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View Full Version : Best Countires survey

Bill Greenwood
03-21-2017, 10:14 AM
There is a survey just out of "best" countries in the world, to be more accurate. where people are happiest, and it is interesting and maybe surprising. And whats aviation like in these? Its Norway number 1 then Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherlands. So these are all cold weather northern places, it that a key or just coincidence? Most are Scandinavian type, and smaller, not so much like the U S. Canada is next at no. 7 and is likely closest to U S, both in distance and style.Canada of course has private and gen aviation, but perhhaps not as much as U S. Far as I know there is not a lot of private gen aviation in these top 4 or 5., maybe some glider flying? My guess, not being expert on them is that they have a more homogeneous population, and thus more agreement on how the govt should operate. I think they all have govt provided medical care, and education, and people may agree on taxes to support this. Iceland is a surproise to me, but then I dont know it, just the name seems cold and unwelcoming. Norway has the advantage of having oil wealth so that per capita income in $100,000 per resident! And these countries pretty much stay peacful. US ranks 14th, one of the negatives was that we have such a stratified society, such an economic gap from top to bottom. The saddest places are Somalia, Syria, etc. places that are hot climate and poor, and of course often war torn. Another surprise is that Israel ranks about 12, I think it was and with all their conflict with hostile neighbors is still above the U S. So U S at 14 out of 150 countries is good but not quite as high as most people might think.

03-21-2017, 11:50 AM
Canada of course has private and gen aviation, but perhhaps not as much as U S.

I would argue we have more freedom to fly than the USA.
We have simpler ultralight regs. It is easier to become an ultralight instructor. Granted our ultralights are a 80 lbs lighter than yours but mostly no one cares. By my read the govt doesn't get as involved as yours
And,, we have OM. This is a big deal in making g flying affordable. No govt oversight (gasp) on most general aircraft types. A lot less class B and C airspace, but that's geography.
The only thing we don't have is Oshkosh.

03-21-2017, 12:36 PM
And,, we have OM. This is a big deal in making g flying affordable. No govt oversight (gasp) on most general aircraft types.

Ray, does TC have any data on how many airplanes are in the OM category?

Bill Greenwood
03-21-2017, 04:58 PM
What is OM? I have flown in Canada several times. but not in the last 10 years, or so. It was no hassle other than some weather delays. No govt problems. They love classic and warbird planes, lots of patriotism there.You could pretty much take an American and put him or her in Canada and feel right at home. Probably more so than England.I have not been to Australia but I guess that it is also similar to America in many ways, but not sure there is as much gen av as we have here. I think the Aussies were just ahead of U S on the survey.Both the Aussies and Canadians are know to enjoy a good beer. Here's an Ausie story. A guy got a job to drive shuttle van in Vail to and from the airport which is about 22 miles out of town at Eagle. He arrived and was told he had the afternoon off an to report to work in the morning. So time to go out with his mates and have beer or two or five or six. They are enjoyng themselves when they see a small overpass about 20 feet high about a big pile of snow, so they decide to jump off the overpass into the snow. Unfortunaley the pile was a foot of snow over a pile of dirt, resuling in being banged up and a trip to the emergency room. The employer is called in asked the young man, "You've been here 3 hours and have already drunk a six pack and had to go to the hospital. What do you call that?" The young Aussie, still not quite sober and full of fun, answers. "A good start?'

03-21-2017, 06:56 PM
What is OM?

In Canada, certain standard certificated airplanes are eligible for re-classification into an "Owner Maintained" category where the owner does his own maintenance with very generous airworthiness standards, sorta like we maintain homebuilts in the US.

(Oh shoot, I just implied homebuilts are airworthy......)