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View Full Version : Tech Committee Call for Volunteers

tom myers
01-27-2018, 03:08 PM
The Tech Committee is in need of volunteers with software coding expertise. Tech Committee members are responsible for the contest registration software, the contest scoring software, the contest results database, the analysis of contest results, and the IAC website. If you have ideas for software services that do not presently exist, and are willing to put in the effort to turn those ideas into reality, then we would love to have you get involved.

The most immediate need is for someone to transition into the role of managing and maintaining the IAC Contest Database, of IACCDB. The IACCDB is written in Ruby on Rails and the source code is hosted on Github. The original author of IACCDB, Douglas Lovell, will work with the new person to help him or her get up to speed. We could also use help maintaining and enhancing the IAC website, which is written in Drupal and PHP.

If coding in the name of aerobatics interests you, please get in touch with the Tech Committee chairman, Tom Myers, at tom.myers [at] stanfordalumni.org . For more info on the tech committee, please see the article in the January 2018 issue of Sport Aerobatics. Thank you very much.