View Full Version : Slightly OT, for Cincinnati area people

Mike Switzer
03-26-2020, 10:09 PM
I know this is not really aviation related, but I know there are guys here from the Cincinnati area. Sporty's is in the Cincinnati area, that is aviation. I guess I am now considered an old curmudgeon, but I am hoping some of the older curmudgeons who inhabit this board might be able to provide some insight. My Grandpa passed in late 86 & I Inherited all of his "Man Stuff". I found this match book in one of his hunting vests. Wondering if anyone has any insight. Google searches didn't turn up much & the email address associated with the website for the restaurant bounces back.

03-27-2020, 02:27 PM
Found the hotel. It's now the Cincinnati Radisson. 668 W 5th St. 8339
There isn't much detail in the older versions of the aerial shots in the area on Google Earth or historicaerials.com. Google only goes back to 1993, and on the other site there's a big gap back to 1970.
I wonder if the pub wasn't actually on the riverfront, but was just themed like a riverboat.

Mike Switzer
03-27-2020, 04:55 PM
Thanks Paul. It isn't that far from Riverfront Stadium, that is the only reason we can think of that he would have been there unless there was a church convention in that hotel at some point. I don't remember them ever taking a vacation without most of us Grandkids.

03-29-2020, 04:48 PM
Spent a lot of nights in that Radisson; just NW and visible from the hotel is the Futuro house (UFO house) It looks like aviation, lol and it's much closer than Sporty's.

Mike Switzer
03-30-2020, 09:38 AM
Marty there used to be one of those houses north of Springfield next to I 55. Somebody bought it & moved it south it is still sitting next to I 55 but it is down near Litchfield

03-30-2020, 11:26 AM
Marty there used to be one of those houses north of Springfield next to I 55. Somebody bought it & moved it south it is still sitting next to I 55 but it is down near Litchfield

I like the Buckminster Fuller Dymaxion house better. It's made out of sheet aluminum, like an airplane. :)