View Full Version : After aopa forum

Bill Greenwood
02-11-2020, 10:56 AM
Many of you may have used the AOPA forum site which was cancelled. Have you tried to use the Hangar feature as a substitute on Aopa. I found in almost useless, not updated at all.
Our EAA site is good, but not as broad or as active as that other one was for gen aviation.
Do you have any others you are using and finding useful?

02-11-2020, 11:04 AM
Like you, after the Red Board's demise I took a quick look at the Hangar and haven't been back. I now split my time between the Blue Board (aka POA) and Van's Air Force (VAF) with a occasional jaunt over to BeechTalk. I check this forum, Matronics, plus a Pietenpol site routinely site but all of these get posts at a glacial pace compared to the others I mentioned.

02-11-2020, 11:11 AM
many of the AOPA posters migrated to a new forum, The Pilots Place: http://thepilotsplace.com/forum/index.php

It's probably worth your time to check out if you enjoy forum-style conversations.

02-11-2020, 02:15 PM
Yep, not only left the red board, but AOPA entirely. The closing of the board (and the disaster of the Hangar) were just the last straw in demonstrating that they are so out of touch with the membership to be unsupportable.

Bill Greenwood
02-11-2020, 05:49 PM
Brian, thanks I tried to register on the Pilot Place and cant get it to go through. They said they sent me an email with directions to follow, but no email has come. On the site they say they welcome pilots, doesn't say you have to know about glass panel and all the new stuff. And it says there is only one rule, but it doesn't give what that rule is. Wish it had a contact phone number.

02-11-2020, 07:59 PM
And it says there is only one rule, but it doesn't give what that rule is. Wish it had a contact phone number.

If you've ever been to a Club Med, you'll know what that one rule is. I wish I could tell you here but if I do I'll be excommunicated from the EAA Forum for life and probably a bit more.

02-11-2020, 08:28 PM
I just registered to Brian’s site — no issues whatsoever. I’ve added it to the list of sites to visit so thanks for the invite.

Bill Greenwood
02-11-2020, 10:37 PM
Floats, I have been to Club Med a number of times in the past, but don't recall any "one rule" there. Maybe don't look down when you are climbing the tower to start on the trapeze, or avoid the free Mai Tais and order your own drinks. Mostly a good experience except the one where the mosquitos were so bad they had to spray DDT every evening.

02-12-2020, 09:20 AM
many of the AOPA posters migrated to a new forum, The Pilots Place: http://thepilotsplace.com/forum/index.php

It's probably worth your time to check out if you enjoy forum-style conversations.
Thanks for the link, I just signed up.

02-12-2020, 09:53 AM
Brian, thanks I tried to register on the Pilot Place and cant get it to go through. They said they sent me an email with directions to follow, but no email has come. On the site they say they welcome pilots, doesn't say you have to know about glass panel and all the new stuff. And it says there is only one rule, but it doesn't give what that rule is. Wish it had a contact phone number.

I don't have any insight into TPP site administration. I'd guess your email got knocked down by spam, but I'll see if I can have the site owner look into it.

FYI, the "one rule" is "play nice" (or something to that effect). The AOPA board didn't have the best reputation and they're trying to avoid that fate.

02-12-2020, 11:19 AM
Brian, thanks I tried to register on the Pilot Place and cant get it to go through. They said they sent me an email with directions to follow, but no email has come. On the site they say they welcome pilots, doesn't say you have to know about glass panel and all the new stuff. And it says there is only one rule, but it doesn't give what that rule is. Wish it had a contact phone number.

Bill, try to login again. I reached out to the forum admin; he doesn't know why you didn't receive an email, but your account (with the username and password that you setup) should be fully available. Good luck.

Bill Greenwood
02-12-2020, 11:34 AM
I think "play nice" is a good rule, but can have different meanings to people. For me, just if I was running a forum, I would want to avoid personal insults. In other words, a serious even intense discussion is a good thing, but if you disagree with someone's premise or facts or mantra let it be about the facts. There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not. "Play nice" can also be a cover really for don't post anything that doesn't agree with what's already on the forum, no rocking the boat. Lots of people like that.
We have a local conference Idea Fest, run by Walter Isacson, formerly of Time Inc, where they invite prominent people from all over the world and all walks of life, lots of businessmen, world leaders, sports figures, authors, and on and on. It covers all spectrum, one side to the other, the good , bad and some of the ugly. It is very well attended and exciting to hear. Each person accepts be nice in that they let the other speak , no interuptiions and it is a discussion to enlighten and maybe solve problems rather than just a debate to win a point or have your client win in court. I think it is great. It aint too hard to get folks to come to the mountains and stay at a lovely resort on the banks of the river!!
Incidentally, Walter has a book about DaVinci where he picked him as the smartest person ever because he was so curious and wanted to know about everything.

Bill Greenwood
02-12-2020, 11:35 AM
Thanks, Brian Im on now posted a topic about the fly out we used to do to Lake Lawn. Looks like he site is broad and good

02-14-2020, 05:10 PM
I think "play nice" is a good rule, but can have different meanings to people. For me, just if I was running a forum, I would want to avoid personal insults. In other words, a serious even intense discussion is a good thing, but if you disagree with someone's premise or facts or mantra let it be about the facts. There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not. "Play nice" can also be a cover really for don't post anything that doesn't agree with what's already on the forum, no rocking the boat. Lots of people like that.

Bill, I've copied your quotes exactly as you wrote them. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not an English major, but when you bracket something in quotation marks it is supposed to imply that what you are quoting are exact words that someone else wrote.

In the first example above, "play nice" is not attributed to anyone and you are probably just using quotation marks improperly in this usage.
I nearly failed English in school for good reason, but if I were to vaguely summarize a feeling or idea, such as that example, I would write it as; I think 'play nice' is a good rule...
It's the lower half of the same key on the keyboard. ('example')
I think it implies a general idea or feeling of the writer but not a direct quote.

The other example in that paragraph:
"There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not."

I've read every post going back for a couple weeks and do not find that anyone has called anyone "an idiot".
I think you may be talking about me, but I have never said anything close to that.
If you meant someone else, I must have missed that conversation and I apologize for the confusion.

Calling someone "an idiot," in any situation, is not any way to "play nice".
To falsely accuse someone of that is definitely not nice. Especially, in a thread about forum moderation.
So, could you please clarify and/or correct your statement as an effort to "play nice," on this forum?

Thanks in advance as I wanted to talk more about hang gliding in Colorado, and elsewhere, but this quotation snafu has gotten in the way.

Concerned Hang Glider Pilot

PS: Many years ago I nearly froze my toes off on a cross country ski jaunt down the creek from the old Jerome Hotel. Went down stream, of course, in the afternoon when it was above freezing and got our feet wet in leather bindings in the melting snow. Easy peasy for six miles then turned back up hill for six miles, as the sun went down... you can guess the rest.. thought we were gonna die... but didn't. Hot toddies at the Jerome. Survived.
Thanks for the memories.

02-14-2020, 06:03 PM
The other example in that paragraph:

"There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not."

I've read every post going back for a couple weeks and do not find that anyone has called anyone "an idiot".
It's possible the moderators deleted the offending post.

It's also possible Bill is confused as to which Forum he saw the name calling. Other forums are a little more free, that way.

Keep in mind, too, that Bill has no objection to name-calling, as long as he's the one doing it.

"Thanks Vile Boatwrong, how could this forum exist without your close attention to my every post to make sure they are pure." - Bill Greenwood, 5/25/2017


Ron Wanttaja

02-15-2020, 01:23 PM
I'm sorry JBlack, but your knowledge of English punctuation usage is incomplete. There are a few times when quotation marks are used other than literal quotations. One is when describing words as words. For example, the phrase "play nice" in this sentence is used to show that I'm talking about the words "play nice" rather than their meaning. The other use are the so-called "scare quotes." These are used when you're using a word or phrase in something other than it's literal meaning. I'm tending toward the this usage here. "Play nice" was used to suggest forum behavior, rather than that we were in some sort of well-mannered game.

Sam Buchanan
02-15-2020, 02:56 PM
Thanks in advance as I wanted to talk more about hang gliding in Colorado, and elsewhere, but this quotation snafu has gotten in the way.

Concerned Hang Glider Pilot


Please don't take this personally....but I think your concerns about hang gliding would have a better chance of reaching a receptive audience in a forum other than this one. Hang gliders technically fall under Part 103, but from my experience with the EAA for nearly thirty years these minimal aircraft and the associated community have never been a point of emphasis in this organization.

Perhaps if you moved your concerns to the associations and forums that are populated with hang glider enthusiasts you could move more folks into your line of thinking. But I think you are really wasting your time pushing your agendae here with pilots who either have very little experience with hang gliders or no interest at all.

Most of us that populate this forum have personal airframes that prohibit us from ever seeing hang gliding as a viable means of committing aviation.....those little wings can only carry so much load......and our landing gear have exceeded the expiration date...... :rollseyes:

Best wishes with your cloud-free gliding pursuits!

(Wow...how's that for thread drift??)

02-16-2020, 10:26 AM
As far as the original question, looked once and never went back...

02-16-2020, 02:49 PM

Please don't take this personally....but I think your concerns about hang gliding would have a better chance of reaching a receptive audience in a forum other than this one.

Sam, my concerns were about unsafe FAR violations.

Perhaps if you moved your concerns to the associations and forums that are populated with hang glider enthusiasts you could move more folks into your line of thinking.
See above. My concerns are FAR related. If you were repeatedly violating FARs in your airplane and posting the videos on youtube bragging about it, I would likely voice my concerns about it.
It really has nothing to do with hang gliding, per se.

But I think you are really wasting your time pushing your agendae here with pilots who either have very little experience with hang gliders or no interest at all.
There is no "agendae". How do you know that pilots here have 'very little experience or no interest' at all?

Most of us that populate this forum have personal airframes that prohibit us from ever seeing hang gliding as a viable means of committing aviation.....those little wings can only carry so much load......and our landing gear have exceeded the expiration date...... :rollseyes:

Being uninformed is your only limitation, Sam. Those little wings can carry a lot of weight and since the recent invention of wheels, you don't have to launch or land on your feet.
Originally, my comments here were not about promoting hang gliding. It now seems you want to prevent me from something I wasn't doing in the first place.
What really gives?

Sam Buchanan
02-16-2020, 03:53 PM
<sigh>......ok....I tried........

02-16-2020, 05:31 PM
<sigh>......ok....I tried........

Someone smarter than me once said - "Never try to teach a pig to dance. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig." lol

Bill Greenwood
02-16-2020, 09:44 PM
JBlack, the phrase play nice came from another forum which they say is their rule. I guess it is open to interpretation as to what more that means.
As for my punctuation, well I did make an A in college that last time I took English grammar. But please allow that English is only my second language. I grew up in Texas to which I am fluent in. Every heard the expression. "All hat and no cattle" or " We gonna dance with the ones who brung us". You can translate the cattle one into aviation to wit, "All spinner and no prop" or if I was to modernize that I might say, "All electrons and no horsepower".
I had a lot of fun hang gliding, but as Sam said your concern, even if valid safety wise is probably better targeted to the location where you say this occurred and the organization that directly supervises that.

02-17-2020, 10:51 AM
"All electrons and no horsepower.”Bill, I don’t share your scorn for electronics in the aircraft, but that's a good one. You sort of have to know the context, though.
Mike E

Bill Greenwood
02-17-2020, 11:48 AM
Mike, the saying which I made up about the electrons is two part, don't forget the second part. If you have an Airbus 320 some high tech panel, Ie the electrons) are warranted. But remember that airplanes fly on the wing and the engine/prop. If you've got a 120 mph trainer with $50, 000 of gadgetry in the panel it isn't going to be any higher performance than any other. Its a little like having a great stereo system in an Edsel.
Of course, the "All hat and no cattle" is a long time saying in Texas and ranching country. It might be updated now to "All hat and no wells or all truck and no wells."
I got a good one from the African American cab driver Sun when commenting how I wasn't expecting it to be that cold in Mobile, he said "normally winter don't stay round here."

02-19-2020, 11:07 AM
I think "play nice" is a good rule, but can have different meanings to people. For me, just if I was running a forum, I would want to avoid personal insults. In other words, a serious even intense discussion is a good thing, but if you disagree with someone's premise or facts or mantra let it be about the facts. There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not. "Play nice" can also be a cover really for don't post anything that doesn't agree with what's already on the forum, no rocking the boat. Lots of people like that....

I don't know about the specific issues with the AOPA site, but I can tell you what it MAY have been referring to. The GA world is filled with good people, but there are SOME (and they tend to gravitate toward places that allow them to do this) who like to talk down to young/new pilots, or people considering becoming pilots. They like to show off how much they know, and more to the point, how much you DON'T know. It's very off-putting, and will run off those newcomers. That tends to result in the same 10 people on a discussion board talking past each other, and no growth. I have experienced this first-hand on the HBA site.

Kyle Boatright
02-19-2020, 04:28 PM
I don't know about the specific issues with the AOPA site, but I can tell you what it MAY have been referring to. The GA world is filled with good people, but there are SOME (and they tend to gravitate toward places that allow them to do this) who like to talk down to young/new pilots, or people considering becoming pilots. They like to show off how much they know, and more to the point, how much you DON'T know. It's very off-putting, and will run off those newcomers. That tends to result in the same 10 people on a discussion board talking past each other, and no growth. I have experienced this first-hand on the HBA site.

Funny, I think the EAA and HBA sites have the softest elbows of any of the aviation boards I visit. The AOPA board was ruthless with every discussion turning into some version of a ruler contest. The Blue Board (Pilots of America) has some of that, and the Purple Board for Pilots a little of it. But AOPA was by far the worst, IMO. They even had a moderator or two who (IMO) went way out of line from time to time and were never reeled in (at least publicly). I found it a nasty atmosphere and stopped following the forum years ago. I think one of their problems is they are a membership service and don't want to suspend members and potentially lose the income when people drop their membership because of a forum suspension.

02-19-2020, 04:47 PM
Oh, I don't mean to imply the HBA board is really bad. I was just using it as an example of what CAN happen when know-it-alls get into a urinating contest, instead of having the heart of a teacher.

02-19-2020, 06:41 PM
Oh, I don't mean to imply the HBA board is really bad. I was just using it as an example of what CAN happen when know-it-alls get into a urinating contest, instead of having the heart of a teacher.

This is not what Bill was talking about. He said this:
There is a topic on this EAA forum just a few days back where someone calls another "an idiot" because he is not aware of something about aviation. The one calling the names doesn't even know the other person, no way of knowing if he is smart or not.

I've asked for more information.
We have the what and where, but do we have a really?

The reason everyone missed it was probably that it never happened. Boy calling wolf.. ?

Did it happen or not, Bill?
Inquiring minds want to know.

02-19-2020, 07:46 PM
Use the search tool and see the partial or complete (based on your search parameters) occurrence of the key word. Draw your own conclusions.

Bill Greenwood
02-20-2020, 09:47 AM
I don't have a cute alias, mostly cause it never occurred to me when I started on fourms, guess Im too simple that way.
But if I was to try to think up one I don't think I could match "geosnooker", whatever that might mean. Mine might be Merlin addict.

02-20-2020, 11:11 AM
I don't have a cute alias, mostly cause it never occurred to me when I started on fourms, guess Im too simple that way.
But if I was to try to think up one I don't think I could match "geosnooker", whatever that might mean. Mine might be Merlin addict.

It's nothing sinister. geo are the first 3 letters of my name (George), snooker is my favorite billiard game of all time, and the year 2000 was the year I first started joining message boards. And I'm talking about the 12' long English snooker table, not the wimpy 10' American version. :P

02-20-2020, 07:43 PM
Use the search tool and see the partial or complete (based on your search parameters) occurrence of the key word. Draw your own conclusions.

I couldn't find a thing and my own conclusion would be that the Merlin addict made up the story.

02-21-2020, 01:41 AM
I don't have a cute alias, mostly cause it never occurred to me when I started on fourms, guess Im too simple that way.
Sounds like we need a contest to come up with an alias for Bill.

Ron "I'M not going first" Wanttaja

02-21-2020, 02:22 PM
My alias comes from the fact that the first site I used the name on specifically disinclined using real email addresses or names (spam issues).
It wasn't aviation, so flyingron was a pretty distinctive. Most people who've been around long enough know who I am. I've never hid it. Ron Wanttaja and I referred to ourselves each as "The 'other' Ron" for years in the old USENET days.

We oddly had much in common: flying, singing sea shanties, etc... It was years before I actually ran into him at Oshkosh when I just happened to notice someone passing in the opposite direction with a Fly Baby shirt on.

02-21-2020, 04:40 PM
My professional and online lives haven't had much opportunity to become tangled, so haven't had to use an alias. Having an unusual name, I've mostly gone with wanttaja or wanttajar or rwanttaja. wanttaja@ssc-vax was my first online address, with "ssc-vax" being owned by my employer. When that machine was shut down, I did use an alias for a bit... "prang@ssc-bee.boeing.com". :-)

By the time Eternal September happened, I had transitioned to a private server (wanttaja@halcyon.com). This was fortunate, as there were a number of people still on work and educational servers who ended up having complaints made about them by some of the new arrivals on USENET. This was hard to defend, in an era when most bosses and HR people didn't even know what the Internet was. I missed most of that, fortunately.

Ron Wanttaja

02-21-2020, 04:45 PM
I gut a phone call from the CEO of our company who wanted to know who the hell Jim Campbell was. It wasn't too long after that, I got my own domain as well (ronnatalie.com).

Oddly, I still have the old corporate domain (sensor.com). When Textron bought us we hadn't used it in a while (we changed our name to Overwatch) but we were still using it as an alias. Textron was uninterested in paying for it and my name was already on it, so I just changed the mailing address to my house.

02-22-2020, 10:31 PM
I don't have a cute alias,

I would never use my real name on the internet. That's just nuts.

Sam Buchanan
02-23-2020, 08:30 AM
I would never use my real name on the internet. That's just nuts.

Well.....guess I'm just nuts....... ;)

02-23-2020, 08:36 AM
And yet it’s possible to have a so called “cute” alias and not be an anonymous keyboard warrior— it’s called a signature block.

Kyle Boatright
02-23-2020, 09:05 AM
Well.....guess I'm just nuts.......

Usually, Sam is pretty good at picking up on humor... ;-)

Sam Buchanan
02-23-2020, 12:00 PM
Usually, Sam is pretty good at picking up on humor... ;-)

Occasionally I don't pay close enough attention....... :)