View Full Version : Aacts of kindness and sharing

Bill Greenwood
12-20-2018, 08:35 AM
Small acts of kindness make the world a better place. Here are a few I had recently.
We were coming back from a Mexico City flight from a trip where Katie my Sons girl friend had run the marathon, and yes she did it, 26 miles at 7500 ft msl. It was about midnight, we were tired and it was getting cold, when we took the shuttle bus from the terminal to the car parking lot. My Son couldn't remember what row he had parked in and its a big lot. So we were faced with a hike to search, just one white car out of hundreds. But then a gentleman, a white knight, a man on the shuttle who overheard our confusion and offered his suv to drive us around to find the car. My Son tried to politely decline, but the man insisted, saw we had bags to haul, and said he had a few minutes and wasn't in a hurry. So we did and found the car soon. Just a small effort on his part, but really a help to us and I m still grateful months later, and Ill look for anyone I can return the favor to.
At Oshkosh on Sunday, instead of leaving, I decided to stay and visit the Seaplane base that I hadn't gotten to, It was about noon and they were taking the sign off the yellow bus that goes that route, The driver said don't worry, take a quick visit and I wont leave you, I make sure you get a ride back. I don't know his name, but he stayed one extra lap so 8 of us could have time to see the base and even grab a sandwich. The family was from South Africa, first time at EAA so it meant a lot to them. I enjoyed Sunday, its low key and relaxed and did some shopping with it less crowded.
Two nice guys, and its the season to pass this kind of thing on if you have the chance.