View Full Version : Band ?

02-17-2018, 11:01 PM
Any suggestions.

02-18-2018, 01:27 PM
Since 2012, I've been replying with the same suggestion every year to no avail. Now, unfortunately, it will never happen as Tom Petty died last year. Keep flying Tom.

02-18-2018, 05:35 PM
They should just get a local cover band and save $$$

Kyle Boatright
02-18-2018, 06:04 PM
They should just get a local cover band and save $$$

Honestly, they probably get some publicity and sizzle from having a name act. I've been with people who made a point of visiting the concert, so it isn't like it is a loss.

02-18-2018, 06:11 PM
Honestly, they probably get some publicity and sizzle from having a name act. I've been with people who made a point of visiting the concert, so it isn't like it is a loss.

probably less than you think. A cover band making the biggest coin of their career is going to go all out and give 110% and still won't cost as much as big name who shows up late, plays 1/2 _$$ and leaves early.

02-18-2018, 07:12 PM
They should just get a local cover band and save $$$

EAA pays $$ZERO for the Monday night concert so there is $$NOTHING to save. Ford sponsors it and they and others fully sponsor other nightly concerts and other entertainment throughout the week. Furthermore, there are sponsors for so many different events, programs, buildings, and just about anything else.

If EAA could get a sponsor to put their logo on the port-a-potties they would do it. And if they could get sponsors for every expense they actually incur themselves, don't you ever believe that the admission prices would decrease. This is the cash cow and the cow refuses to be milked dry.

robert l
02-18-2018, 08:18 PM
I was there when Reo Speed Wagon performed. Got there early, had a nice spot to sit, good view of the stage with my cooler/camp stool. Then all these people came and stood in front of me, I couldn't see anything but ass. About 10 min. in, I just walked away before I caused a scene !

02-18-2018, 08:33 PM
EAA pays $$ZERO for the Monday night concert so there is $$NOTHING to save. Ford sponsors it and they and others fully sponsor other nightly concerts and other entertainment throughout the week.

exactly. sponsors can save money for other things.

02-18-2018, 10:09 PM
sponsors can save money for other things.

Ford's been sponsoring the concerts for many years. They obviously believe they're getting the biggest bang for the buck with marketing benefits accruing.

Kurt Flunkn
02-18-2018, 11:52 PM
They could get Jerry's One Man Band out of retirement. If it's a concert that draws you to Oshkosh, then you are in the wrong place.....


02-19-2018, 04:53 AM
I was there when Reo Speed Wagon performed. Got there early, had a nice spot to sit, good view of the stage with my cooler/camp stool. Then all these people came and stood in front of me, I couldn't see anything but ass. About 10 min. in, I just walked away before I caused a scene !

Same here. Went to the Beach Boys concert. Got there early good seat, etc people came, stood in front of us. Tried to leave, people wouldn't even try to let us out. They'd be sitting, resting back on their hands, they'd look us square in the eye, and not move an inch. I finally told my daughters "just go, if you step on something/somebody don't worry about it".
Never went to another one.

02-19-2018, 08:26 AM
If it's a concert that draws you to Oshkosh, then you are in the wrong place.....

No, you're in the right place but at the wrong venue. Just ~3/4 mile away - S. of Wittman Field and W. of Highway 41 is the Ford Festival Park where they have two(ea) week long concerts: Country USA and Rock USA during June and July. Camping, showers, etc. basically an AirVenture minus airplanes. I think if you want music that would be the event to attend and not an airshow but that could just be me.

Ford's been sponsoring the concerts for many years. They obviously believe they're getting the biggest bang for the buck with marketing benefits accruing.

Since bottled water (or lack of) seems to make a lot of people anxious, Ford could just fill the bed on a dozen F-150's with ice and bottled water, space them around the grounds and make it free to attendees. I'd remember that when it comes time to buy a car before I'd remember they sponsored Mike Love and his traveling band of misfits that didn't (couldn't) play a single song from start to finish.

02-19-2018, 08:32 AM
Since bottled water (or lack of) seems to make a lot of people anxious, Ford could just fill the bed on a dozen F-150's with ice and bottled water, space them around the grounds and make it free to attendees. I'd remember that when it comes time to buy a car before I'd remember they sponsored Mike Love and his traveling band of misfits that didn't (couldn't) play a single song from start to finish.
Honda gave out water a few years back and I think they got flack from the other vendors over it. It's probably unlikely you'll see that sort of thing again.

02-19-2018, 09:39 AM
Since bottled water (or lack of) seems to make a lot of people anxious, Ford could just fill the bed on a dozen F-150's with ice and bottled water, space them around the grounds and make it free to attendees. I'd remember that when it comes time to buy a car.

James D. Farley Jr., EVP, Global Marketing, Sales, Service. Mark LaNeve, U.S. VP, Marketing, Sales.

Call or email these Ford execs and pitch how you would rather see them spend their marketing dollars.

02-19-2018, 12:26 PM
Call or email these Ford execs and pitch how you would rather see them spend their marketing dollars.
And I suspect they'll politely tell you that it's strictly forbidden, because the vendors make a TON of money selling bottled water.

02-19-2018, 12:55 PM
IIRC, IAC had cold, bottled water for $1 "donation", one of the aircraft hdwe vendors in the fly market did too. That got shut down by the powers that be.

02-19-2018, 01:11 PM
Quite a few vendors have chilled water and soft drinks in ice-filled containers at their exhibits. If you're polite and ask graciously, most will give you some.

02-19-2018, 06:49 PM
Quite a few vendors have chilled water and soft drinks in ice-filled containers at their exhibits. If you're polite and ask graciously, most will give you some.

This is true........been there, done that. It's not on display, but it's there.:)

Jeff Point
02-19-2018, 08:03 PM
Quite a few vendors have chilled water and soft drinks in ice-filled containers at their exhibits. If you're polite and ask graciously, most will give you some.
A certain water-borne aircraft paint company has a big bucket of bottled water at their booth, labeled “paint thinner.” Clever.

02-20-2018, 07:36 AM
I really like your idea Marty. Ford could easily do that and it would be a Genius Marketing move on their part if they did. Every year it's a struggle to get my 79 year old dad to stay hydrated because he's too stubborn to drink water that we buy for him and I'm guessing there are more just like him! Great idea! I'll pass this up Ford's Marketing and Special Events Chain of Command!

Since bottled water (or lack of) seems to make a lot of people anxious, Ford could just fill the bed on a dozen F-150's with ice and bottled water, space them around the grounds and make it free to attendees. I'd remember that when it comes time to buy a car before I'd remember they sponsored Mike Love and his traveling band of misfits that didn't (couldn't) play a single song from start to finish.[/QUOTE]

02-20-2018, 07:43 AM
I would love to see Adele play Oshkosh but I think she's done touring so probably not going to happen but she has awesome music. Maybe the Killers would be good. They're out of Las Vegas and have some awesome music too.

02-20-2018, 07:47 AM
IEvery year it's a struggle to get my 79 year old dad to stay hydrated because he's too stubborn

You're a good son Mark! I hope my kids will haul me to airshows when I'm 79, although the goal is to attend by flying in - at least till I join the flying octogenarians!

Kyle Boatright
02-20-2018, 08:19 PM
I don't understand the fascination with bottled water. Most of it is tap water, packaged in a plastic bottle. It is the same product you get from the free stations all around the grounds at Oshkosh. Why not bring your own bottle and fill it with tapwater?

02-21-2018, 06:32 PM
Who drinks water at Oshkosh?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CH7jNw2eksmDgEisvnCNWhbYpX4EiLbIKu8vu2zqPkjDlN4_s6 ppLKdbF3it2LuCa8syypk7zFigVJkvq5Tn8iw_KL7ZS2wNQiPG IaA2JaFKfxnc83Kxfl3fURWo69PfnBKM1Z13ZSny7ya25bRXJs ZmOTRNYhmijzZCuCrYKvUTPeQFe2BGPLUvjA-bm2vpbOY0nkrSW-jtWYREuJHHuMNMxlCxccPSBPu9a1q0Q4maoRHHWNhj9fIjTEYo FOJy241P6oCwkbgCHSmSv8ngWiYBljZwbHBA3gOshT8C8BAlJd 4KK7kHmw5koRcbGTSHhHjEZi02azSw2NpIclkYzMjKngcASOHP ginI6g7ny5_liXC3ZTuF2ComXOWawI30XDrftf8Ch2oHmO9DPC FWZvfhxwpDQoHbJB0Eer-mAKPRy0nzGaq74uecin_AVpnlnze1qUMPuVvBcPuvbj8YWoPg0 L52zLVv34pnctXFCiPm8MS6Ye4Wl3aGx-HFhOPHsnik0LcE_1mklZiGjSpiIUWmnf8faf7aFE6qf2gRPgv-Hb9Fftm0cn5m5CIK5rKdmK4tY3aWJA07iPW4mX6vuC-0552fVHhwCJijQxk=w903-h677-no

02-23-2018, 12:50 AM
EAA pays $$ZERO for the Monday night concert so there is $$NOTHING to save. Ford sponsors it and they and others fully sponsor other nightly concerts and other entertainment throughout the week.
It’s impossible to know whether the same dollars Ford gave to EAA were later paid to the band. I assume sponsorships go into the same checking account where admissions, camping fees, exhibitor fees, etc., are deposited and out of which various AirVenture expenses are paid.

Unless you happen to know, just because someone is credited as a “sponsor” does not mean they paid the entire cost. Even if so, it doesn’t mean EAA couldn’t have gotten Ford to sponsor something else instead of the concert. So at least it cost EAA the opportunity to get something else sponsored.

02-23-2018, 11:30 AM
It’s impossible to know whether the same dollars Ford gave to EAA were later paid to the band. I assume sponsorships go into the same checking account where admissions, camping fees, exhibitor fees, etc., are deposited and out of which various AirVenture expenses are paid.

Unless you happen to know, just because someone is credited as a “sponsor” does not mean they paid the entire cost. Even if so, it doesn’t mean EAA couldn’t have gotten Ford to sponsor something else instead of the concert. So at least it cost EAA the opportunity to get something else sponsored.

It's possible that any of these scenarios could occur. But sponsorships usually don't happen in these manners because the sponsor wants proof that their money went to what they obligated themselves to do contractually. That requires financial control accounting procedures to be properly in place with supporting documentation provided to the sponsor.

Another scenario could be a contractual request by EAA for Ford to pay the band directly.

02-25-2018, 09:05 AM
If they aren't currently playing the funnel cake and elephant ear circuit, I would count them out at airventure.

Tom Steber
04-02-2018, 08:42 AM
So, any rumors floating around out there yet? Believable ones that is.

04-02-2018, 07:22 PM
No new.....all is amazingly quiet.