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View Full Version : MY EAA Photos

Michael Mannschreck
11-18-2011, 10:19 AM
here is some EAA Photos i have
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-5f7KzATPoKY/TsaE_5EWmXI/AAAAAAAADbU/g4IhI4JllF4/s1024/ea 20101.jpg

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IFayCV1oGwg/TsaEAIUg3XI/AAAAAAAADbQ/LJpwCNXqPw8/s1024/ea 2010.jpg

Michael Mannschreck
11-18-2011, 10:24 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-G5NJE63-DBo/TsaG5Rk3eBI/AAAAAAAADbc/P1wAFqhLxpI/s1024/ea 20103.jpg
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-IJvU66uaBpY/TsaIHrTkJxI/AAAAAAAADbg/CQ_GLN1wZTI/s1024/ea 20104.jpg

12-16-2011, 09:51 AM
Amazing! I'm excited for Oshkosh '12. My Boy Scout troop from Whitefish, Montana (northwest Montana) is going to go to Oshkosh!

12-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Looks like this guy's a warbird fanatic.:)............nothing wrong with that.
But really, how bout some Experimental pics? ya know, EAA.:cool:

Marshall Alexander

Roger Janssens
12-18-2011, 03:37 PM
Ha, the good thing about this forum is that anyone can upload their pics - so go ahead!
Here are a couple of pretty experimental planes (as in pretty and experimental) that I 'graphed. I'm sorry if most of them are taken in the static - I too would've liked to see them in the air...

Bill Greenwood
12-18-2011, 09:43 PM
That flying car. Aerocar?, is really cool. I can't remember the man's name who owns it but he is a nice guy. It is one of the original ones from the 50s or 60s, and it flies, at least after a fashion. We used to have an airshow here, and he brought it up on a trailer. It was interesting, very antique and unique looking. But what was really unique was that he said it would fly and he was going to fly it in the show. Our airport is at 7800 feet, and on a summer day the density altitude might be 10, 500 feet. The runway was 6500 feet long and downhill to the north which is the normal takeoff direction. We talked about it and I was worried about him getting off the ground, but not having enough climb to to turn onto right downwind for 33. I cautioned him about it, and said if he needed to he could lift off, and without even climbing just continue straight out and follow the river to another airport and never need to climb.
He had told us and we told the public that this was a flying airplane, not just a nice static display.
And he kept his word. He lifted off, stayed a few feet off the ground, and I began to worry as he had used most of the runway and was at perhaps 40 feet. All of a sudden, he pulls off the power, such as it was, and lands on about the last 500 feet of runway and comes to a stop. I relaxed with a sigh of relief.
He laughed about it later and reminded me that while it is not a high performance craft in the air, it is a pretty good car on the ground and has 4 wheel brakes like a car, so stops well.
Having this plane/car on static display at our in town mall brought more intererst and sold more tickets than any other we ever had.Most everyone stopped to look at it and talk about it. Another year we had the BD 5 microjet, Coors?, and it didn't draw nearly the attention. The non aviation people on the mall mostly just thought it was a model or a toy ,not real flying airplane.

12-19-2011, 04:58 AM
An AeroCar is currently for sale for a cool $1,250,000.00. (Sounds a little steep huh?)

