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View Full Version : Help to identify my aeroplane wheels please

Lhos Arts And Crafts
01-29-2018, 11:42 AM
Hello all,
I'm a nubie!
I found this forum whilst trying to identify some wheels that I have.
I'm hoping somebody will be able to help me identify what plane they might have come from.

I do know that they came from RAF WINKLEIGH, a WW2 air base in Devon England.

Please see attached images...

I look forward to any Information.

Many thanks in advance.


01-29-2018, 01:49 PM
The size appears to be a bit unusual; another forum suggested that several Miles aircraft used that size. The wheels seem to be similar to those used on a Miles Master.



Ron Wanttaja

Lhos Arts And Crafts
01-29-2018, 02:12 PM
Many thanks Ron,
That would sort of make sense, they do look to be of the same design as per the images you've attached.
Also it was suggested to me when I received them that they were thought to be from a training aircraft...
I'm now wondering if there is any re sale value in these wheels?
Many thanks Ron for taking the time to research these for me and for your response.


01-29-2018, 05:35 PM
Many thanks Ron,
That would sort of make sense, they do look to be of the same design as per the images you've attached.
Also it was suggested to me when I received them that they were thought to be from a training aircraft...

Yes, that would tie in with what you were told...the Master was an "Advanced Trainer" during WWII, somewhat equivalent of the US's T-6/SNJ.

I'm now wondering if there is any re sale value in these wheels?

The Wikipedia entry for the Miles Master (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_Master) says there are none in existence...just various components around. However, parts like wheels are rarely manufactured in a vacuum; it's likely they were used on a number small aircraft in the 1935-1955 period.

Don't know how you'd price something like this. Like many airplane bits, they were probably sold extensively on the surplus market after the war, and folks used them on stuff like farm trailers, etc. So at one point, they were pretty common. Probably a little rarer, now, but coming up with a value would be tough.

Ron Wanttaja

02-06-2018, 09:50 PM
The AH number on the wheel reminds me of a Dunlop number. -Ross

Hello all,
I'm a nubie!
I found this forum whilst trying to identify some wheels that I have.
I'm hoping somebody will be able to help me identify what plane they might have come from.

I do know that they came from RAF WINKLEIGH, a WW2 air base in Devon England.

Please see attached images...

I look forward to any Information.

Many thanks in advance.
