View Full Version : Flags, vets , airhows , athlestes

Bill Greenwood
09-28-2017, 10:32 AM
Some airshows open with jumpers bringing the American and other flags into show center, I think everyone likes it. I used to run a 10k road race through Boulder into the stadium where the had jumpers dropping in and f-16 fly bys etc, good spectecle, And when I say run, dont mean fast but there were about 5000 behind me.And you have to be good to drop into a closed football stadium. Lots of events start with a flag ceremony and nat anthem, and I think most people like it even if has been done many times. But now, as anyone who has seen the news knows, A few players do a silent non violent protest, a few at first but now widespread. The news yesterday reminded me of WWII movie where allied POWs had to stand in formation while Japanese flag was raised. My point is that standing as respect is only real respect if its voluntary, obvioulsy not for a POW. But if one stands just because of public pressure or fear of losing a job,thats not really respect. If a crowd gives a standing ovation, be it Bob Hoover or the cast of Hamilton that is respect. There was a football player, a vet, think he flew 2 helicopter tours in Afghan who was apologizing for standing for the anthum, when his teamates were indoors. He should not feel bad for dong what most have done for years and still do. One has the right to kneel or stand. Lots of opinions on both sides, some pretty rigid. There were two letters in the paper from widows of vet, one Pat Tillman who gave up a lucrative NFL career to go to Afghan and was killed there, and the other widow of the sniper the movie was about. Both ladies wrote polite reasonable letters but opposite, Mrs Tillman allowed for a protest, the other lady thought it was disrespect. The Indians are supposed to have a saying that might apply, before deciding "walk a mile in his moccasins." P S, on the 10K run people would wear the names of vets on their shirts, a lady next to me had WWII pilot Don Gentile, and I asked her about it and she said yes he was an uncle.

09-28-2017, 06:39 PM
Is there some reason why this forum lacks convenient access to the IGNORE feature?

09-28-2017, 06:51 PM
Click settings tab, then 'edit ignore list'.

09-28-2017, 08:20 PM
What, did someone say something?


09-28-2017, 11:48 PM
Is there some reason why this forum lacks convenient access to the IGNORE feature?
C'mon, Ron. If I gotta suffer, YOU gotta suffer......

Ron "I have the death ignore on 12 systems" Wanttaja

09-29-2017, 10:21 AM
No, no one has to suffer because of Bill Greenwood's nonsense. If you wish to suffer that's your perogative but I choose not to be subject to his crap which is a deliberate attempt to undermine, flaunt and violate the Forum rules. It's about this thread, the incoherent thread "Feed the Forum" under Marketplace and too many others.

If the Mods choose to ignore his non-aviation diatribes and not enforce the rules by not holding him accountable to them, then there are NO Rules for anyone else and this Forum should be allowed to become a free for all. That's only fair and equitable. It is hypocritical and counter intuitive to publish the forum rules manifesto here and then not enforce them with sanctions.

I do not think this is funny or amusing in the least. He's being permitted to continue his own self-absorbed, narcissistic, agenda and turn the Forum into a clown show. Because he's not being stopped!