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View Full Version : New FREE FB Pilot Group

05-14-2017, 07:28 PM

Hi guys! I'm helping a buddy set up a FB page just for pilots and aviation related stuff. It's called the Pilot Shopping Network.

It's free to join. Like/follow the group on FB and you'll be able to advertise any aviation related things you have, for free. You'll also see hundreds of other members postings and sale items with deep discounts.

Again, it's totally freeeeeeee, he doesn't make a dime! Hope to see you there.

05-15-2017, 06:00 AM
I don't want to be mean or negative here. But kinda what this site is for. There are many FB pages related to Aviation and I believe everyone today is connected to FB. I myself try to promote the EAA or Experimental side of Aviation. Most and I was one of these people, believe aviation is only for the rich, Experimental throws that way of thinking out the window. This is another story, my point...Get on FB and promote this club or page your buddy has started. You will get a huge following fast. While you do this..Promote the EAA. It's more then just a place to chat.. See you at Oshkosh.


05-15-2017, 06:14 AM
...and I believe everyone today is connected to FB.

Not everyone -- I avoid that stuff, and I know a few others who do, too.

05-15-2017, 07:07 AM
There are many FB pages related to Aviation and I believe everyone today is connected to FB.
Definitely not everyone. That particular page can't be even even partially seen without logging into FB. Even the ones that can, are half covered by a box nagging you to sign up for Facebook. So... Facebook URLs get ignored here.

Aside from that I agree with Tony's point. Why push Facebook groups on the EAA forum?? Why not try to promote EAA on Facebook instead?

05-15-2017, 08:01 AM
and I believe everyone today is connected to FB.


Not me and proudly. The world's population is 7 billion. FB has a little over 1 billion subscribers so clearly not "everyone".

05-16-2017, 06:41 AM
Not me and proudly. The world's population is 7 billion. FB has a little over 1 billion subscribers so clearly not "everyone".

I believe you missed the point. Just by your stats....more on this platform then most any other.


05-16-2017, 06:49 AM
........There are many FB pages related to Aviation and I believe everyone today is connected to FB........

I guess if you're on FB and have been for years it would seem this way. I'll never sign up for something that reminds me how much I hated the high school social scene. That they (FB) feel they need to partially block their content to force you to sign up makes it that much worse.

05-16-2017, 07:31 AM
I guess if you're on FB and have been for years it would seem this way. I'll never sign up for something that reminds me how much I hated the high school social scene. That they (FB) feel they need to partially block their content to force you to sign up makes it that much worse.

If you have never been on FB how do you know this? I am on FB and see nothing of my High school. I had to go looking for this info or site. I don't fill out things like where did you go to school. Who in the heck cares unless you are tracking someone. But many things today do this not just FB. IMHO most are on FB for family and friends who do not live close by. FB is like life. It is what you make of it.


05-16-2017, 08:52 AM
You need to read what I wrote Tony. I said it reminded me of the high school social scene I disliked so much and I never said anything about how much I had seen of it in the past. I had seen some of the content years ago -- before the nag screen effectively blocked the view and I didn't see a fit. Now I stay away from FB almost completely because its a PITA to deal with and I don't like being strong-armed into signing up. If people want to use it exclusively they have to realize only some of the internet users will be able to access what they post.

05-16-2017, 09:50 AM
I believe you missed the point. Just by your stats....more on this platform then most any other.


I assure you I did not miss the point.

You, however, appear to ALWAYS make wild, unsubstantiated claims and generalizations unsupported by a smidgeon of evidence. And when that's pointed out to you, you ALWAYS comeback with responses that obfuscate and are totally unrelated to the actual words that you yourself originally wrote. Case in point: exactly what you said above in the quote. You NEVER compared the number of subscribers on different social media sites in your original post. You only stated that "everyone" is on FB. Do you comprehend what I'm saying to you. I'm sure I'VE made my point.

05-19-2017, 08:51 PM
Personally, I don't see why someone would want to put up info on FB, thereby depriving everyone not using it from being able to participate. We have this wonderful, free, and open thing called "the internet".