View Full Version : Airshow stream question

07-25-2018, 03:31 PM
Hello everyone..

Once again I'd like to thank you for your volunteer work in bringing us the great webcam coverage of Airventure!

I have asked this before.. Why can't or why shouldn't the air show production mix in some of the sounds of the airplanes? A big part of an air show is the sounds. How hard could it be and it would really add to the end results.

By the way the quality of the video and the work of the camera person is outstanding this year, thanks..

Thank you..

07-26-2018, 08:05 PM

Looks really nice. Whoever is doing the photography is very good. It always reminds me that I need to go back again next year. I guess we'll find out Sunday afternoon who they are when they do their closing selfie.

Since we often can't hear the airplane noise over the music and announcers when we're at the show, it wouldn't be fair to be able to hear it when we're not there.

07-27-2018, 09:24 AM
It's all good..

Fyi. During last nights air show during the aeroshell teams flight the sound of the aircraft was coming through perfectly. At that time they had a member of the aeroshell team doing the narration maybe his microphone allowed the sounds in to the feed..?