View Full Version : Extremely Affordable SportCruiser Opportunity! (McKinney, TX)

02-07-2018, 08:31 AM
SportCruiser Enthusiasts! Checking to see if anyone is interested in partnering with me and one other partner in the purchase of a pre-owned SportCruiser aircraft. All the groundwork has been completed to put everything in place. As of today, we have secured a hangar at McKinney, TX (KTKI), we have formed a partnership (and looking for one additional partner), we are pre-approved for our loans, and we have several amazing aircraft available. We would like to add in a 3rd partner to make flying an extremely affordable option while flying an aircraft only a couple years old with some of the latest glass avionics. Here are the financial details and some pics of an example SportCruiser aircraft that we are looking at. We'd love to have you join us!

Down Payment: $7500
Monthly Financing Payment: $279
Monthly KTKI Hangar Fee: $108
Monthly Insurance: $83
Hourly Operation Cost: $25
Please email, text, or call me ASAP if you are interested or have any questions. Thx!

Mark Loth