View Full Version : Eliminate KingPost on MX 1

Pineries Air
11-26-2019, 07:03 PM
HI: I have a Quicksilver MX1 and would like to remove the kingpost and put in struts. I would use aluminum struts from the seat area to the wings.. Ideas? Advise THANKS

11-26-2019, 08:47 PM
Quicksilver made a strut based version, you could copy that, but it was heavier and less rigid. The only good reason to go with struts is if the kingpost won't clear your hangar door.

Pineries Air
11-26-2019, 08:54 PM
Thanks Dana: It will not clear the door.

11-27-2019, 06:57 AM
Gotcha. I would suggest contacting the guys at Tri-State Kites (http://www.trikite.com/). They were Quicksilver dealers back in the day and Mark Smith was the guru of all things Quicksilver. Mark is gone now but the business isn't, and if anybody would be able to tell you what you need they would.

05-02-2020, 06:03 PM
It will not clear the door.If converting the thing to struts is impossible, there is a way to still use the hangar. Not super convenient, but would make the hangar work. Put "trailering" wires on it from Tri-State. Then pull the tail each time you put it away. Without the tail on, you can tilt it back enough to get the king post under the door cross bar. Will make the hangar work in a pinch. Then put a sandbag in the seat to keep it on the wheels while in the hangar. Could make the hangar work in a pinch. I've done it.