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View Full Version : ADS-B Performance Report / Letter

02-14-2018, 12:49 PM
Received certified letter from a Micheal A. Smith ADS-B Focus Team of the FAA, Houston Flight Standards District Office yesterday. Letter states the FAA has monitored flights by my aircraft in which the installed ADS-B system failed to comply with performance requirements specified in 14CFR 91.227. The airplane in question is Staudacher S600-F with a Lynx3 NGT-9000 which PASSED a ADS-B Performance Monitor on October 17, 2017. Since passing this benchmark, all the flights have Aerobatic in nature, very little straight and level.

Does the IAC / EAA, and other members have any suggestions to replying to this letter and the problem it represents? Appreciate the assistance, PB

02-16-2018, 12:51 PM
First question - Does the text of the letter ask for a reply? If not, ignore it.

If you need to reply, simply thank them for their letter, state that all flights of this aircraft are aerobatic, and state that you understand that the ADS-B equipment only works in level flight. You can state that FAA is aware of this and that you understand that the International Aerobatic Club is speaking with the agency on working on this deficiency in their system.

Best of

Mike Heuer
02-17-2018, 03:43 PM

Our IAC government relations chair has attempted to reach out to you in order to get more detail. We will respond here as quickly as we can, so others can share in the info and knowledge. I just returned from the EAA/FAA Recreational Aviation Summit in Oshkosh this past week and ADS-B for aerobatic airplanes was discussed. More later -- but please respond to our government relations chair as soon as you can. You can also get in touch with me direct via the email I list in Sport Aerobatics magazine every month on page 3 and I can connect you with our people as well.

Mike Heuer, President

02-18-2018, 11:39 AM

FAA requests a reply of the certified letter. Appreciate your input..PB

02-18-2018, 11:49 AM

Thanks for the quick response. I shall contact the government relations chair on the subject, PB