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View Full Version : whats your dream project?

Alan Haney
11-03-2017, 05:59 PM
If you had unlimited funding what kinda crazy stuff would you guys build?

Alan Haney
11-04-2017, 10:31 AM
how would one go about deleting a post? got bored of thread, probably not gonna view it anymore

Bob Dingley
11-19-2017, 11:34 AM
If you had unlimited funding what kinda crazy stuff would you guys build?
The post has been up long enough to get me thinking. I would like to obtain the drawings of a WACO CG-4 cargo glider and build it with 21st century materials & airfoils. Instead of relying on an old C-47 to drag it into the air, I would go back to the lamp and ask the genie for an upgrade. I'm thinking of a P&W PT-6 mounted on a pylon same as a Lake amphibian. The thought of slope soaring with all the gang aboard tickles me.

Bob "The glider-guider"

Kyle Boatright
11-19-2017, 11:54 AM
B-36J(III) featherweight.

Realistically, I'd love to scratch build a Cabin Waco replica, but that probably requires more time than I can spare.

Bill Berson
11-19-2017, 03:05 PM
I am thinking about a fail-safe multi-copter. I have an idea how to do it.
But might want to work on something more " amazing".

12-30-2017, 04:35 PM
I would help Peter Plumb with his 0-100 project. See Homebuiltairplanes.com posts.

Aircraft Design / Aerodynamics / New Technology (http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=61)
Project financing concepts. Ref: junker.de and indiegogo.com and others. (http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28926)
Pegasus DP-1 O-100 http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23767
This project is ready to go and needs funding to continue in the near future.

vamsi krishna b
01-02-2018, 05:40 AM
me having no funds except ideas .... i want to setup a manufacturing plant in INDIA and export the aircrafts/aircraft kits to nearby asian countries and also to develop futuristic machines if i am having good hit.

01-02-2018, 08:42 AM
An accurate Curtis Sparrowhawk replica. Unfortunately I'd need to be 30 years younger with a lot more money in the bank to pull it off.



A fairly small airplane with over 400hp and interesting history, what's not to like?

01-02-2018, 10:03 AM
If I had unlimited funds, I would put together a team to build a replica Lockheed Air Express. None of the originals exist, and it would be nice to have one around.


On a more realistic note, I have been collecting parts and info for years, thinking about building a replica of the Piper P-2. Might actually get something done on this one someday!


vamsi krishna b
01-03-2018, 02:39 AM
lockheed is looking damm beautiful...... classic and vintage is marvellous

01-03-2018, 12:42 PM
If you had unlimited funding what kinda crazy stuff would you guys build?

I'd make a homebuilt glider and beat Perlan to 100,000 feet.

01-06-2018, 06:00 PM
No question. I would hire Boeing to build 5 more B-314s!

http://eaaforums.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAHkAqwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAEDBAYFB//EAEcQAAIABAMEBgYFCQYHAAAAAAECAAMEEQUSIQYxQVETYXGRo bEUIlKBwdEjMkJyshUzNDVTc4Ki4WJjdNLw8QcWNkNUksL/xAAVAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf/EABYRAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A74AEPYQIOsFeIHtpDQ9tL8IUAoeGhxugD UQ5EJYKACHXdD2hQD3ghugINYArabhCh4cCAcQY3QwtCMAQh1E CL2iRb2gCC6QarAqTxiZIAlGkFlHOCUQVuqAy9oeFuh EANzaFCIhwIB7Q4EKCUQBKIPhDLCaAeBMNcwrwCEGDADfDiAlB ggYiWJVGkAUPaEBCgHEGIHhD3gJF1iZIgWJVMBZQ6QVhzMRLrE kUZiFe3CHtCtEC374e0IQ4BO4QDiHB1hhuhQBhoZmvAm4Oohuu AK8ODAQctSxsN4gH4wQgd2 LtPTI9OZ2YeqbEcoCuFiUCwhgB1QQMA41grWEMCAN8FvHOAa8P CtaHA5wBJEwtyiJRE6q1r5TbsgDSDt1CI0IJ0YG2 xiS443ijI1VdS0SB6ucJSH7ZUlR790VBtHgZGuK0Y62mWjpqbc TFedhuGVDZ5 HUjv7ZkqGt274grLtDgjGy4vQE/v1 cdPCtoMJlGb9NJq7obpJmqzW6hffHHn7LYFPvmoQhPFHI/pFaTsdhMhy9O09HYWuxViByvYQFyRtBRuqq7KhKEshbdZrcQNC NfmCDHezUNXTyvQnEydLXNOVWX6h3E3I/rGGqtg5jtMmU2KJmmNmImyiL9trxyqxcT2AkelyVpJ61z9HULq QwXVQD9k6t/oQG6nYk/RNejmq6i/rTJQGnAnPoIrviVSJy5qEBGaxIqUYgWJvbt048DHCwvHaTGZHS 0c1pcxdZks2zIeziIlnVyLcvldk3MRxgNRh1ZTVNctLZumYaSm Ugtv3dxiPF8SGG11RIEqZJRJfSO8zTo1sxGltRcBb33t342oxq cyFJSlSeuxA6uXGIUrpKYasipDVE1gTMYAk6wGwpMcoKqS85qu TKEsAv0k1VOovoCdT2RUxjaWgkS5UuRW/nWCzMrlSy8cpW5BG8dkefypEtpoZXdV1seIi2tFW1UwNUziARb kIDaNtNKpV6R8vQvM0HR2IB3tYceNoiqNv8Nlzysimqp0oEWmW RbjszRUpNnqedLSZiUxnlpZQXzKOQ1FvONFQYBgQHTy6eWxJ3L L0v79YDh1m3gE0rhlAalLD1mdl14/Y EDL2n2iqreiYKBc8Ud 46RtpK0cgWkUksdoHwhTcXFLOlSrrLae1lCrugMos7bqct1opU pTu iAPmYMYZtzO1mV3RqeA6NfELeNj6VOa4aa5HItDrMgMhJ2W2jq CTWY3MQdVQx8osJ/w/lTrenYnNnHrF/xGNaszSCEyA4mGbG4NhtRLqpMp5k Ubozkeqedh/WO5mh8 kDmHKKMv0q2uHW3O8CZ8v8AaL3iOAJz6FWI19kQLVEy92dxfqE Qd/0iV 1XvEErqbHMO M4Kl2Fs vL1Yfp5t75mv2jSA1Sutt94520OGU O4RUUNTNWSGGaXObdLYahj1c q8cwVU/L cc9pEOtVMuQ5LIwsytaxHEHTdAePz0qcIxFlSaq1EltJkmYGW/Uw0I/wBjGjoNpJFYgk4lllzPb w3y8o0GIbGYXWXenzUj8VQ5kB6gd3uMC//AAZxibSdPTV1MpJFkqVMq4PWCYopLU07JnSZLYW upzDw64lE/DnVT6fQEkXYdMAQeVjGbxnY7aDAJj lUUwoq5jPpW6RMvMldw7bRw0LF8wYB YbW8B6NTVeGTZiyxXUpYmxDzlHiY1uFV5pECyVksq6Eoo8xHi1 Hhkysm5TPlSydbzL6mN5sjhVVh Xpq/p5LCz0ok5wByDFhbut1QG5rpsmvldIZ0xZksEpJI0dzoNey/eYLC/TVpwsmiV5ebek06HTTVRB0qSp1hTyqYMRYmongbuoXtHUk4BNn yyKerpelc3REnBgdNeuIIQlZvegnjsdPiwjnVVNUVeJZlujSVR eidlBbUnTU9W43juyNksSzgvNlqOJJufKOpT7KZZUzpp6mYwsC BoN9vOKOGJgvobxKsw8PKNDh2zqUs0TJs7pLcLaRdfCpVwZfq2 NyLaHqgMshY7teqJAHAuVI7Y0qYTTy5mdR/DwgqigWYtkXXkd0Bm1Oh5RHn6x3xoGwxDIZXWxNt3CK35FP7Qw HkjZlGXWWx4sLeYiJ5bXuZml96GLeWWUznpUPEh0099oEyBoVe eB1637hrEFbK4AsRlPG94EJNAN3a99Nx cWxLTP6qM0zkber4/GCdFlJ9KstSdwudTAUSswHKrZT1r4wF5qNoVVh7SeMX1UTrhZC kDW13F/eVtDmQspss45OY6Qm/gIDlsMUuHkViy2U6NLlglfAxKtftMoKDaPECh znBv4XjoSgCx6MlgN5zXI7zA5QzgIf4CCPhAQU9ftKpGXaKrlA C11Evdz1BgJy4rPBL460wH62aTIYE89V0i/Kyq6q7MOtUv8AInZH3gMfZJyg EBk52ATqhs06qzAcpCL4qoianw6opSrSauYMuosY0iy7CzqLjt I8LCGEpihuPVG4sCxMBTl4rjAWxrGy7rsit5iLFPj2MyJhmSKo kg5iTKl6/yRGQM4XOh6rD/ADRYkAMbAFjyWx MBdTa3aVfWNYbE30kJb8PxiQ7XbSahaxgD/cpcd6xUKlBbO4PI38bQBEwr6ue3OwIt4wF5drNpzr6bMI6qeWR CJBtdtLdr1D2B/8df8ALFNRZVWZO38Ta0DM6FTlaYUzbiACPEQHR/5l2hdMzV9Sv3ZEuwH/AKwD7QY Rf02rIB1ORV8AsUEaUqZmqkYDXVR8INRKnElZx68uundAX1x/G3 tWVfIWIA/DA/lXHeFfVgciYrqyK2UqCB/Z1PfEnSyeAt1dGDAcspOQXM4zLbsyC/u1HjEIWVc55Shj9ZjbzF 68CFCljkAPV6tuw3vCmEkKVfKeuY1z3HWATvTObTGJ4EM Ud0KWJZYLSvTy/wB0VLHvI8odSEa7zSW9kux8CYMOQPrFSTwCn4QCEpcpDF519Mr mzeG6GXMgCJJfsDA28bw RphIM aTwAy38Fg1l30M2e1t5ZmPnpAAaicBldHa3Apb4xLLBbRpbqLX uXB174EycynKJpvvtb5Q2VperlkA4GYDbvAgJBLXOM13bqVLjv h7C2VkQgbwyp/vAejqPpGeaVOvqIG8LQXo2ZLoFN9SXSxPaQIA0VJYIBOUaEoMo iOYFuFly5cwDexcD4w4pWlt bl5SNWz/MWgzLVTdEAvuOVb GpgIHzndLcqeb5vCAylrdLTlhb1fUU/CLK9MDmCLlXfmUrr7xD9JMclVMljbUAknygGksqKLgSgOJQLbt sbQUyZIYABukPNDcE 4w4mTEUBVJtvtc AETiaXQFhM19kEWPvsYCHMzLcSJzqN6jf4j4wQUlCRSrLN73YB dfeIIFi9w03tZgDE2WeBdb25FmJgECej0mEMOCnT/XuhwpcBjIDD 0uo8IAGewN/VPIG/nrAEDNdZkxW 1fML90BYZlVbskxSOaG3gYE1WpuVHaIBCJZ jmIWI3TJj/ACiYVAA qvumNbygMy0 nB kmSly/wB4hPiYM11Ap kmraxP5xRu38Ywf7P7x MNif6LN7G8osSvQZU6glAlJwlnhdhru Y7xBCpoAf1hI9Y7jPXXTW148/Td/CvkIkO9P4vJoQrePWUVtcRlywBcgz5Y0Gl MFMq6WULHEJDa/9ypRe4D5R5u/6umf4f5xPI3H75/EYQr0FqykZgrz6Vh99Wt3sIgGK0CvY4pRoB7M WAO31owkr9LndsuMvUfpE37584RXsv5UwhHzDEaEHi3TS9fGD/LeE2scTolvu nQae6PE4UB7S2MYQAQlfRHr9Jli3jDLjuFAWWupL8/SR848XhQHsEzGsImzgzzqQkCwvPRvOJjjeFsAhraNRwy1KL5NH jMKA9nTG8JQW9Pp011K1Km/wDNeDXaHCicoxWnsd154BH81o8VhQHtpx7DCbjEaRmHtTkHjr5 xKmI0cyWOinUsy4uLEEHnraPDY3FD jyvuJ EQibrd lq11SVLLLa4RC1r7t26DLVDmwlEqGtZZjDW1 I5EGOPhH13934UjQ0f1x/ij/9whUC1aMudZvqDMC3T6XB1Fxy48oc4lSKbPXyVPI1Ec6v/wCmJ37h/wATR5RtF u6z95CGa//2Q==

01-01-2019, 09:48 AM
I would build a flying version of my 75% P-39 mockup that hangs in my hangar.

Vince Homer
EAA 292


02-08-2019, 10:16 AM
My dream project is to build the the Tucano Replica manufactured by Flying Legends out of Italy. It is a 76% scale down version of the Tucano Warbird used by a plethora of nations.
This project is actually going to be my next build. I guess if I had an unlimited budget, I would like to reproduce the P-38 at 60 % scale. That would be pretty cool

02-15-2019, 06:18 PM
Id build an exact replica of a JN-4 Jenny

05-08-2020, 07:12 PM
Have you started your Tucano project? I would like too see on in any form of completion.

05-09-2020, 05:12 AM
I have upgraded my 70% P-39 mock-up.
-Added stub wings with main gear legs and wheels
-Replaced the Mazda engine with a Buick/Rover 215 V-8
-Installed a Casales reduction unit in the nose
-Put on the doors.
-Repainted a chromate green

It's still just a mock-up and most likely won't get built any further than this. But, it does look better now.

I also put together a mock-up of the cockpit of an ME-262 in 55% scale. I should have made it 65% as it a bit tight. The ducted fan unit is currently under development.

Vince Homer


Baron von Tor
02-27-2022, 09:06 AM
Dig the P-39. Big money project for me would be a full scale Boeing P-12 or F4B.

On a more realistic note, it would be fun to do a modernized version of the old radically chopped Clipped Wind Cubs like the Meyers M-1, but with a composite cantilever wing.

02-28-2022, 07:47 AM
We still see Clip-wong Cubs competing in IAC Primary and Sportman. You can easily take a Wag-Aero Cub kit and build the most modern Clip-wing that you want.

Best of luck,


05-09-2023, 10:07 PM
Guess no one is dreaming anymore...

05-09-2023, 10:10 PM
Thinking I'd like a 15ac based four placed 220hp powered stol bird capable of 2 place light acro around 6-7+ & -3 to 4.

05-12-2023, 09:34 AM
The current generation buys rather than builds. For many it is easier to advance a professional career so that there is discretionary income to buy than to spend the 4000 hours building.

Best of luck,
