View Full Version : ATC Corporatization URGENT action required

04-24-2018, 11:37 PM
EAA is asking you contact Congress immediately to stop a "backroom maneuver" to give control of the national airspace to a cartel.


It is super easy to send an appropriate message to your Representative by following this link to EAA's Rally Congress page: http://govt.eaa.org/ctas/5adf983f4aa97-urge-congress-action

I did and am asking my friends to do likewise, starting with everyone who has ridden in an aircraft i was piloting.

UPDATE: Reportedly, the offensive amendment has been withdrawn. Thanks to all who helped.

Mike Switzer
04-26-2018, 05:26 PM
If it was so urgent why didn't they send emails to the membership? I generally don't have time to log on here any more than once a day, and I have only been to the EAA website once (to renew) since it was "improved". The first I heard of this was the weekly Ehotline email that I received today, saying it had been defeated.

04-26-2018, 11:50 PM
EAA sent me an email on the 24th. Otherwise, I would not have known about it.

Mike Switzer
04-27-2018, 01:42 PM
EAA sent me an email on the 24th. Otherwise, I would not have known about it.

Interesting. I just went thru my inbox & trash folders & the only emails I received earlier this week were for some auction.

04-27-2018, 02:20 PM
I too did not receive a specific EAA email on this subject. The only EAA info received was through the e-hotline yesterday.

04-28-2018, 06:16 AM
I did receive an email on the 24th, at 16:25 MDT. Hmmm... mailing list problem?