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View Full Version : Where'd all the cement benches go?

07-27-2017, 06:20 AM
Several years ago, a gracious spouse of a member donated a bunch of $$$ to install the cement benches. It seems they've now been greatly reduced in prescence. None at all around hangars A and C. None along Celebration Way except at the entrance. None along Knapp by the forums. (Well a few in the middle).

Whatzup? Someone getting a little sporty with the forklift and crunch them? Or just not enough attention to detail when planning their locations?

I have a bad back. The wood benches just kill me. I guess it's the angle of the backrest. I can sit on a concrete bench for 5 mins and be good to go.

07-27-2017, 05:03 PM
There are a large number of concrete benches along Whitman Road. They run from ultralights to Vintage to homebuilts. Must be well over 100 of them.

07-28-2017, 08:08 AM
Yeah; no prob finding them there. As I perhaps poorly stated, they just weren't evenly distributed as in years past.