26 AM
Hey Dave, there's not much I can do about those issues but I'll pass along the feedback to our team members who handle the main site. Hopefully we can get working on some solutions to make your experience better. Thanks for letting us know!