View Full Version : The new movie Ford vs Ferrari

Bill Greenwood
11-21-2019, 06:38 PM
I just saw the new movie of the actual story, embellished of course, of when the 60s Lee Iacoca of Ford decided they needed a new image to attract younger buyers and racing was the way to do it. First they tried to buy Ferrari outright, and you can imagine that bags of money aside, it did not go well when they told Enzo he might not be in charge of the racing program. They were stepping on a big ego which Ferrari had earned on many race tracks.
So Ford decides to build their own car or at least one made for them and hire Caroll Shelby to run the program for them. A pretty good movie, and lots of shots of testing the cars on the airport circuit of LA. s Clover Field.
Worth seeing, I'll give it an 8.
I had a bit of a tie in to car racing. Before I was a pilot, I was a sports car fan and Indy and F1 fan. AJ Foyt was a few years older than me, actually was a classmate of my Brother and we graduated from the same school, Lamar. A J was the big race name, coming up in the 60s. and I used to date his wife's younger sister, Leigh. so I got to meet him, and visited the garage where some of his cars were, Burt automotive. I got to drive with him once. A couple of years after this movie A J won Le Mans for Ford with Lloyd Ruby. He was dominate at the Indy 500 wining 4 times. I was invited to go his first year there, wish I had as he won the race that rookie year.
I liked cars but I was really more into football than even cars. My high school won the State Championship when my Brother was there. My senior year we lost 9-6 in the district playoff.

11-27-2019, 10:32 PM
Cool story, Bill. The reviews have been very good, and I plan on seeing it soon. I'm a year older than you (I'm 77) and remember Henry Ford II getting his undies in a bunch because Enzo wouldn't sell. I've owned Porsches since 1970 and lusted after the 904. Shelby and company worked magic with the GT40.

Looking forward to the movie.

11-30-2019, 02:36 PM
Wonderful narrative Bill...

I'm Italian so cut my wrist and it will bleed Ferrari red... the only Fords I like are their Tractors and GT40...

Ferrari F40 test hop...
Ferrari Testarossa test hop...
Ford 8N