View Full Version : Winter VFR can get exciting sometimes - VIDEO

Ryan Dembroski
01-10-2018, 11:08 AM
Hey Pilots!
It's been a while since I surfed this forum (still one of my favorites though). A few years ago there used to be a thread about sharing your latest video - can't find that one in search, but thought I'd share a video I made about a VFR trip from KMWC to KGRB (up the other side of Lake Winnebago and OSH) before the end of the year. We had three planes total - two C-172s and a RV-10 (jealous). The trip up was mostly uneventful (it was COLD) and the food was mediocre, but I learned a TON on the trip back. As we navigated south visibilities started to decrease. We pushed on, noting several outs along the way (including my Instrument Rated CFI friend who was riding along in the right seat) but made it back to Timmerman with visibility of 3 miles and light snow.

I've never seen what 3 miles vis looked like before, so all in all, I was really excited to expand my experience and learn. If I had been alone, I'm pretty sure I would have landed at another airport along the way.

Anyways - here's the video - looking forward to any feedback you might have!


Mark Thompson
01-18-2018, 09:46 PM
Nice job! :thumbsup:

01-19-2018, 07:52 AM
Nice - I'd suggest, though, that on the close selfie shots of the face that you not wobble around so much. The background sliding around tended to make me very uncomfortable.

Thanks for sharing.

01-19-2018, 12:30 PM
You're correct -- 3 mile vis can scare the pants off you when it happens, especially the first time or two. I start getting uncomfortable at anything much under 10 miles - it seems like a lot less when you're used to unlimited or nearly so.

champ driver
01-19-2018, 02:24 PM
Looks like you had a good time and learned a few things too, flying doesn't get any better than that.
Overall, a nice video.

01-22-2018, 09:59 AM
Verified the reason I moved to Arizona from the Midwest 40+ years ago! Going flying today in my t-shirt! Nice job.

01-26-2018, 11:29 AM
I enjoyed your video, thanks for sharing!

Ryan Dembroski
01-30-2018, 11:45 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for watching everyone! Thank you for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!
Hoping to get some experimental content shot soon!