View Full Version : Spare Us From the Zombies!

Sam Buchanan
04-16-2020, 07:45 PM
Good grief......are we destined to see every thread in the "Hangar Talk" archives brought back from the dead by 2ndsegment???


04-16-2020, 10:57 PM
Get the feeling 2nd might be "trollin', trollin' trollin', keep them old posts rollin'?" LOL

04-17-2020, 09:41 AM
Get the feeling 2nd might be "trollin', trollin' trollin', keep them old posts rollin'?" LOL

So why are you giving a new user such grief? Way to make someone feel welcome! They just joined this month and I'm sure is scrolling through everything on the board, and guess what? If they choose to comment on it because it is relevant to them, why does that bother you so much? If we don't want old posts "brought back to life", maybe anything over a year old should be removed, huh?

04-17-2020, 09:55 AM
I welcome all to the wonderful passion that is all-things-aviation. I have been the new guy on every forum in which I now actively participate. I also typically lurk for a while before even posting for the first time and do indeed scan some of the previous posts to see what might interest me or about which I might actually have an insight to share with the group.

I have never needed to read through a couple YEARS of posts before finding something of interest. NEVER. In my 3 decades of forum haunting it has been my experience that necroposting IS one of the fav ploys of those dragging their lure behind a moving boat.

If this newcomer IS indeed not a troll, welcome my friend and giddy-up. But till then? If it walks, talks and swims like a duck, I must allow for the 'possibility' that it is a duck? I hope that my personal views on things don't bother anyone else. It's just the internet, we ain't curing any major diseases here.

04-17-2020, 10:05 AM
So assume they are a troll because they are not behaving the way YOU would do something? How welcoming you are. In this day of mandated stay at home, what else does one do but scroll through years of posts and maybe comment on a few. And from what I've seen the comments are not derogatory in any way. So again, thank you welcoming committee for calling names just because they are behaving differently than you.

04-17-2020, 11:49 AM
"The background at Willow Run that day was 707's with the tubular noise suppressor taking off and landing. Shucks, I missed the unsuppressed JT3's and water injected JT4s!" By Second Segment.

This statement actually brought back some interesting memories of when I worked at the Big airline in SFO and had experience on the JT3, JT4 and many later model PW engines.

Our 707 was ready to be pushed back from the gate when the hapless Flight engineer accidentally activated the dump on the water tanks and the flight was delayed while the tanks were replenished. This before CRM and I can just imagine the Captain to S/O conversation. At take off and well into the distance, the water wagons could be followed by the smoke and noise of those four engines. The romance of working on the line and servicing those beautiful gleaming birds convinced me to follow my dreams into the cockpit.

Thanks for the memories Second Segment. Perhaps you should explain that nomenclature and your background. It sounds interesting!

04-17-2020, 02:41 PM
What every forum software needs is this (this one is from POA), which automatically shows up on any old thread just above the reply box:

04-17-2020, 04:24 PM
Since our newcomer's latest post reply is from a 2013 thread? I'm saying..."It's a Duck" - lol

robert l
04-17-2020, 05:48 PM
I don't care what y'all post, if it doesn't interest me in the first sentence, and a short one at that, I just keep on scrolling.

04-17-2020, 10:59 PM
So assume they are a troll because they are not behaving the way YOU would do something? How welcoming you are. In this day of mandated stay at home, what else does one do but scroll through years of posts and maybe comment on a few. And from what I've seen the comments are not derogatory in any way. So again, thank you welcoming committee for calling names just because they are behaving differently than you.

An informative read:


04-19-2020, 04:22 AM
I found the perfect solution for a free, simple way to deal with a forum necrobumping troll, and it's only taken me 3-1/2 years of membership here to find it and use it - LOL

In any of their posts, click on the suspected 'under the bridge' member's underlined name to go to their profile page, on the left side the 2nd item that appears is the "add to the Ignore list" option, click it and VOILA!, for you they no longer exist and you are free of their childish bother and wasted bandwidth.

You're welcome.

04-19-2020, 05:41 AM
Man what took you so long to figure that out?? Is a well deserved DUH in order?:rollseyes:
Well I’m not a hip woke social justice warrior with my hair pulled back into a man bun and had never heard the term necro bumping. So technically what’s the timeline line 30 days, 6 months, a year???

This is a membership driven forum, members come and go. What may be old to some is new to others. Some threads have come back to life like your favorite aviation movie and even the moderators joined back in. I’m not sure I’m buying into the idea that someone actually joined EAA just to troll the forum. Perhaps just a case of awkward exuberance... Just thinking out loud.

04-19-2020, 06:20 AM
Man what took you so long to figure that out?? Is a well deserved DUH in order?

I'd say not only a DUH, but a DOH! too - LOL I've been on the interwebs since Al Gore invented them but it's only been since I became a retired curmudgeon 6 years ago ( as opposed to my always being a younger curmudgeon) that trolling has started to get under my skin a little. I guess I'm a late bloomer? This is honestly the 1st time I've ever "ignored" a poster.

Personally? I get a little 'suspect' of a bump of posts from 3 years ago. Beyond that? Seeing replies to posts that died 5-10 years ago removes MY doubt. But that's just me and I only strive to keep ME happy after all.

It is almost the definition of a 'troll' that they join random forums across the web solely TO play their silly games. I don't recall, but I don't think you have to an EAA member to join here? Used to mostly happen when the schools were out, but now so many more are in their mom's basements all day every day instead of working a day job. - LOL

Frank Giger
04-19-2020, 09:54 AM
I was expecting that we had gone full Z-Day and it was finally an opportunity to suit up and shoot zombies in the head.

Wrong kind of zombie.

Darn you, Internet!


I'm also going to bookmark this thread, wait a couple years, and then necro it just because.

04-19-2020, 11:49 AM
I was expecting that we had gone full Z-Day and it was finally an opportunity to suit up and shoot zombies in the head.

Wrong kind of zombie.

Darn you, Internet!
Well, heck, Frank, when I saw you'd posted to this thread, I thought you were going to announce that you were changing your Nieuport's nose art to a zombie Raoul Lufbery or something....

Ron Wanttaja

04-19-2020, 04:41 PM
All this chatter encouraged me to go to the profiles page. 2dsegment's info is rather sparse, which got me t look at and update my own page. Surprise, today is the 8th anniversary of me joining this forum. Times passes more quickly with each year.

Anyway, I also opened this thread hoping that someone recognized that the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us. It would definitely give me something to do...

04-19-2020, 05:13 PM
Surprise, today is the 8th anniversary of me joining this forum. Times passes more quickly with each year.

So, are you gonna find all the threads from that day 8 years ago and reply to them? :)

04-19-2020, 05:14 PM
Good tip Mayhem - got me motivated to bring mine up to date. Been in the EAA and volunteering at Oshkosh for a long time, but only on this forum since 2016.

04-19-2020, 05:23 PM
So, are you gonna find all the threads from that day 8 years ago and reply to them? :)

umm..no. I don’t even want to look at them

04-19-2020, 11:48 PM
This is an example of a policy enacted by the Moderators of a forum I frequent - I share it here because it's a good and simple policy - IMHO- and one that a lot of other forums adopt.

"Attention members,

Please be careful not to reply to threads that are more than a few months old.
We've been seeing a lot of people reply to threads that were last active several years ago, for example. One member even once replied to a thread and asked the original poster a question,
not realizing he had been dead for over a year
. PLEASE check the posting dates of the thread in question before you think of writing a reply. Original thread starters posting a follow-up are of course welcome to do so.

As a general rule, if the thread is more than six months old do not resurrect it unless you have something really important or useful to contribute. Bringing it back from the archives to merely add your opinion doesn't count.

Thank you. "

04-20-2020, 12:52 AM
I rarely join in "hot button" discussions, but a number of years ago, I did make a post on another forum expressing my opinion.

About two years later, someone posted a rebuttal of my statements. What was strange was that it was one of their first postings on that forum...they had somehow found my message from years earlier, and felt so strongly about it that they had to join the forum to respond. Two years later.

Ron Wanttaja

04-20-2020, 04:15 AM
I will add that it just happened yesterday on the forum I referenced. The necrobump appeared Sunday morning, before I went to bed last night the mods there had discovered and deleted it. The offending troll was put on short leash.

I have even experienced the lonliest of trolls setting up two bogus forum profiles and then starting thread conversations with themselves - kinda like 'loser ventriloquism' - LOL