View Full Version : Question: Missing Builder's Log

Eric Page
06-20-2020, 11:42 PM
I have an opportunity to buy a partially completed Kitfox Series 5 project. I had intended to buy a Kitfox kit anyway, so this could get me started a lot sooner, potentially save some build time, and definitely save some cash. I went to look at the project today. If you're interested, my full report on that, with my Kitfox-specific questions, is here (https://teamkitfox.com/Forums/threads/10774-Need-help-evaluating-a-barn-find-Kitfox-Series-5), on the TeamKitfox forum.

I've come here to ask one of my questions (the one that may ultimately make the decision for me). Quoting from my TeamKitfox post:

"Here's where it gets interesting... [The owner] lost the original Series 5 assembly manual from SkyStar in a move, but got a replacement from John at Kitfox. The only one John could provide was a Series 7 manual, but he said there are only minor differences. That doesn't worry me too much; I can always ask questions here or call Kitfox for help. Here's the rub: he took notes in the original assembly manual as he went along, intending to present that to the airworthiness inspector as his builder's log. With the manual lost, he has no log for his progress so far.

How do I handle the missing builder's log? Can I document his progress at the time of sale with thorough photographs, have him sign an affidavit stating that he completed the work up to that point, then continue the build with a log of my own? Or, will I have to disassemble the plane and start over?"

Any guidance on this (from a DAR, perhaps!) would be most appreciated.


06-21-2020, 06:25 AM
I have an opportunity to buy a partially completed Kitfox Series 5 project. I had intended to buy a Kitfox kit anyway, so this could get me started a lot sooner, potentially save some build time, and definitely save some cash. I went to look at the project today. If you're interested, my full report on that, with my Kitfox-specific questions, is here (https://teamkitfox.com/Forums/threads/10774-Need-help-evaluating-a-barn-find-Kitfox-Series-5), on the TeamKitfox forum.
I've come here to ask one of my questions (the one that may ultimately make the decision for me). Quoting from my TeamKitfox post:
"Here's where it gets interesting... [The owner] lost the original Series 5 assembly manual from SkyStar in a move, but got a replacement from John at Kitfox. The only one John could provide was a Series 7 manual, but he said there are only minor differences. That doesn't worry me too much; I can always ask questions here or call Kitfox for help. Here's the rub: he took notes in the original assembly manual as he went along, intending to present that to the airworthiness inspector as his builder's log. With the manual lost, he has no log for his progress so far.
How do I handle the missing builder's log? Can I document his progress at the time of sale with thorough photographs, have him sign an affidavit stating that he completed the work up to that point, then continue the build with a log of my own? Or, will I have to disassemble the plane and start over?"

Any guidance on this (from a DAR, perhaps!) would be most appreciated.

No problem at all with what you are proposing. We deal with this almost on a daily basis. BTW, Disassembling and starting over will not help. Anything you do after initial assembly is considered as a "repair", not building.

Eric Page
06-21-2020, 09:36 AM
Thanks very much, Mel. I’m glad to hear the missing log isn’t an obstacle to getting the airworthiness certificate.

Can you suggest any specific language that the builder’s affidavit should contain?

I was thinking that I would create a document containing photos of each item he fabricated or installed (it’s not a terribly long list), with a very brief description in a caption next to each photo. I’d have him initial each page and sign something at the end which states that he undertook the construction project solely for his own education and recreation, then sold it because he became medically disqualified from flying.

Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

Thanks again!

Frank Giger
06-26-2020, 06:04 PM
Eric, I suggest you approach your builder's log not as a requirement to fulfill for the FAA (or DAR), but as a "how I did this" book for yourself.

My simple little tube-and-pop-riveted gusset biplane has a builder's log that is at least five inches thick with pictures and text....it is even more verbose than the thread here on the forums!

I found that inspections and repairs were made much, much easier with a book I could go to full of pictures and candid text. Indeed, now that I'm rebuilding the aircraft it's proven essential.

Eric Page
06-26-2020, 07:13 PM
Eric, I suggest you approach your builder's log not as a requirement to fulfill for the FAA (or DAR), but as a "how I did this" book for yourself.
I will, for sure. My concern here was whether I would be able to obtain an Airworthiness Certificate with the first builder’s log missing. I plan to take lots of photos along the way. No excuse not to since digital photos are essentially free!

Frank Giger
07-11-2020, 08:04 PM
When my plane was given the look over by the FAA rep, he didn't even want to look at my builder's log.

First, it was in a five inch binder and pretty much full.

Second, he said, and I quote, "I can tell by the way you look at her that you built her." :)

07-12-2020, 06:57 AM
When my plane was given the look over by the FAA rep, he didn't even want to look at my builder's log.

First, it was in a five inch binder and pretty much full.
Second, he said, and I quote, "I can tell by the way you look at her that you built her." :)

Not sure about "the way you look at her", but any inspector with experience can tell if you built the aircraft after talking with you for 10 minutes.

Frank Giger
07-12-2020, 08:03 AM
Well, naturally, when he arrived and introductions were made, I introduced him to the aircraft and told him a little about it.

Rusty, who was there to be my note taker, said it was like a proud father talking about his kid. :)