View Full Version : Questions for flying hams

12-28-2017, 11:25 AM
I had thought about installing ham gear in the RV-7 I was building. Decided against it, since I really haven't used the dual bander in my vehicle in years other than to listen to AWOS and the local CTAF. Repeater activity around here is just about nil, and I never did get into APRS.

Now that I'm flying the RV-12, it would just be too much hassle to try to retrofit a rig into the panel. If I ever update the radio and intercom, I may make provisions to patch in a handheld. On longer cross country flights it might be nice to see who's around on simplex frequencies.

For those of you who fly and are hams... here's a poll. And please note that I messed up one of the options. " I'm active airborne, but not flying" should read, "I'm active airborne, but not on the ground". I can't edit the poll.

12-28-2017, 01:42 PM
On the subject of ham radio ,do understand about your local “and most”repeater not being used. At the present time I am without airplane “years ago had a c172”,and also not flying in any mode. ….. My current usage of ham radio and aviation. Is talking to a buddy, via simplex ,on two meters or 440mz. While he is doing local flying............ Years ago when I was flying my Sky Hawk, the best usage of ham radio ,was on flying to “Sun-in-fun”. From the Midwest states, was to talk “simplex” “”air to air”” ,too 2 friends ,that were also flying, when we caravan ing Florida........ The caravan consisted ,of me in my C172 ,and to a friend, in his c150, and another friend in his piper warrior. It goes with out saying, us camping at Sun-in-Fun, made the fact of three people ,and three airplane the only way for us,to do this trip ..... . Also on the last years of that sun-in-fun trip I was running APRS , via/ rubber duck antenna out of my Sky Hawk, having APRS gave me the way of, seeing the track for the day when I got stop ed at the end of the day.......... …. good day /rick........ @@ sorry i cannot format this message , with paragraphs, on this forum....

12-28-2017, 03:07 PM
Seems like I've seen more interest in ham radio lately for some reason. Anyway, I just bought a new handheld earlier this year, right before OSH. N5KLA.

Maybe someone could/would designate a simplex freq. for OSH 2018.

12-28-2017, 06:17 PM
I see aprs while flying and nothing on the ground. This wasn’t an option in your poll.

12-28-2017, 06:38 PM
The third option, "I'm active airborne, but not flying" should read, "I'm active airborne, but not on the ground". I can't edit the poll, and I couldn't delete the whole thread and start over.

Frank Giger
12-29-2017, 10:35 AM
I thought this thread was going to be about GoPro cameras and YouTube. ;)

12-29-2017, 07:24 PM
N1RN here. I've not really done much ham stuff since the last two moves. Wife and I used to carry 2m/70cm dual banders all the time. In fact, we'd have regular meet ups with .recaviators at Osh coordinated over the radios. However between cell phones and the internet, a lot of the lustre of ham has tarnished.