View Full Version : EAA suing the SOS Brothers?

Rod Schneider
11-27-2019, 01:08 PM
https://fox11online.com/news/local/eaa-sues-brothers-over-beer-venture-tent?fbclid=IwAR2UXyWhNWEPgOid37DbYNdj2ZFzdVJ8qp7o 8bVxK1Mumuz63kJZ2dDwlM8

Interesting that one of EAA's reasons for doing this is to "preserve the family values" at the convention. From the same organization that actively encourages alcohol sales at the camp stores and on some flightline locations. There must be better ways for the EAA to spend money other than pursuing this........

DISCLAIMER: I've never been to the SOS brother's tent.......

11-27-2019, 03:26 PM
I loved the part about it being an outgrowth of an amicable discussion. Gee, Dick, I hope not to be involved in such amicable discussions.

I find EAA's assertion of "Beer Venture" and the related justifications disingenuous. First, the EAA sold its soul on the alcohol issue when they started selling it first to VIPs and then the general public. The latter has caused no end of troubles on the grounds.
Second, the attempt to register Beer Venture, was done not because they were using it in commerce (an explicit requirement to get trademark rights), but with the specific goal of interfering with SOS's already use of the term.
The dilution argument is specious as well.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 05:06 PM
I don't see why EAA can't play well with others on this. Airventure should be a financial win for everyone in and around Oshkosh. The SOS folks have found a niche EAA doesn't want to play in (i.e. reasonably priced food and beer, available from morning to midnight), and instead of competing, EAA brings lawyers in?

C'mon guys...

11-27-2019, 05:14 PM
I don't see why EAA can't play well with others on this. Airventure should be a financial win for everyone in and around Oshkosh. The SOS folks have found a niche EAA doesn't want to play in (i.e. reasonably priced food and beer, available from morning to midnight), and instead of competing, EAA brings lawyers in?

C'mon guys...

From everything I've read, they are not trying to shut down the SOS brothers, just don't want them using EAA type logo's and branding. They were still doing this up through last year, even though they had told EAA they would stop.

11-27-2019, 05:15 PM
I never associate beer venture with air venture. Been going to OshKosh for over 25 years. It’s just becoming a pissing match that my dues are paying for. Search the word beer venture is used a lot around this country by a lot of micro breweries even in my home town.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 05:47 PM
From everything I've read, they are not trying to shut down the SOS brothers, just don't want them using EAA type logo's and branding. They were still doing this up through last year, even though they had told EAA they would stop.

I've been at the SOS tent dozens of times and just looked at all of my pictures from that property. I couldn't find a single example of EAA logos being used. Now, if EAA takes exception to the Beer Venture moniker, that's a problem of hyper sensitivity, IMO.

11-27-2019, 06:06 PM
Hey EAA if you’re reading this thread you are coming off as petty and hypocritical. SOS bro’s doesn’t interfere with family values any more than other activities that happen across the venue.

11-27-2019, 06:11 PM
I've attached the EAA complaint.

11-27-2019, 06:14 PM
Well in the video there is a guy wearing essentially a reversed image of the trademarked EAA swoosh. There can be a argument made that there is a violation for commercial impression similarity. I don’t think they’re gonna win on the BeerVenture as it’s not unique to the show. After all, EAA coined AirVenture because they couldn’t trademark Oshkosh.

I don’t think it’s a big secret that the holdouts surrounded by the EAA grounds have been a thorn in EAA’s side for nearly 50 years.

I too have never been to the SOS tent. Why? I’m lucky if I’m halfway to my truck when I pass it.

I also get that EAA wants to control the image of the event and extract as much revenue as possible. As a member I want EAA/AirVenture to be financially successful. I’m gonna take a wait and see position till more info becomes available.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 06:20 PM
I just skimmed the complaint.

Pitiful. Whether EAA wins in court or obtains a settlement, this is an over-reach by the EAA. I'm extremely disappointed that they are so <I don't like this word> greedy that they would try to suck the air out of a business which has found a way to offer a legal, legitimate product that EAA does not offer.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 06:23 PM
I guess EAA is going to sue these people too:


11-27-2019, 06:24 PM
I just skimmed the complaint.

Pitiful. Whether EAA wins in court or obtains a settlement, this is an over-reach by the EAA. I'm extremely disappointed that they are so <I don't like this word> greedy that they would try to suck the air out of a business which has found a way to offer a legal, legitimate product that EAA does not offer.

Are you takling about bikinis? EAA has been selling beer for a few years now.

11-27-2019, 06:24 PM
hey SOS.....drop the logo, drop the Beer Venture, KEEP the bikinis. you won't see a nickel's worth of drop in revenue. never cease to be amazed how stupid some business people can be.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 06:28 PM
Are you takling about bikinis? EAA has been selling beer for a few years now.

Do they sell beer, brats, and other food at reasonable prices from 11 AM (or whatever) until midnight?

The "inside the fence" prices stink, the food is average at best, and the EAA concessions close by early evening.

Kyle Boatright
11-27-2019, 06:30 PM
hey SOS.....drop the logo, drop the Beer Venture, KEEP the bikinis. you won't see a nickel's worth of drop in revenue. never cease to be amazed how stupid some business people can be.

A) You're right.
B) EAA is being heavy-handed (again) and apparently the SOS brothers have chosen to act on principle, rather than based on taking the easy path. The SOS brothers have a history with EAA, so I'm sure that contributes.

11-27-2019, 06:39 PM
A) You're right.
B) EAA is being heavy-handed (again) and apparently the SOS brothers have chosen to act on principle, rather than based on taking the easy path. The SOS brothers have a history with EAA, so I'm sure that contributes.
Yeah, I guess having the EAA evict you from your own land and illegal tortuous interference with their business over the years probably wears a little thin on them. The SOS's are just a bit more vocal than the other locals the EAA has crapped all over through the years.

11-27-2019, 07:45 PM
I just skimmed the complaint.

Pitiful. Whether EAA wins in court or obtains a settlement, this is an over-reach by the EAA. I'm extremely disappointed that they are so <I don't like this word> greedy that they would try to suck the air out of a business which has found a way to offer a legal, legitimate product that EAA does not offer.

I have watched EAA slowly disintegrate into a large commercial entity for the last decade and slowly loose the values of the original founders. From buttering up to the large donors to destroying historical aircraft for parts, I am not surprised by this latest action. Guess this is the Current state of EAA..... sad.

11-27-2019, 10:01 PM
It seems the EAA is only concerned, rightfully, about the use of their copyrighted logos by an outside entity. Dick K says SOS can run their business as they see fit, just without using EAA trademarked property. I don't understand why SOS is being a dick about this. The 5 homeowners located between SOS and the gate offer lower priced parking, food, drink and t-shirts without any repercussions from EAA because they don't claim affiliation with EAA. It was unclear who was spun up about the SOS bikini babes, the EAA or the local media.

Disclaimer: I'm a regular SOS customer.

Kyle Boatright
11-28-2019, 06:54 AM
It seems the EAA is only concerned, rightfully, about the use of their copyrighted logos by an outside entity. Dick K says SOS can run their business as they see fit, just without using EAA trademarked property. I don't understand why SOS is being a dick about this. The 5 homeowners located between SOS and the gate offer lower priced parking, food, drink and t-shirts without any repercussions from EAA because they don't claim affiliation with EAA. It was unclear who was spun up about the SOS bikini babes, the EAA or the local media.

Disclaimer: I'm a regular SOS customer.

The complaint specifically mentions bikini wearing girls (women?) serving beer and the EAA's family oriented atmosphere. Given that several of the vendors inside the fence use provocatively dressed women to draw attention to their displays, I think EAA is disingenuous at best around that issue. And since there are beer sales on the EAA grounds...

11-28-2019, 08:14 AM
Trademarks and copyrights are too different things. Sos hasn't gone anywhere near copyright violation. Whether "Beer venture" is a trademark violation is up for argument. A lot of the info in the press release is WRONG by the way (reporters don't understand the law any better than they do aviation). You can read the actual complaint in my previous post. I didn't include the exhibits, but they're pretty much the EAA cutting and pasting pieces of the the Airventure website and pictures of SOS's t-shirts and beer coozies with Beer Venture written on them.

11-28-2019, 09:57 AM
I started going to OSH in the early 80's. Back then the SOS Bro's had a house and a couple of RV sites on their property which is now EAA property. I dont recall how EAA took control but if I remember correctly it was heavy handed. Allowing the tent area was part of the deal. Now they want that... Things like this is why I never became a lifetime member, you can't quit being a lifetime member.

11-28-2019, 12:10 PM
It was heavy handed. The SOS fought Winnebago county tooth and nail. They didn't get anything (other than less cash than it was worth). The current tent is on property they lease from another owner who hasn't been pushed off his land yet by the EAA.

11-28-2019, 01:47 PM
Chiming in for no particular reason than a concern for individual liberty and appreciation for our Association.
1. I have never been to SOS brothers, but from what I have heard , I think that their operation is a good thing and represents America at its best -- just like EAA is supposed to.
2. EAA management seems only to be interested in what it perceives as its naming rights (more on this at the end)
3. It also seems that EAA did try to resolve this outside of legal action prior to taking this step

Out of concern for the final disposition of my immortal soul, I never got a law degree, but if I were involved in this case I would ask:

a. Does EAA have any evidence that persons visiting SOS brothers perceive it as an EAA sponsored activity?
b. Since - as a previous poster demonstrated -- other activities outside of Oshkosh already use the phrase Beer-Venture -- how does EAA justify this term as implying an association with AirVenture?

That aside, there is a track record regarding trade-mark infringement that if a TM owner does not defend perceived misappropriation it risks losing exclusive rights to that TM. The classic example of this is Bayer pharmaceutical losing their right to the trademark "Aspirin." This is one reason why Disney is so aggressive about real and perceived TM violations. It may look bad for EAA but not taking action early -- and especially after trying other remediation -- can head off real problems later.

11-29-2019, 04:15 PM
I get to OSH / Airventure every 2 - 3 years since the early 80's. I ALWAYS spend some time at SOS. In fact, I park there because the cost is essentially the same but I know I'll end up there after the show and I'll be closer to my car. Good, reasonably priced food, cold beer, fun people to meet. I can't imagine anyone confusing Air Venture with Beer Venture. Based on nothing but assumption, I believe EAA continues to hassle SOS to punish them for holding-out when their family farm was "in the way". I'm a proud 40+ year member of EAA but this is just wrong.

robert l
11-29-2019, 07:12 PM
The complaint specifically mentions bikini wearing girls (women?) serving beer and the EAA's family oriented atmosphere. Given that several of the vendors inside the fence use provocatively dressed women to draw attention to their displays, I think EAA is disingenuous at best around that issue. And since there are beer sales on the EAA grounds...

You're right Kyle, last year, one of the vendors was selling very light and compact camp chairs for $60.00. The girl that was demonstrating it was very shaply and her shorts and shirt were very, uh, snug. Oh, she was a looker alright, she didn't do anything unlady like and she wasn't wearing a bikini, but hey, we know what sells. I was not offended and if I had been, I would have just not looked, so I don't have a problem with women serving beer and food in bikinis. As far as I'm concerned, the SOS Brothers tent is a nice get a way.

11-30-2019, 08:47 PM
Dick K from EAA should read the complaint before commenting that all he's concerned about is protecting the EAA copyrighted material. That way he won't be talking out of both sides of his mouth.
Anyone here visit the Continental Tire display this year? What about the cute angels selling airpark lots? It's a known fact in the sales industry since the dawn of time - sex sells product.

11-30-2019, 09:19 PM
Last time I attended OSH was in 2000, the 25th anniversary of Van's aircraft. We were crammed cheek to cheek near the main entrance with all the pedestrians bumping and fingering the displayed RV's. I departed on the second day but had I known about the S.O.S. tent I might have stayed a bit longer.

11-30-2019, 11:48 PM
So....where IS this SOS thing anyway? Perhaps I've driven past the place without it ever registering, but I dunno.

Kyle Boatright
12-01-2019, 07:30 AM
So....where IS this SOS thing anyway? Perhaps I've driven past the place without it ever registering, but I dunno.

Walk out the main gate, cut right until you hit W Waukau then walk West. SOS will be on your right, 1/8 mile outside the fence.

12-01-2019, 08:22 AM
Walk out the main gate, cut right until you hit W Waukau then walk West. SOS will be on your right, 1/8 mile outside the fence.

Ah, that explains my ignorance - I always come and go via my SUV using Waupun Rd and Knapp St. Not worth that much walking on my bum arthritic knees for a beer- lol

On topic, I do agree it is a wee disingenuous for EAA to fret over beer and bikinis, when it has NO problem with beer and Continental Tire lady chesticles. Who'd a thunk that scantily clad lady types would be a consumer draw? (said NO ONE..EVER) lol

12-01-2019, 09:34 AM
And where do people come up with the idea that either beer consumed by adults, or women dressed slightly more conservatively than one would see at poolside or might see in a park, is somehow immoral or not "family friendly"? Most restaurants serve beer, and it's neither illegal, immoral, nor particularly uncommon for young women to dress like that in summer, thank heaven.

Even EAA must think serving beer is "family friendly", since beer sales occur at AV on the grounds. That leaves only the supposed trademark infringements. The reversed swoosh thing... maybe. I dont think a "reasonable person" would think it's "confusing", but there seems to be a paucity of reasonable persons involved. The other airplane themed stuff... come on. EAA is not the NFL, and they shouldn't be acting like them. Are we now to think that any mention of an aircraft or image of a jet airliner is a trademark infringement? Should Airventure become like "that large annual professional football contest that must not be named"? Sheesh. Lets get real.

I'm unhappy that a portion of my dues is being wasted to further earn the ill will of the Sosnoski family, along with that of (no doubt) a fair number of locals, and a fair number of its own members.

12-01-2019, 09:51 AM
On topic, I do agree it is a wee disingenuous for EAA to fret over beer and bikinis, when it has NO problem with beer and Continental Tire lady chesticles. Who'd a thunk that scantily clad lady types would be a consumer draw? (said NO ONE..EVER) lol

I certainly think EAA's "morality" argument fails, when the EAA supports on-site liquor sales and doesn't regulate on-site spokesmodel attire. Ditto the infringement claim, when myriad local businesses are allowed to mention "Airventure" in their signage or advertising.

This smacks of too many business/legal types saying, "We CAN sue them," and not enough community-oriented staffers at a high enough level to ask, "What does it really hurt?" Given the past history, this sounds personal, not a dispassionate business decision.

Ron Wanttaja

12-01-2019, 11:04 AM
Does anyone know where Jack Pelton lives? Is he involved in the Oshkosh community?

I ask because many locals have told me that the Poberezny’s were “Milwaukee people” who had nothing to do with the Oshkosh community.


12-01-2019, 11:34 AM
A 2012 EAA article mentions that he and his wife live in Wichita, KS.


I don't personally feel that where a CEO lives in relationship to their HQ location is an important issue, but certainly EAA is a HUGE presence in the Oshkosh community. Beyond AirVenture's massive annual $$$ influx they are also a year-round employer and revenue stream for that whole area.

I would presume that Mr. Pelton, as a pilot himself, as well as a potential regional airline passenger, would find that commuting to Oshkosh from Wichita as his duties require is not an insurmountable task?

12-01-2019, 11:48 AM
Ron you’re spot on. I can’t count how many times AirVenture is used in radio ads and see businesses with “Welcome AirVenture Fans” banners, to includes eateries serving alcohol and bars. Honestly I’ve walked past SOS hundreds of times and never heard or associated Beer Venture with them. Who knew??

Did you read the Prayer for Relief? The last last few articles ask for reimbursement for damages of unspecified monetary amounts including reimbursement for all legal fees. It would be interesting to be able to sit in on the proceedings to see how EAA proves how it has been harmed by off site beer sales and bikini servers. I don’t think in today’s world a jury is going to find for EAA on all counts of the complaint.

EAA may get a win in the courts but they are already losing in the court of public opinion.

Kyle Boatright
12-01-2019, 12:11 PM
This smacks of too many business/legal types saying, "We CAN sue them," ...

Thing is, you CANNOT let lawyers run your business. Lawyers are great for advice, but they have a desire to do lawyerly things, not resolve things or walk away when appropriate.

You should see my new hangar lease, written by lawyers, rather than aviation people. Sheesh...

12-01-2019, 02:14 PM
Ron you’re spot on. I can’t count how many times AirVenture is used in radio ads and see businesses with “Welcome AirVenture Fans” banners, to includes eateries serving alcohol and bars. Honestly I’ve walked past SOS hundreds of times and never heard or associated Beer Venture with them. Who knew??

Trademark protection is a real thing, but it's normally handled by a harsh letter rather than a lawsuit.

If I write an article that says, "...Use pop rivets to hold it in place," me or the magazine where it's published will get a nasty letter saying something along the lines of: "POP™ brand rivets are trademarked by Stanley Engineered Fasteners. In the future, if you use the term, it should be capitalized and include the trademark symbol."

Certainly, trademark protection is important. A lot of trademarked terms have come into common usage ("Aspirin", "Linoleum," "Thermos," etc.) and the companies involved probably did lose some market traction.

And, quite possibly, EAA did send similar letters to SOS. But such letters *do* establish that EAA is protecting its brand.

I don't see "Beerventure" as infringing on EAA's trademark. There's a group of summer camps in Texas called "Kidventure" yet EAA claims that as a trademark. Are they suing them, as well?

Kidventure in Texas has been existence since 1994...when did EAA trademark "Airventure"?

Amusing bit of research. I looked at the back issues of EAA Sport Aviation magazine, looking for the first mention of "Airventure." I found it in May 1993. In an article about the Spruce Goose, written by Penn Stohr.

Of the Evergreen AirVenture Museum, in McMinnville, Oregon.

It isn't until 1998 that "Airventure" comes up with a lot of hits in the magazine. A google search for "Airventure '97" comes up blank (no '97), while "Airventure '98" gets lots of hits. Now, of course, EAA could have filed for the trademark several years before and just not used it until '98.

This looks to me to be similar to SLAPP suit..."Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation." Basically using corporate funds to bully a smaller entity to cease a certain action, whether or not the action itself is contrary to law. I was once hit with a SLAPP suit.

SOS could undoubtedly use "KidVenture" and the Evergreen museum name to counter the validity of EAA's trademark infringement claim. The question is, can they afford it?

As EAA members, we have to ask ourselves: Is this action beneficial to the membership? Whether or not they can bully SOS into compliance? Is this what we want our dues spent on?

Did you read the Prayer for Relief? The last last few articles ask for reimbursement for damages of unspecified monetary amounts including reimbursement for all legal fees. It would be interesting to be able to sit in on the proceedings to see how EAA proves how it has been harmed by off site beer sales and bikini servers. I don’t think in today’s world a jury is going to find for EAA on all counts of the complaint.

EAA may get a win in the courts but they are already losing in the court of public opinion.

They're asking for a jury trial, which indicates to me that they're going to push the "family-friendly event" theme. The Midwest *is* a bit prudish; they may hope to sway jurors with claims of alcohol imbibing and scantily-clad ladies.

Depending on how much defense SOS can afford, this could be dangerous...considering how EAA not only sells liquor itself and allows paying vendors to feature half-nekkid females, but has, in the past, hushed-up at least one alcohol-related on-site event by a featured airshow performer.

Again...is this what our membership dues should be spent on?

Ron Wanttaja

Mike Switzer
12-01-2019, 03:43 PM
They're asking for a jury trial, which indicates to me that they're going to push the "family-friendly event" theme. The Midwest *is* a bit prudish; they may hope to sway jurors with claims of alcohol imbibing and scantily-clad ladies.

If so, all the SOS bros have to due is ask for a change of venue to Madison. (Also known as the Berkeley of the Midwest)

12-01-2019, 04:14 PM
If so, all the SOS bros have to due is ask for a change of venue to Madison. (Also known as the Berkeley of the Midwest)

I fly into Milwaukee four times a year and drive to Oshkosh. I'm always amused by the big XXX business...with its huge billboards....just a few miles short of Oshkosh. Family friendly, indeed.

I'll doubt this will ever get to trial, but strongly suspect there'll be a change in venue. There are probably few people in the Oshkosh area that can claim to be neutral or unaffected by EAA.

Ron Wanttaja

12-01-2019, 06:20 PM
I don’t post often, but this warrants taking time to do so.

EAA, I wish you’d hear your members. This is wrong, petty, and unnecessary.

I cannot believe how far this corporation has come from its roots. I vote with my dollars, and you’ve lost mine. Wow.

Robbie Culver
Naperville, IL

Kyle Boatright
12-01-2019, 07:17 PM
I don’t post often, but this warrants taking time to do so.

EAA, I wish you’d hear your members. This is wrong, petty, and unnecessary.

I cannot believe how far this corporation has come from its roots. I vote with my dollars, and you’ve lost mine. Wow.

Robbie Culver
Naperville, IL

Exactly. I get the trademark and copyright thing. EAA need to walk away from 3 of their four gripes (Beer, girls, "Airventure"). The logo thing, I think they may have a leg to stand on. That said, Pelton himself (or some other high ranking EAA'er without a history with SOS) asking politely would have probably gone a long way towards dealing with that. Even better, Pelton having a beer and a brat with the SOS brothers during the convention would be a great way to mend fences. The old "you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar" philosophy at work.

I hope it isn't too late for cooler heads to prevail.

12-02-2019, 07:04 AM
The beer and girls things are just red herrings. The lawsuit is not (and legally can not be) about that.

12-02-2019, 08:35 AM
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that in the state of Wisconsin they’re fighting over beer???
Maybe there needs to be a brat summit. Oh wait, that might start a fight over the correct condiments to go on a brat.
Thank goodness Kringle and roasted corn aren’t involved. Just sayin.

12-02-2019, 09:26 AM
As EAA members, we have to ask ourselves: Is this action beneficial to the membership? Whether or not they can bully SOS into compliance? Is this what we want our dues spent on?

In my humble opinion, absolutely not. And I believe I'll spend part of today writing to EAA management to let them know that, and I would encourage others to do the same.

EAA, I wish you’d hear your members. This is wrong, petty, and unnecessary.

Amen, brother. Now go tell them somewhere other than this forum, which management can claim not to have read.

12-02-2019, 12:50 PM
The late great Jerry Pournelle talked about this.
Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people:

First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.

Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.

The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.

EAA, alas, is no exception.

12-03-2019, 02:04 AM
Amusing bit of research. I looked at the back issues of EAA Sport Aviation magazine, looking for the first mention of "Airventure." I found it in May 1993. In an article about the Spruce Goose, written by Penn Stohr.

Of the Evergreen AirVenture Museum, in McMinnville, Oregon.

It isn't until 1998 that "Airventure" comes up with a lot of hits in the magazine. A google search for "Airventure '97" comes up blank (no '97), while "Airventure '98" gets lots of hits. Now, of course, EAA could have filed for the trademark several years before and just not used it until '98.
Interesting coincidence: The Evergreen Airventure Museum changed its name in 1997, dropping "Airventure." And EAA started USING Airventure the following year.

Makes you wonder: Did EAA buy the rights to "Airventure" from the Evergreen museum? If so, I wonder how much EAA had to pay for that single word?

Ron "But they're MAGIC beans" Wanttaja

robert l
12-03-2019, 06:49 AM
So....where IS this SOS thing anyway? Perhaps I've driven past the place without it ever registering, but I dunno.

Randy, if you Google Earth it, you'll see where it is. It's right accross the street from the Sleepy Hollow Camp Ground. I'm supprised EAA hasen't tried to acquire Sleepy Hollow.

12-03-2019, 07:28 AM
I always thought AirVenture was a dumb name anyhow. The EAA was already using "Air Adventure" for the museum. It took the PA announcers almost four years to stop insert "Ad" or another extra syllable in the name.
Of course, nobody outside of the EAA management calls it that. To most of the country it's still Oshkosh. To those from Wisconsin, it's "Da EAA."

12-03-2019, 08:33 AM
Depending upon your time with EAA, myself included, occasionally refer to the show as convention. And I still think of Class B airspace as a TCA :). That which is learned first is best learned.
I’m not particularly keen on the swoosh airplane logo because to me it doesn’t represent the organization or it’s divisions. Looks too much like a aerospace company logo. Would be interested to know how the merchandise sales with the legacy logo compares with the current logo. I would bet it matches or beats it.

12-03-2019, 08:44 AM
Randy, if you Google Earth it, you'll see where it is. It's right accross the street from the Sleepy Hollow Camp Ground. I'm supprised EAA hasen't tried to acquire Sleepy Hollow.
Thanks, SOS is listed with a pic on Google Earth too. Yep....WAY too far for me to schlepp just to drink a beer in Wisconsin - LOL

12-03-2019, 08:53 AM
Thanks, SOS is listed with a pic on Google Earth too. Yep....WAY too far for me to schlepp just to drink a beer in Wisconsin - LOL

Randy, I heard that they might have shuttles at Oshk --oh, I mean Airventure. Maybe one of those passes close by.


12-03-2019, 09:38 AM
Randy, I heard that they might have shuttles at Oshk'

What's this you say? Shuttles? Trams? Now THAT is something I'll have to investigate!


Mike Switzer
12-03-2019, 10:03 AM
Depending upon your time with EAA, myself included, occasionally refer to the show as convention. And I still think of Class B airspace as a TCA :). [I]That which is learned first is best learned.

Yea, along the same lines as far as I am concerned that big white building in Champaign where they play basketball is the Assembly Hall, I don't care what some insurance company paid them to call it something else.

12-03-2019, 10:14 AM
Anyone know an address for the Sosnoski family? I'd like to send them a few bucks to help with their legal expenses. Better yet, do you think there's enough interest to support a Go Fund Me page?

Bill Berson
12-03-2019, 06:01 PM
Just put up a sign near the SOS bikini ladies: Not Affiliated with Airventure

12-03-2019, 10:05 PM
Just put up a sign near the SOS bikini ladies: Not Affiliated with Airventure

Logical, conciliatory idea.

Better idea: body paint it on their bellies.

12-11-2019, 06:27 PM
Lets not let this die, guys. That's what EAA is hoping for.

robert l
12-11-2019, 08:51 PM
Anyone know an address for the Sosnoski family? I'd like to send them a few bucks to help with their legal expenses. Better yet, do you think there's enough interest to support a Go Fund Me page?

Don't know about an address but they do have a Facebook page. Also, you could check tax records and that will give you the address of the property owner.

12-11-2019, 11:09 PM
[QUOTE=Sirota;79024]Anyone know an address for the Sosnoski family? I'd like to send them a few bucks to help with their legal expenses. Better yet, do you think there's enough interest to support a Go Fund Me page?

Companies are involved in trademark infringement lawsuits all the time. Trademarks are what make them commercially recognizable and viable. SOS obviously ripped off the EAA symbol logo and EAA has AIRVENTURE as a legally registered trademark with the USPTO. Look at the pics posted earlier in this thread. Just because it’s the Sosnoski family you think that EAA doesn’t have the right to protect its image? If there is still bad blood as some contend then the Sosnoski brothers are either arrogant or stupid or maybe a little bit of both to have set themselves up for this.
There are over 100 bars and taverns registered in the Oshkosh area. Some of them are real dives. SOS may not be the classiest operation but I do think EAA’s claim that they are damaging the family environment is a stretch.
Bottom line......
If you find EAA’s actions that onerous then vote with your feet and money.

12-12-2019, 08:03 AM
Lets not let this die, guys. That's what EAA is hoping for. Agreed!

12-12-2019, 08:10 AM
We'll support'em just like we've done every year we've gone to Osh -- by buying beer, brats, curds and corn and perhaps a T-shirt or 2.

12-12-2019, 08:46 AM
It was heavy handed. The SOS fought Winnebago county tooth and nail. They didn't get anything (other than less cash than it was worth). The current tent is on property they lease from another owner who hasn't been pushed off his land yet by the EAA.
According to the tax records, the current SOS property is owned by the SOS brothers.

12-12-2019, 12:01 PM
The seizure of private land by any government entity just plain sucks; especially when offered eeebelow fair market price. While I agree they shouldn’t have to had sued to get fair market price but they did receive $800k for 1.2 acres. That would be 1.28 million in today’s dollars.
Its been estimated that AirVenture generates up to $220 million in revenue which is almost a tenth of Wisconsin’s tourism income. About half of that is generated in one week with Winnebago county being the biggest winner. Anyone with half a brain can see that both the county and state were highly motived to see AirVenture grow. That acreage helps generate far more income than the SOS operation ever will.