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View Full Version : FUture of LSA MOSIAC changes in jepordy?

03-21-2020, 02:44 PM
Well, I am not usually one to post specualtion, but I recenetly read a post where the guy posting mentioned that he heard from an FAA type that the entire Mosaic plan has been scrapped due to lack of funding.
Gee, I sure hope not!!
Gotta get some of you guys fired up since we're all sitting inside our protective bubbles waiting for earth to return to normal!

Tom Charpentier
03-23-2020, 03:32 PM
I checked with a well-placed FAA source, and he categorically denied this. We're still on track. The latest we heard (pre-lockdown) was that they planned to go into formal rulemaking mode over the summer.

03-24-2020, 07:24 AM
Thank you Tom!!! Much appreciated. Goes to show how much 'rumor control' can affect peoples perception. Heck, our countries current situation is an excellent example of that!! TP anyone?

Stephen Morse
03-30-2020, 12:11 PM
I checked with a well-placed FAA source, and he categorically denied this. We're still on track. The latest we heard (pre-lockdown) was that they planned to go into formal rulemaking mode over the summer.

At the December 12, 2019 Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) meeting, Mr. Brandon Roberts stated that the FAA has five new projects included in the Fall Unified Agenda, including the MOSAIC NPRM. The next ARAC meeting was scheduled for March 19, 2020. Do you know if that meeting was conducted or was it postponed? If it occurred, was there an update from the FAA about MOSAIC at that meeting?

Tom Charpentier
03-30-2020, 11:25 PM
I attended the March ARAC for EAA. MOSAIC was not discussed in the rulemaking update, but that wasn't necessarily a surprise. Despite its name, ARAC does not have oversight of all rulemaking the FAA undertakes, only those projects it is tasked with (for example, my boss is chairing an ARAC-sponsored working group on DPEs, pursuant to a provision in the 2018 FAA reauthorization bill). MOSAIC is not on that list of taskings. The Unified Agenda is on a Fall/Spring cycle, so chances are there will be an update at the June ARAC. In the meantime, we've had recent contacts with everyone from the project managers to the executives at FAA, and there's no reason to suspect that anything is amiss at the present time.

This is FAA rulemaking, though, so healthy skepticism is understandable and necessary. We'll keep at it.

03-31-2020, 07:14 AM
Thank you Tom for the prompt and excellent reply! It is nice to get updates, no matter how minor they may be. Keith