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View Full Version : Equifax data breech

09-08-2017, 11:51 AM
They have acknowledged a data breech exposing over 140 MILLION people to potential identity theft.
here is a safe link to input your info.


I checked mine and thankfully was found to be OK.

Bill Greenwood
09-09-2017, 05:51 PM
That site is trying to sell something, to get you to enroll in their service, so I doubt if its on the level.

Bill Greenwood
09-09-2017, 06:12 PM
It seems like junk mail to me and asks for lots of personal information that I would never put online. If you info is not stolen yet, probably would be risking that.

09-10-2017, 01:01 PM
Check out this Slashdot article (https://yro.slashdot.org/story/17/09/10/0128214/techcrunch-equifax-hack-checking-web-site-is-returning-random-results) that says the Equifax hack-checking site is returning random results.

Jeff Point
09-10-2017, 05:01 PM
Come on guys, how is this an appropriate topic for this forum?

09-10-2017, 07:21 PM
Hmmm... What DO people talk about when sitting around the hangar? Perhaps a wide variety of subjects?

09-10-2017, 07:38 PM
"how is this an appropriate topic for this forum?"

Hi Jeff, I took the Hangar Talk Sub-Forum's description mentioning "What's in the news" to mean that current news items like say weather conditions in Houston during Harvey, N Korea missile tests, John McCain's health and yes even the recent Equifax fiasco were all fair game.

If I misunderstand the Hangar Talk concept I am not too proud to learn what IS appropriate to discuss.

09-11-2017, 04:08 AM
Come on guys, how is this an appropriate topic for this forum?

How many could buy an Airplane or aviation parts if they loss their credit rating or Identity? But Like Randy states, if you look at Hangar talk and what is allowed, why is this not a good topic or any topic not a good topic for this forum? Under hangar talk I could speak about anything, its called hangar talk. These conversations do not have to be aviation related.

But I ask, why do you believe you need to police this forum?

Jeff Point
09-11-2017, 06:14 AM
Forum: Hangar Talk

General commentary about aviation, what's in the news, experiences, etc. (emphasis mine.)

But I ask, why do you believe you need to police this forum?

I don't usually, but for some reason this post just struck me. This business of ours (aviation) is, for all its burdensome regulations, still largely self-policed by everyone involved. For the same reason that I would speak to a pilot that I witnessed doing something unsafe or just foolish- because we owe it to each other to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow every now and again.

This is supposed to be an aviation-related forum. I will leave the nuances of precisely what is and is not allowed to the real moderators. If this topic is deemed within the scope of EAA Forums, so be it.

09-11-2017, 07:24 AM
Most of the MANY forums in which I participate on a wide variety of interests have a 'Catch-All', 'Back Room' or 'Lounge' sub-forum where members can chat about most any topic on the planet, even religion and politics, as long as they maintain the code of conduct established by the forum owners. I honestly and innocently thought that was what Hangar Talk implied.


I take NO offense if indeed only aviation related subject matter is allowed onto this EAA board and the Moderators opt to delete my recent posting. I do belong to one other forum where they specifically deny and delete any and all posts not 100% subject related. IMHO they are a bunch of self-important snobs at that other place so I generally don't post much there though I still lurk since the subject matter is of personal interest.

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 09:17 AM
Jeff, have you tried just not reading a topic if it doesn't appeal to you or fit you narrow definition of what should be on this forum?
A lot of things may be of interest to others here. Censorship is the hallmark of closed minds in the small world and closed countries or societies in the larger world. Pretty much throughout history one of the first acts of a repressive govt is to suppress freedom of expression of all kinds. This topic may help some people, might even save them some money that can be spent on aviation and it's not like this topic is going to crowd out any of the ones on homebuiding that seem more basic.
This is not my topic on id theft, but it really may help people, and is a bit related to aviation, in that I ll bet lots of pilots here shop online, ( I dont) so they give their personal and financial info out online or use ATMs. I know gas station pumps are one source of ids being stolen, dont know if that includes av gas pumps.

09-11-2017, 09:38 AM
Most of the MANY forums in which I participate on a wide variety of interests have a 'Catch-All', 'Back Room' or 'Lounge' sub-forum where members can chat about most any topic on the planet, even religion and politics, as long as they maintain the code of conduct established by the forum owners. I honestly and innocently thought that was what Hangar Talk implied.

The forum rules state:

The EAA Forums Forums are strictly for aviation related posts. Through much discussion and observation of other online forums, the decision was made to focus solely on aviation. Non-aviation discussions can be exceedingly challenging to moderate in an appropriate, open and positive way. Although non-aviation discussions can sometimes be fun, important or entertaining, they are discouraged from EAA Forums and may be removed.

Note the key phrases... "strictly for aviation related posts"..."solely on aviation".

Sure, anyone with three-and-a-half brain cells can warp a subject to add an aviation veneer ("A good laxative will make you fit to fly!"), but that's certainly not the intent of the rules.

The big difference this forum and others is that this one is under the EAA corporate aegis. EAA can be held legally liable for what is posted here. This isn't just theoretical...such lawsuits do happen. I've been sued for things I've posted, and if I'd posted them to the EAA Forum, EAA would probably have been named as a co-defendant.

That's why EAA moderates these forums, and why some threads lately have just quietly disappeared (think I hadn't noticed, Hal? :-)

Ron "Not guilty, your honor" Wanttaja

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 09:51 AM
Baloney, Ron, if Randys post is deleted it wont be anything to do with EAA being sued. If you think EAA has ever lost a suit over a posts by someone outside of EAA, lets have the info or if there even was such a suit. By the way if you bring a frivolous suit against EAA or anyone else and lose the court will almost always award legal cost to the winning side. So before you start whining be prepared to pay for attourney fees for those who are winning.
Ron, why are you and many so scared of other people expressing an opinion, and to hide behind the claim of a lawsuit?
I havent had major id theft, had minor ones twice on credit cards, but I know someone it happened to and was a major pain. Ron if you get a chance to go through that you may learn a new attitude towards others suffering.

09-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Sorry, but I'm with Jeff and Ron on this one. It's totally unrelated to aviation in any way, shape or form. "Hangar talk" or no... I've heard a lot of things discussed in hangars that would be completely inappropriate for this forum too.

I don't know or really care if the topic will get deleted, and I have no intention of engaging in an extended debate about it. But it's an EAA forum for aviation related topics. There's always Reddit or Facebook or hundreds of other sites to talk about stuff that is in no way related to aviation. That's my opinion, and if you disagree I'll refund every penny you paid me for it.

09-11-2017, 10:25 AM
Baloney, Ron, if Randys post is deleted it wont be anything to do with EAA being sued. If you think EAA has ever lost a suit over a forum posts by someone outside of EAA, lets have the info or if there even was such a suit. By the way if you bring a frivolous suit against EAA or anyone else and lose the court will almost always award legal cost to the winning side. So before you start whining be prepared to pay for attourney fees for those who are winning.

One only can recover legal fees if the suit goes to court. A litigant can tie you up for years without the case ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. I was served in 1998, and the case was finally dismissed about six years later. Never went to trial. All sides responsible for their own legal fees. Fortunately, one of my co-defendants was an attorney. No legal expenses, and he got me dismissed fairly early.

Personally, I'd like to see EAA use our dues to further aviation...not provide employment for lawyers.

Ron, why are you and many so scared of other people expressing an opinion.....

Because I believe in following my hosts' rules. If I'm in an area that bans eating or drinking, I don't eat or drink. If I'm in an area where a sign says "Quiet," I don't start belting out Gilbert and Sullivan (no promises, at other times). If I'm in someone's house and they demand I worship the Great God Fizniap to remain, I politely excuse myself and depart. The EAA has clearly defined rules as to acceptable content, and I try to abide by them.

It's part of an obsolete concept called, "Being a Gentleman."

If you want unlimited topics in an aviation forum, try http://www.pilotspin.com/.

Ron "Wear your asbestos jodhpurs" Wanttaja

09-11-2017, 10:29 AM
I don't know or really care if the topic will get deleted...
Oh, I doubt they'll delete this one. But there have been one or two others that I saw on my mobile device but had disappeared by the time I got onto my desktop to reply.
Here, at most, I expect the equivalent of a Cheech and Chong bailiff instruction.....

Ron "Whack" Wanttaja

09-11-2017, 10:56 AM
Ron, thanks for the enlightenment - I admit I hadn't read this forum's fine print before or since I joined.

Mods - Please delete this (my last) non-aviation related thread.

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Ron, so you are not able to provide an facts about EAA having ever lost a suit re someones elses posting nor even if there was ever such a suit? Your claim, is hollow. Being a gentleman is more than just being quiet. Ill bet the FAA loved you when they were stomping on Bob Hoover, were you one of the real quiet ones? So answer this, what if we wrote something libelous on the site? Would it make any difference of the subject? Truth is a defense to a libel charge, but what if we wrote " I saw famous movie star pilot ***** intoxicated at Acey at 2 am before he was driving away". Or what if I wrote the same thing except" and he got in his plane and took off". And what if both were false and famous person can prove he was in London at that time? Doesnt matter if the topic is driving or flying , it is the substance or truth that determines any risk. I am not a lawyer, but my Son is. and I have taken law courses. A true gentleman is not only honest re money, but has integrity in statements etc. Thus saying you dont like someone else opinion on a forum is one thing but hiding behind some legal scare tactic is a smokescreen.
I think you do accident investigation, no? If you wrote a pilot negligently crashed a plane, or a driver negligently crashed a car, no difference , still must be true to avoid liability. Lots of pilots write of others who make errors on Fisk approach or fly too low over crowds, no lawsuit results.

09-11-2017, 11:46 AM
Ron, so you are not able to provide an facts about EAA having ever lost a suit re someones elses posting nor even if there was ever such a suit?
Never claimed EAA had. Like most modern corporations, though, EAA must balance benefits vs. potential liabilities. These Forums are a service EAA offers us; a service that actually provides zero benefit to EAA. They get to set the rules, and no doubt the desire to minimize their legal liability plays a factor.

Being a gentleman is fine, but its more than just being quiet. Ill bet the FAA loved you when they were stomping on Bob Hoover, were you one of the ones who wanted to be real quiet?
Nope. But I didn't register my objections at Sunday School sessions, PTA meetings, or auto-club swap meets. I posted my objections in open-subject aviation newsgroups, and by financially contributing to his defense.

Here's my proof. Now, post yours.

Whether or not EAA would win a lawsuit is irrelevant. Having to defend against one would be expensive, and even if they won, they wouldn't automatically get their expenses back. They'd have to countersue, and would have to prove that the plaintiff never did have a valid suit.

EAA wishes to avoid that. The Forums give them zero benefit; I'm sure the legal department allows them to exist only if they do not create a legal liability. How real that liability is, I don't know, but lawyers tend to be cautious.

Years ago, there were a series of Internet Newsgroups for Boeing employees. Ran for ~20 years, until the company lawyers found out about it. They shut them down permanently within a day.

Ron "It's entirely innocent I am!" Wanttaja

09-11-2017, 11:49 AM
Ron, thanks for the enlightenment - I admit I hadn't read this forum's fine print before or since I joined.
I don't blame you. The forum rules are fairly well hidden. Hal pointed them out to me, a few months back. I had no idea. :-)

Ron "It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.'” Wanttaja

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 11:58 AM
Lets try one more time Ron, what is the difference to EAA if someone posts something false non aviation, famous person driving drunk vs famous person flying drunk? If real liabiity is not your issue is it jealousy?
Dont know where you get "these forums give them zero benifit."" I personally find the forums a major benefit and Airventure is only a week per year, I use and enjoy and try to learn from the fourms year round. I may have some strong opinions on lots of things, but I dont think I ever have and hope never to try to restrict others opinions even if I disagree with them. I hope Im a person open to hearing both sides and I have a little less respect for those who dont. I m aware that a lot of people give lip service to the 1st amendment but fear to really live that way.
I was once on a forum that claimed to be aviation related, only those topics accepted. Lots of interesting people, but in truth the largest topic with the most posts was a conserative one often in the news nothing to do with flying. A friend even showed me a recent topic there which was a man bragging about beating a 3 year old child with a stick, NOT MAKING THIS UP at all, he can find the post.

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 12:24 PM
Ron there is another issue related to this. If you or Jeff get up every morning bent on censoring anyone on the fourm who's not pure enough, it is not that far removed from the same kind of thinking where a neighbor at Santa Monica or Meigs sees other people out having fun and makes it his business to stop them.

09-11-2017, 12:28 PM
Lets try one more time Ron, what is the difference to EAA if someone posts something false non aviation, famous person driving drunk vs famous person flying drunk? If real liabiity is not your issue is it jealousy?

Again, the point is that they ARE the rules. I've tried to explain why EAA has these content rules, but it really doesn't matter. As we used to tell people who complained about the radio station I used to deejay for, "Your radio has two knobs. One changes the channel, and the other turns it off. If one doesn't help, I suggest you try the other." If you don't like the rules, either convince EAA to change them or go elsewhere.

Dont know where you get "these forums give them zero benifit."" I personally find the forums a major benefit and Airventure is only a week per year, I use and enjoy and try to learn from the fourms year round.

Re-read what I said: "These forums give THEM zero benefit." Having the forums doesn't increase EAA's membership, political clout, Airventure attendance, or financial bottom line. It's a service offered to membership, at the cost of some server space (trivial) and a salaried individual to moderate the groups (cost depends on whether that's their only function).

Assume there's a tree down the street, with nice juicy apples, and the owner has a sign saying "Take one." You might consider being able to pick a fresh fruit every time you walk by to be a major benefit, but the owner of the tree doesn't see any advantage in your use of his tree. And, if you ever sue him because you found a worm in an apple.....

Ron "with anyone else but me" Wanttaja

09-11-2017, 12:43 PM
Ron there is another issue related to this. If you or Jeff get up every morning bent on censoring anyone on the fourm who's not pure enough, it is not that far removed from the same kind of thinking where a neighbor at Santa Monica or Meigs sees other people out having fun and makes it his business to stop them.
Look up the definition of "censor" some time...you'll see that neither Jeff nor I am capable of it, in these forums.

Your claim that Meigs was closed because someone resented someone else having fun is laughable. It was money, pure and simple, the same thing that's threatening Santa Monica. People think they'll make more money without the airport.

Ron Wanttaja

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 12:48 PM
I didnt expect you to answer the question and my expectations were met. As to your advice to "go elsewhere" I m trying to stay polite on this forum even to those who are not. I used to think it might be interesting to meet you, but dont think wed have much in common. If you were in the EAA management you might be able to push out those who dont see it your way.

Bill Greenwood
09-11-2017, 12:57 PM
Nowhere did I write that Meigs was closed for that reason, those are your words. It s one thing to judge what others should write on a forum but it goes over any line of honesty when you misquote them to try to make a point.
Im not an expert on Meigs but far as I know there is a park there not any money making spot.
I think jealousy can certainly play a part in public complaints about an airport or race track or golf course or someone else posting on a forum.
Do you help guard a lot of other forums?

09-11-2017, 02:27 PM
Nowhere did I write that Meigs was closed for that reason, those are your words.

Your words, post #22: "...the same kind of thinking where a neighbor at Santa Monica or Meigs sees other people out having fun and makes it his business to stop them"

Ron Wanttaja

Sam Oleson
09-11-2017, 03:16 PM
Alright, closing this thread down. There is some flexibility to threads when it concerns aviation (i.e. there should be a legitimate tie to aviation but it doesn't have to strictly be 100% about aviation), but this one has run its course. Thanks!