View Full Version : Oshkosh first timer.

03-03-2020, 08:01 AM
My wife and I booked our room yesterday for our first trip to EAA AirVenture. Booking flights this week as well.
I'm ecstatic about this trip. It's been a bucketlist trip for me for many years. My wife on the other hand is quiet skeptical of this big "airshow" (in her words). Last night we watched a lot of YouTube from past years.
Hoping she falls in love with it like we all have.

We will fly into Appleton on Weds morning and are staying about 30 minutes away from Oshkosh. I'd love to camp on the field, but until we get the experience, we will stay off field.

I'm looking for any and all tips and tricks for beginners, as we prepare for our first trip there.

For now, I will immerse myself into the many threads here.

Since reading through the responses so far, I thought I'd post a bit more here about myself.
I'm 45 and my wife is 44. Both are active and have no problems walking several miles a day.
I fly small GA airplanes. Most of my time has been in a C152 since the early 2000's. I also own an Ultralight (Fisher FP202). I plan to spend lots of time in the Ultralight and GA area, as that's what I've spent years in and around, but my wife will want to see the "pretty" airplanes. LOL
We definitely will want to see the float plane area and the Warbirds.

We are flying into Appleton on Wednesday (the week of the show) arriving around lunch and out early Saturday morning. So we will be there for the Wednesday night airshow and all day Thursday and Friday.
Yeah, a short trip. But a chance to get our feet wet so maybe I can convince her to go ALL WEEK next year.

Thanks for all the info so far guys.

robert l
03-03-2020, 12:04 PM
Hi Tinman, I know about the wife being skeptical, my wife has never been but said if she ever did go, I could leave her at the beer tent! Anyway, not knowing your age or physical condition one thing I would suggest is, go for comfort and not looks, it's going to be hot and it may get cold so I always have a pair of long pants and a jacket. And, it's going to rain at least one day so I carry several disposable rain ponchos. They are small and light and work ok. I generally have a small mesh back pack for water, snacks, camera, batteries etc. On the comfort part, there's going to be a lot of walking so just keep that in mind. Sun screen, lip balm, sun glasses, some kind of hat are a must have also. I'm sure others will have more info for you. I know the excitement, I planned one trip a year and a half in advance and had a count down app on my computer home page. I plan to be there this year also but dont know yet if we are flying in or driving. Good luck.

Bill Greenwood
03-03-2020, 12:42 PM
Wear comfortable walking shoes, a sun hat and sun glasses and put on sunscreen, I would not carry all that other stuff around with me. How long do you have and what is her interest? Get the shuttle from Appleton and look at the the program guide and plan your day. Here are some highlights, warbirds at north end of field just south of 9-27, there is a tram the goes through the area or walk, warbird clothing shop, if a bad weather day museuem is 1 mile to the west, theres a shuttle, Pioneer old style airport is just behind museum, theres a shuttle and you can get a helicopter ride around the grounds for bout $75 person, even better in Ford Tri Motor ride just south of warbirds for $90 e. its noisy. Commercial vendor tents are 2/3 way south on field in big hangars, again good if bad weather, and they have real toilets. Food court ( not great ok) is east of vendors, and big square with big planes on display. Further south, there;s trams, are the antiques and the ultraligsths have their own runway. It might take 3 or 4 days to cover most of this. There are also fourms kind of rigth in the middle with lectures on various topics some more technical. Airshows are in the afternoon, often very noisy. There is a bus to seaplane base about 5 miles east and a cool quiet respit, try not to miss it and takes bout part of a day. Hilton Hotel, on grounds, on northwest side of runway 9-27 has a/c and a cool bar for tired wives and great view off the roof. Food is ok not great. Enjoy

03-03-2020, 01:05 PM
The earlier you arrive the better, traffic builds quickly and the parking lots fill up as the day progresses. Download the AirVenture app for volumes of info and maps. Get a printed map when you arrive and understand that North is to the left on the map.

I'm a tram conductor and suggest you use them to get a feel for the basic layout of the event, get off at the next stop when you see something of interest, wander till you're tired of walking then wait at the nearest tram stop headed to the next area. The grounds are HUGE!!!! There are 4 different tram routes identified by small colored pennants on the tractor and at the back by the conductor. The tram system runs from the North 40 gate all the way South past Ultralights, with one route going from the Tower to the Bus Park.

The maps and all pertinent info are also on the AirVenture website which might help you cherry-pick the things you'd like to see during your stay. You can't see it all in just a few days, so might as well start developing a game plan. EVERY first-timer I meet agrees on one thing -"Wow, this is a whole lot bigger than I even thought it would be." Have a great time.

03-03-2020, 07:05 PM
Driving in isn't too bad. There are certainly peak times, but I've arrived mid morning and haven't really seen much of a delay. Similarly, unless you try to exit immediately at the end of the airshow, you won't have any problem leaving.

I'd ignore the stupid "pre purchased" tickets thing. It seems to not only not have saved time for those who used it (as you still have to exchange your credentials for wristbands), it actually took longer (hopefully they'll fix this) as there were more venues open for selling admissions outright than redeeming the online ones.

Camping isn't all that hard. I've done it since 1993 after staying in the dorms once.

The big problem with the trams is that there's this strange guy sitting on the back of one telling bad jokes throughout the ride :)

03-03-2020, 10:32 PM
The big problem with the trams is that there's this strange guy sitting on the back of one telling bad jokes throughout the ride -

Dontcha just HATE it when that happens. LOL! In fairness to ME - I ALWAYS offer my passengers the standard choices of riding along hearing my corny jokes....or walking. Most all choose to stay onboard - LOL

03-03-2020, 11:00 PM
As others have said, dress for comfort. After 2-3 days no one gives a flip anymore and we’re all just walking around hot and sweaty (hopefully with a shower each day) and we all look the same regardless of your socioeconomic quadrant. If your wife really gets bored, there are a few craft tents. Some bring a good book or two and just sit in the shade and read. There are free or low cost busses to the outlet mall across I-41. There are busses to the big antique mall in Appleton. I’m into home building so I volunteer in the workshops or check out the exhibits or attend relevant forums. I never see my wife until suppertime cuz she’s into history and warbirds. In short, if both of you don’t find SOMETHING that puts a smile on your face, you’re not trying.

03-04-2020, 09:00 AM
Realistically assess your ability to walk and stand for long periods.
Not much shade - plan and prep accordingly.
Water stations are available; carry a refillable bottle.
Arrive before the show officially opens and get your admission out of the way. The Admissions line on opening day are long and slow.
It’s a lot of real-estate to cover. Have a mental plan of what’s important to you. For example, do you really want to walk thru the area where schools are trying to recruit kids to attend? Is walking thru the homebuilt camping area important to you?
Weather fronts moving thru can generate some big swings. Windy, hot, wet, and chilly are all possibilities.
Dont be afraid to ask questions, look but don’t touch.
Expect “captured audience” food and drink prices. Carry a snack or two.
Lots of handouts and info if you’re so inclined. A back pack or sling pack helps.

03-04-2020, 09:27 AM
I've updated my original post with more info about myself and our upcoming trip.
Thanks guys.

03-04-2020, 11:01 AM
This might be of some use to you -


The Bus park is quite near the Main entrance, and a convenient starting point to AirVenture.

03-04-2020, 12:30 PM
Thanks a ton.
The issue I’m finding with that site is everything on the schedule page is still in 2019. Not updated for 2020.
I’d love to be able to see a 2020 schedule of events. Maybe it’ll update soon.
We will be renting a car & sleeping in Fremont.

This might be of some use to you -


The Bus park is quite near the Main entrance, and a convenient starting point to AirVenture.

03-04-2020, 01:11 PM
report back on how those cabins are.

03-04-2020, 02:07 PM
Thanks a ton.
The issue I’m finding with that site is everything on the schedule page is still in 2019. Not updated for 2020.
I’d love to be able to see a 2020 schedule of events. Maybe it’ll update soon.

Too early Tinman. Check back on the website above in about 4 weeks and then keep checking every week thereafter and then every day before you go. Prepare to be overwhelmed once you're on the grounds. Get organized with a list of what you think you want to see and do with the limited time you have, take a deep breath, go one step at a time and enjoy.

Say hi to Dorothy and Toto for me.

Edit: One more important thing to consider because of your short stay: Don't spend much time sitting on the flightline watching the daily 5 hour airshow grind- it will severely cut into your time to see and do the things on your list.

Bill Greenwood
03-04-2020, 02:48 PM
If you only have 2 days it means you can see maybe 20%. You have to plan. Waribrds are at one end and ultralights 2miles south, and the tram in between might take an hour depending on crowds. I like to fly so for me I'd try to go on the Tri Motor just as soon as I could. You can see the warbirds pretty well in half day and watch airshow from there. Ultralights usually fly early in the day.
So what to skip? The museum is great, and esp if weather is bad. But good aviation museuems are availble elsewhere too. If you do go you can see most of it in a couple hours. Seaplanes are good, but takes bout half day. You can have lunch there. Pioneer airport is good, but takes several hours also.
There are 4 big vendor hangars, good stuff but you may not be into shopping there, lots of engines aviaionics tech stuff. Takes couple of hours jus to walk through.
Really if you could arrange so you have 2 more days you could see much of it without being rushed.

Kyle Boatright
03-04-2020, 07:21 PM
Figure out what you want to see. For me, I love the antiques and homebuilts. I also walk through the commercial buildings and fly-market at least twice. Since I'm there for 4-5 days, I make a trek to the ultralights and another trek to the warbirds.

For me, the most fun is sitting under shade somewhere, drinking a beer, and talking with fellow pilots. This is especially fun after the daily airshow when everyone is tired, but there's still an unofficial airshow as display aircraft arrive after hours. Another fun activity is walking the grounds in the evening. Some areas (warbirds, in particular) are secured, but Aeroshell Square can be spectacular after dark.

I usually skip the airshows, or at least watch from far away (less noise) and under shade. The evening airshow is spectacular.

robert l
03-04-2020, 08:54 PM
I took the Tri Motor ride in 2018 and it was advertised that if you went early, they reduced the price a little, and they did, and it was worth it. I also did the helicopter ride and it was only about $49.00 I believe and you can really get an idea of just how big A/V really is, well worth it. Also, the ultralights generally fly early morning and again late afternoon. I'm excited for you.

Bill Greenwood
03-04-2020, 10:24 PM
I would really try, even with limited time to get up in a copter, goes from Pioneer north of the museum or the Tri Motor which has its own little house just south of warbirds. They will get full and crowded. The B-17 no longer flies out of Oshkosh, sorry to say.

03-05-2020, 07:04 AM
I've been thinking about the Tri-motor ride. I've never been in a heli, so that might be fun to do too, since we're just jumping out there with all these new adventures (my wife's words). :-)

I would really try, even with limited time to get up in a copter, goes from Pioneer north of the museum or the Tri Motor which has its own little house just south of warbirds. They will get full and crowded. The B-17 no longer flies out of Oshkosh, sorry to say.

03-05-2020, 07:36 AM
The TriMotor rides were about $75 the last few years and IMHO the BEST $$ you will ever spend in aviation. A lifetime of memories from a comparatively smallish fee and the rare chance to experience time travel first-hand in a piece of flying history.

03-05-2020, 08:29 AM
I've grabbed a few screenshots of the Tri and sent to my wife. Her response "hmm, that's big." :-)

The TriMotor rides were about $75 the last few years and IMHO the BEST $$ you will ever spend in aviation. A lifetime of memories from a comparatively smallish fee and the rare chance to experience time travel first-hand in a piece of flying history.

03-05-2020, 08:38 AM
I've grabbed a few screenshots of the Tri and sent to my wife. Her response "hmm, that's big." :-)

Not compared to a modern airliner - LOL - On a plus side, every passenger gets a window AND aisle seat at the same time - lol - Center aisle with one seat port & one starboard, front to back.

https://www.google.com/search?q=eaa+ford+trimotor+cabin&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiNurimyIPoAhVS96wKHU-lAKcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=eaa+ford+trimotor+cabin&gs_l=img.3...7215.7858..8308...0.0.. ..0....1..gws-wiz-img.9B8rWcdmanw&ei=Xw9hXs2OC9LuswXPyoK4Cg&bih=601&biw=1229

Eric Gleason
03-05-2020, 09:15 AM
I thought the trimotor rides were way more expensive than that. Now I'm thinking it might just have to happen...

03-05-2020, 09:16 AM
Thanks for that link.

Curious, what time does the gate open in the mornings? To not be waiting in a huge line of people to get in, what time would we need to be parked and ready to enter?

Not compared to a modern airliner - LOL - On a plus side, every passenger gets a window AND aisle seat at the same time - lol - Center aisle with one seat port & one starboard, front to back.

https://www.google.com/search?q=eaa+ford+trimotor+cabin&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiNurimyIPoAhVS96wKHU-lAKcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=eaa+ford+trimotor+cabin&gs_l=img.3...7215.7858..8308...0.0.. ..0....1..gws-wiz-img.9B8rWcdmanw&ei=Xw9hXs2OC9LuswXPyoK4Cg&bih=601&biw=1229

03-05-2020, 09:18 AM
I saw somewhere the cost was $75 for the Tri ride, before the post here. But then I saw it might be closer to $90. So maybe they went up on price over the last year or so. You know, fuel prices and all. LOL

I thought the trimotor rides were way more expensive than that. Now I'm thinking it might just have to happen...

03-05-2020, 09:44 AM
the gates open at 7:00am. The 4 large exhibit hanger buildings (A,B,C,D) open at 9:00am. The trams start operations at about 8:00am.


Bill Berson
03-05-2020, 10:23 AM
If you have a wristband for several days or the weekly wristband then walk past the ticket office and enter at 5am or whatever.
The action starts early.

03-05-2020, 10:30 AM
Thank you good sir.

the gates open at 7:00am. The 4 large exhibit hanger buildings (A,B,C,D) open at 9:00am. The trams start operations at about 8:00am.


03-05-2020, 10:33 AM
Mr. Bill, so we will get to OSH on Wednesday after lunch. Once we get our wristband, on Thursday and Friday we can just show up at any time and go in? Even at 5am?
(we will be at OSH Weds afternoon, Thurs and Fri. Flying out on Sat morning)

If you have a wristband for several days or the weekly wristband then walk past the ticket office and enter at 5am or whatever.
The action starts early.

03-05-2020, 11:04 AM
Mr. Bill, so we will get to OSH on Wednesday after lunch. Once we get our wristband, on Thursday and Friday we can just show up at any time and go in? Even at 5am?
(we will be at OSH Weds afternoon, Thurs and Fri. Flying out on Sat morning)

I'm not sure about the gate times, since I've always camped, and I don't think the gates between
Camp Scholler and the flightline ever close. But whan you arrive on Wednesday, buy your wristbands for all days you will be there, and avoid standing in line the other days.


03-05-2020, 11:05 AM
I believe Tri Motor rides are cheaper by about twenty bucks early in the mornings .

03-05-2020, 11:23 AM
Yes sir. That was my plan. Just wasn't too sure about gates. In my head I have it pictured sort of like a music festival where it shuts down at a certain time and reopens at a certain time. I just want to be inside early so I can absorb as much as humanly possible in the limited time I have, without standing in a huge line waiting to enter the gate or stuck out on the road in a long line of cars.
I appreciate your help.

I'm not sure about the gate times, since I've always camped, and I don't think the gates between
Camp Scholler and the flightline ever close. But whan you arrive on Wednesday, buy your wristbands for all days you will be there, and avoid standing in line the other days.


robert l
03-05-2020, 12:58 PM
I thought the trimotor rides were way more expensive than that. Now I'm thinking it might just have to happen...

In 2018 they cut the price to $65 if you got on the early morning flight. After that it went back to $75/

03-05-2020, 03:49 PM
--- snip ---

Since reading through the responses so far, I thought I'd post a bit more here about myself.
I'm 45 and my wife is 44. Both are active and have no problems walking several miles a day.

--- snip ---

I will be 63 at AirVenture Oshkosh 2020. Past several years I walked 12 to 17-miles per day at AirVenture.

Bill Greenwood
03-05-2020, 05:07 PM
I dont know anything about 5AM cant for the life of me think of any one who would want to come in then or anything that might be going on. Maybe a hot air ballon.I dont know your wife, but I think dragging her somewhere at 5AM is a greal way to make her hate anything to do with airplanes and maybe you. To each his own though.

03-05-2020, 06:16 PM
Howdy, and welcome!
Camping on the field you do pretty much have the run of the place, but if you are coming through the main gate I suspect that the hours are limited and posted on the website. As others have commented, there is no way to absorb the whole experience in the time you have. However, for those whose body clocks allow, early mornings are an excellent time to stroll the grounds and gawk at the biggest assemblage of flying machines on the planet. Also, they have been launching balloons very early on Saturday, I think, from the ultralight area for the last couple years. That is pretty neat, and since it occurs prior to the field opening for regular ops, it is quiet and you can hear the burners from a great distance. Conversely, the grounds are open well into the evening and lots more turf can be covered as energy allows. Along those lines, there are water fountains distributed around the grounds, so you can refill your water bottle frequently.
Again, as others have mentioned, the museum is a great place to avoid wx, but it must be said that it is truly a first rate facility. It can also be a nicely air conditioned place to cool off towards the evening, as long as it's not closed due to some special event. The seaplane base is also a neat thing to experience, and if you take the time to go there, you might take the boat ride around the lagoon just because.
I would probably avoid the exhibit buildings and fly market entirely unless you are hard core shopping. They eat a lot of time when there are airplanes to ogle.
You will have a blast. Try to arrive somewhat oriented, but you will be knee deep in like minded friends and help with anything is just one 'excuse me..." away.

Bill Berson
03-05-2020, 06:27 PM
Mr. Bill, so we will get to OSH on Wednesday after lunch. Once we get our wristband, on Thursday and Friday we can just show up at any time and go in? Even at 5am?
(we will be at OSH Weds afternoon, Thurs and Fri. Flying out on Sat morning)

Yeah, I think access gates is 24hrs if you have a wristband to show the gate volunteer. Access gates are everywhere but wristbands are not available at these locations.

03-06-2020, 09:18 AM
Howdy, and welcome!
Camping on the field you do pretty much have the run of the place, but if you are coming through the main gate I suspect that the hours are limited and posted on the website. As others have commented, there is no way to absorb the whole experience in the time you have. However, for those whose body clocks allow, early mornings are an excellent time to stroll the grounds and gawk at the biggest assemblage of flying machines on the planet. Also, they have been launching balloons very early on Saturday, I think, from the ultralight area for the last couple years. That is pretty neat, and since it occurs prior to the field opening for regular ops, it is quiet and you can hear the burners from a great distance. Conversely, the grounds are open well into the evening and lots more turf can be covered as energy allows. Along those lines, there are water fountains distributed around the grounds, so you can refill your water bottle frequently.
Again, as others have mentioned, the museum is a great place to avoid wx, but it must be said that it is truly a first rate facility. It can also be a nicely air conditioned place to cool off towards the evening, as long as it's not closed due to some special event. The seaplane base is also a neat thing to experience, and if you take the time to go there, you might take the boat ride around the lagoon just because.
I would probably avoid the exhibit buildings and fly market entirely unless you are hard core shopping. They eat a lot of time when there are airplanes to ogle.
You will have a blast. Try to arrive somewhat oriented, but you will be knee deep in like minded friends and help with anything is just one 'excuse me..." away.

Fantastic info. Thank you.

03-06-2020, 09:19 AM
Yeah, I think access gates is 24hrs if you have a wristband to show the gate volunteer. Access gates are everywhere but wristbands are not available at these locations.

Awesome. Thanks a ton.

03-06-2020, 09:24 AM
I dont know anything about 5AM cant for the life of me think of any one who would want to come in then or anything that might be going on. Maybe a hot air ballon.I dont know your wife, but I think dragging her somewhere at 5AM is a greal way to make her hate anything to do with airplanes and maybe you. To each his own though.

HAHAHA. Thanks.
5am is sleeping in for me. She's pretty high maintenance, so getting up early is pretty common for her.
With only 2 and a half days to be there, I'd prefer to get there early and beat some of the heat and people.
Yep, to each his own I suppose. The world is full of people different than me.

03-06-2020, 09:38 AM
If y’all read the eHotline that came out yesterday, there are major parking and tram changes for 2020. No more blue lot, frinstance. It’s now the D lot and is only open to disabled folks and permit parking.

Parking gates open 6 am. I was always under the impression that the main gate closed at some point in the evening as several times when we leave they have them mostly closed. Perhaps just to funnel folks into a narrower opening to support fewer security folks.

Bill Greenwood
03-06-2020, 10:36 AM
Tinman, if you get to EAA at 5AM what exactly are you going to do? It can often be damp and foggy that time of morning, I doubt if any of the concessions are even open, or the forums etc. If you are driving, wonder if the parking lots are open, I doubt if any of the trams are running.

03-06-2020, 01:54 PM
It’s probably a pretty good time to get some airplane photos without people in the pictures. Sunrise is about 5:30 at that time of year.

Someone once mentioned to me that the grounds are actually open 24 hours a day, so technically you could buy Monday admission and stay all week as long as you never pass an entrance gate. It’s pretty difficult and impractical to do though.

03-06-2020, 02:43 PM
Someone once mentioned to me that the grounds are actually open 24 hours a day, so technically you could buy Monday admission and stay all week as long as you never pass an entrance gate.

You mean like in the Tom Hanks movie "The Terminal". 24/7 in an airport terminal. Can never leave, probably dies from eating only airport food.

03-06-2020, 02:49 PM
Except that the wristbands if memory serves are color coded so wandering security staff might notice?

Kyle Boatright
03-06-2020, 05:38 PM
Except that the wristbands if memory serves are color coded so wandering security staff might notice?

I've walked the grounds a couple of different days after leaving the armband at the campsite. Going through the gates, on the other hand...

03-07-2020, 01:51 PM
Tinman, if you get to EAA at 5AM what exactly are you going to do? It can often be damp and foggy that time of morning, I doubt if any of the concessions are even open, or the forums etc. If you are driving, wonder if the parking lots are open, I doubt if any of the trams are running.

The same thing i’ll do at 10am, 3pm & 9pm. Soak up OSH & ooogle over airplanes. Oh, & find coffee. LOL
Lifes too short to sleep alllllll morning. 😁

03-07-2020, 02:14 PM
I well know the feeling - lol - and the oogling is FREE!

03-08-2020, 06:53 AM
The same thing i’ll do at 10am, 3pm & 9pm. Soak up OSH & ooogle over airplanes. Oh, & find coffee. LOL
Lifes too short to sleep alllllll morning. 

I agree with you. I'm an "awake" person. I go to bed late and get up early.

03-08-2020, 07:35 AM
Walking the field early in the morning can be quite enjoyable. Few people, it’s quiet and the sunrise affords the opportunity for some spectacular photos, overall kinda zen like. I always recommend if you drive in bring an extra pair or two of walking shoes and socks. If there’s a heavy dew or if it’s rained you'll be glad you did.

Bill Greenwood
03-08-2020, 09:53 AM
I can see why your wife is reluctant to come with you. Who wouldn't relish a 17 hour day such as if you start at 5 am and stay till 10pm? You should also look into attending a hot air balloon session, they love to get up at 5am. And you certainly don't need any of my advice for visiting the convention since you have already determined how you are going to do it. Got any kids? Like maybe a 3 year old that you could put in a stroller and make sure he gets plenty of sun burn or a dog you could drag in to enjoy the jet noise?

03-08-2020, 01:55 PM
I can see why your wife is reluctant to come with you. Who wouldn't relish a 17 hour day such as if you start at 5 am and stay till 10pm? You should also look into attending a hot air balloon session, they love to get up at 5am. And you certainly don't need any of my advice for visiting the convention since you have already determined how you are going to do it. Got any kids? Like maybe a 3 year old that you could put in a stroller and make sure he gets plenty of sun burn or a dog you could drag in to enjoy the jet noise?

This post is totally uncalled for.

Eric Gleason
03-08-2020, 03:30 PM
Seems that Bill's having a rough week. I had to ignore him on another forum. Wish this forum had that tool.

Bill Greenwood
03-08-2020, 05:30 PM
Todd, do you really think that advising a first time visitor to EAA who describes his wife as reluctant to come to "the big airshow" where there can be 90* plus tempertures and miles of walking with little shade, is helped by advising him to do 17 hour days?
Actually since we have a mutual dislike, along with Gleason who aslo seems to be an Airventure newcomer and asked for help,that we should meet face to face to resolve differences. Lets say the main gate on opening day at 5AM. I might be a bit late, though.
And Todd if you really do have a drinking problem, as you write on your post, maybe an aviation site is not the best place to include that.

03-08-2020, 05:50 PM
Bill get over yourself. I don’t dislike you. I do think you are a hypocrite and a blow hard. You seem to take disagreements personal and are quick to label anyone who chooses to disagree with you. You make faulty assumptions and hasty generalizations without facts and then you get upset when called out. You’ve posted here and other forums about others calling you names or basically being rude—you need to take a look in the mirror.

As far as meeting face to face, I see no point but if you insist I’m more that happy to oblige as keyboard warriors don’t impress or intimidate me in the least.

03-08-2020, 08:39 PM
You can put him on ignore, I did it a lonf time ago. Click on his name, then click profile. You will see the option to ignore. It works!

03-08-2020, 08:49 PM
The same thing i’ll do at 10am, 3pm & 9pm. Soak up OSH & ooogle over airplanes. Oh, & find coffee. LOL
Lifes too short to sleep alllllll morning.  +1

Whilst I'll concede that I do come from (far) away (pun intended) and like to make the most of my visit, if anyone is going to make the Osh pilgrimage to worship at the temple of aviation, why the hell wouldn't you make every day a 17-hours event? We get up at 5:30, spend all day at the airport, back to the dorms for a quick shower, a meal & a few medicinal ales, then back to the airport for the night show. Back to the dorms by about 11:00pm, download photos to laptop and up again by 5:30 am to repeat what we did the previous day. It's insane but heaps of fun; btw, I'm 58 y.o. but trapped in a 10 y.o's. body. ;) :D

03-08-2020, 08:51 PM
This will be my wife's 28th Oshkosh (if I counted things right). When she started going, she wasn't into airplanes (and really was afraid of flying). She'll never be a morning person. I usually get up and start up Vintage Ops before she gets up (and she runs the place).

Bill Greenwood
03-08-2020, 09:11 PM
Well George, I knew you were telling the truth when you said Ausie and " a few Ales:, I dont have an Ausie liver and I need to sleep especially when I am flying in the show. Even when I was younger, and first years coming to the convention, I found it better to pace myself, and I do stay the whole week. I dont know any ladies who like to go without sleep and get up before the sun, but to each his own. I offered what has worked for me over the years, others may prefer even the opposite. I also do social things away from the field and have enjoyed that over the years. Ive had drinks with Bob Hoover and dont think Bob was ever up at 5am.

03-09-2020, 01:10 AM
Hey Bill, thanks for the comments.

...I dont have an Ausie liver...Neither do I, Bill. I have one that has evolved from my family's Mediterranean background. Never have more than a couple of beers with a meal.

...I dont know any ladies who like to go without sleep and get up before the sun, but to each his own. ...You should get out more because they're out there, mate. :D

On a serious note, from Australia it's a long way to anywhere and it usually requires three flights (YMML - LAX - ORD - ATW, with total flying time of about 20hrs) to get to Osh. When I'm there, I want to make good use of every minute of every hour of every day. And, like the Tinman said, when the time comes, pushin' up daisies is going to be a full-time job. I won't have a spare minute to do anything else...;)

Bill Greenwood
03-09-2020, 06:04 AM
George, are you bringing one of the ladies who doesn't like sleep with you from Aus?
I have not been down there, would like to but one reason is the distance and travel time involved. If I was doing that trip I would overnight in L A or somewhere.
My advice was for the original poster who asked for advise, and especially how he described his wife's reluctance, though obviously he had pre- determined how he is going to do the convention. Your situation is your own. I was on a flight from Turkey for about 10 hours and hated it. About one more hour and Isis might have recruited me, I hated being in the plane. Ive gone to Hawaii, about 8 hours and was not too bad.
Once in flying the airshow at Nellis AFB I missed the pilot's briefing. I actually thought the guy was joking when he said the briefing was at 4:30 am.

03-09-2020, 06:22 AM
Tinman if you’re driving down Fremont be aware that there is only one place to get you’re morning coffee and gas after getting on 10 and that’s just after getting on 45 South at the Winchester exit. There is nothing else until getting south of Lake Butte de Morts and then you’re in Oshkosh and back into civilization. Plan accordingly.

It’s an easy drive, virtually no traffic. Traffic backs up fast due to the slow parking process. Saturday is the worst; all the locals come for the big air show.

Most people going to AV stay on the 41 corridor and don’t realize just how quickly the area turns back to farm country. If you’re driving In the twilight or dark watch out for the deer. Even though it’s 4 lane all the way the deer don’t seem to know it.

03-09-2020, 07:09 AM
Tinman if you’re driving down Fremont be aware that there is only one place to get you’re morning coffee and gas after getting on 10 and that’s just after getting on 45 South at the Winchester exit. There is nothing else until getting south of Lake Butte de Morts and then you’re in Oshkosh and back into civilization. Plan accordingly.

It’s an easy drive, virtually no traffic. Traffic backs up fast due to the slow parking process. Saturday is the worst; all the locals come for the big air show.

Most people going to AV stay on the 41 corridor and don’t realize just how quickly the area turns back to farm country. If you’re driving In the twilight or dark watch out for the deer. Even though it’s 4 lane all the way the deer don’t seem to know it.

There is now a A&W and Shell gas station with convenience store at the Winneconne Hwy 116 exit as well.

03-09-2020, 07:24 AM
Thanks everyone for the commentary so far on this post. Mr. Bill, I also appreciate you & your input.
Bill, you’re also correct in that I had a plan before I submitted this post here. I’m a believer in making a plan & working the plan. I’m definitely a planner.
Before I made this post I had read through every post in the first 10 pages of this particular forum. Looking for answers I might have.
The man I bought my airplane from (who’s also my hanger mate) is a volunteer & a representative for an Ultralight company who has been a big part of OSH for many many years. I’ve also gotten a lot of good info & tips from him. So, yeah, I have a little more info than my first post might have led some to believe.
With all that said, as a newbie, I still have questions & things I need to know. Plus, I know other noobs will come here looking for a few answers. I’m hoping they can find some of their questions answered here.

Bill, you’re ALSO correct in that you don’t know my wife. LOL She’s been here on the forums & is quiet excited about our trip to “the big airshow”. I can’t count the number of days she’s had me up before daylight to hit the beach early to collect sea shells, watch the sun rise on many cruise ships, walk the streets of NYC (3:30am) to stand in a line to be part of the recording of a popular late night talk show & a number of other activities. It’s pretty simple actually, we get up early to do things we enjoy that we don’t normally get to do when we’re at home. We promise not to wake you or anyone else up while we enjoy our time at OSH.
Oh, and since you asked Bill (but has no reason to even be part of this discussion), our kid is grown & has made us grandparents & we aren’t pet owners. LOL

I hope others will continue to chime in here with info on what we (the newbies) might need to know as we plan our trip to the big airshow.

robert l
03-09-2020, 07:44 AM
Hey Tinman, what part of the country are you from, you may have mentioned it, and if so, I didn't see it. My flying buddy and I have made the drive from South Carolina twice, right at a thousand miles one way, not my favorite way to go but we got there just the same. We flew commercial one time and stayed at Sleepy Hollow Farm Campground, it's adjacent to the EAA grounds and is pretty good. I have considered staying at the dorms and now that you have brought up the cabins, that's another possibility. If my wife ever decides to come with me, it will definitely have to be a place with A/C, LOL! Anyway, just wondering and thanks for starting this thread, lots of good info.

Bill Greenwood
03-09-2020, 07:51 AM
Tinman, I am about speechless. If you asked a lot of New Yorkers, if they thought being out at 3:30 am was a safe time to visit, or the best time for instance to see a play, I think they would say mostly you make yourself a good target for muggers. There is a whole movie starring Jack Lemon, cant recall the title about a naïve out of state couple coming to N Y and of course getting mugged and on and on. And no I am not from NY have friends that are.
I like to promote aviation and I like the Airventure convention. I do know sometimes folks, men , who love to camp but wives may not love portapoities and group showers as much. If you look at the grounds you see 90% old men, same as the convention I just went to in Mobile.
I would disregard everything I have written, it seems you folks may be proof that we really are visited by beings from up there somewhere. I was going to offer to meet you and see if I could be of any help in person, but don't know what I could offer. And you wont wake me, I wont be there at 5am.