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View Full Version : Arrival date of Lockheed LC-130 from New York Air National Guard?

07-07-2019, 05:52 PM

Looking for some help. Has anyone heard any information on the arrival of the Lockheed LC-130? The article posted on June 30th mentions nothing. I'd really like to photograph the plane arriving.

https://eaa.org/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/eaa-airventure-news/eaa-airventure-oshkosh/06-27-2019-Lockheed-LC-130-Coming-to-AirVenture?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWTJSak5HUTFNVFEyTWpnMCI sInQiOiJEZWZ4bW9hbzdEU0gwWm1IUjRPYjFzcWU2d0lIZnlTS UFuSjQrU2phemtZVEZvRCtGTDRnMnF5U2R5eE54cTdWWDRQYlw vUWMzNzkybDVVK3N3Mkp0czJyM2hDWXR0M2dRXC9EVzZFMW1Sd jRYeGJlb1I1aW5RRjVCa1I4bnhuazVqIn0%3D

This is one area I really wish EAA would do better in is when they announce planes arriving they list the date. For us photographers who may not be there every day or sitting by the runway waiting for a plane to arrive a date and time frame window would be great. Something like the morning of XXX would go a long ways. I know things can change but I haven't found a way as of yet to track the planes they advertise arriving with no other information.

Thanks for your help.

07-08-2019, 08:39 AM
This is one area I really wish EAA would do better in is when they announce planes arriving they list the date. For us photographers who may not be there every day or sitting by the runway waiting for a plane to arrive a date and time frame window would be great. Something like the morning of XXX would go a long ways. I know things can change but I haven't found a way as of yet to track the planes they advertise arriving with no other information.

This would be exceedingly helpful! Heck... they have an entire text messaging system, they could use that. Or push notifications from the app. Or go old school and post it near the airshow schedule. SOMETHING. I've missed all sorts of arrivals and departures of aircraft I would have loved to see, especially the stuff that sits on static display.

07-08-2019, 08:05 PM
I have emailed the 109th and asked for any arrival details that they are willing to release. I'll post any response here when I receive it.

07-08-2019, 08:53 PM
Yes, I suspect the EAA doesn't know. My wife used to wrangle military assets for the Smithsonian fly-in. You're lucky you get them to commit to a day. Calling the command is more likely to get you a better answer.

07-08-2019, 09:39 PM
... Heck... they have an entire text messaging system, they could use that.Actually they do announce arrivals and other events via OSHFUN texts, very occasionally. They promise no more than some number, like 6 or 8 maybe, a day. I suppose that’s because some people, like me, pay a few cents per text message sent or received.

Wrongway Feldman
07-09-2019, 01:13 PM
My experience with the OSHFUN texts is there is isn't much lead time pertaining to aircraft arrivals & other events.

Its 9AM, and you're walking through exhibit hanger D,
you get a OSHFUN text that the Lockheed LC-130 is arriving at 9:15 AM.
By the time you get to the flight line the Lockheed LC-130 has already landed.

It would be beneficial to receive OSHFUN texts a little further in advance to allow for travel time.

According to the EAA AirVenture 2019 Features and Attractions Video (https://www.eaa.org/Videos/Webinars/EAA-Programs/6052994861001) the Lockheed LC-130 will be on static display.
Along with equipment they use in the polar regions.
They mention it at 31:35 into video. No mention of arrival date though.

There probably will be more info, of its arrival date & time, the closer it gets to AV2019.
Keep checking EAA's website.

07-10-2019, 05:46 AM
I have emailed the 109th and asked for any arrival details that they are willing to release. I'll post any response here when I receive it.

Thank you George.

07-10-2019, 05:48 AM
Actually they do announce arrivals and other events via OSHFUN texts, very occasionally. They promise no more than some number, like 6 or 8 maybe, a day. I suppose that’s because some people, like me, pay a few cents per text message sent or received.

Thanks. I will have to check that out and sign up for it. After the show do you get buried in texts from vendors etc? I have enough robo calls coming in.

Wrongway Feldman
07-10-2019, 10:33 AM
After the show do you get buried in texts from vendors etc? I have enough robo calls coming in.

That'd be a Negative, if the text keep coming you can stop them. More info HERE (https://www.eaa.org/airventure/plan-your-eaa-airventure-trip/weather-procedures)

07-13-2019, 06:21 AM
That'd be a Negative, if the text keep coming you can stop them. More info HERE (https://www.eaa.org/airventure/plan-your-eaa-airventure-trip/weather-procedures)

Thanks...signed up for it last night. We will see if this helps.

07-13-2019, 01:28 PM
Thank you George.

OK folks, here's an update for the C130. As I suspected, the military are not keen to disclose arrival times of their aircraft. Dunno why, but that's how it is. We'll have to keep our eyes 'n' ears open for any EAA announcements and hope that we're in the right place at the right time. Here's a copy of the response:

"Dear George, thank you for your message. I was not sent a show schedule and unfortunately we don’t give out arrival times of military aircraft. I would visit the airshow website or inquire when you get there. I wish I could be of more help. I hope you get the photograph you are looking for. Best of luck!"


Wrongway Feldman
07-13-2019, 10:05 PM
When I knew the day a plane was coming, I called the tower one time to find out it's ETA,
the guy that answered was very nice and gave me the ETA no problem.
Another time I called the tower to find out an ETA,
the guy that answered was a little perturbed and started grilling me,
asking me who I was and why I wanted to know, I kinda felt like he thought I was up to no good.
I think He said something like 'We don't give out that kind of information'.
After that encounter I was afraid to do that again.

A couple years ago they said that the B-52 was going to arrive the Friday before the show starts.
I found out the ETA that Friday from a green elf and if you read THIS THREAD (http://eaaforums.org/showthread.php?6069-B-52-arrival&p=49786&viewfull=1#post49786)

At 1 hr, 45 sec into Webinar- EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015 Features and Attractions (https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/support-and-volunteer/volunteer-admission-training/training-videos/EAA-AirVenture-Oshkosh-2015-Features-and-Attractions) VIDEO
They mention Friday.

Just knowing the day of arrival would help.

07-15-2019, 05:14 AM
That almost reads word for word to the message I got yesterday as well from them. The other thing I'm wondering is if the skis will be on the wheel and down. Now before you go duh...there is now show my thought was that the wheel came down and the skis were alongside it. As it appears from the photo they sent the ski is 100% under the wheel then to me this is just another C130 landing. Don't get me wrong I still would like a photo but I really want to get it with the skis down.

Also I as looking at the airshow lineup and I believe on Tuesday the second item listed is C130. I wonder if that's it.

Thanks everyone for the help.

07-15-2019, 08:01 AM
If you look at these Youtube videos, the skies will be equipped on the aircraft at the event as shown here https://youtu.be/o8rC1d7yQmU and here is a video of the LC-130 landing on hard surface https://youtu.be/5IgIw-gcNtY

07-15-2019, 10:07 AM
If you look at these Youtube videos, the skies will be equipped on the aircraft at the event as shown here https://youtu.be/o8rC1d7yQmU and here is a video of the LC-130 landing on hard surface https://youtu.be/5IgIw-gcNtY

Thanks for the video links. Very interesting to watch.

07-15-2019, 07:29 PM
Both the main and nose skies surround the gear and hydraulically extend below the wheels for a snow landing. One of my first jobs at Lockheed Georgia in 1984/85 was to run ground tests of the ski systems We laid high density rubber pads on the hangar floor and extended the skis. Was quite the sight to see the whole Herc elevate as the skis extended down. The nose ski was particularly troublesome to get rigged properly so it wouldn’t chatter in flight.